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Black Cara - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—11 из 11.
  • AL05 - Murder in Clichy
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • Praise for the Aim?e Leduc series: “The buzz . . . is partly about her heroine’s hip, next-generation, cutting-edge investigations and partly about Paris, a setting of unrivaled charm.”—Houston Chronicle “If the cobblestones could talk, they might tell a tale as haunting as the one Cara Black spins.” —The New York Times Book Review “Will have readers on pins and needles.”—San Francisco Chronicle “One of the best new writers in the field today.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review) “Conveys vividly those layers of history that make the stones of Paris sing for so many ...
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  • AL06 - Murder in Montmartre
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • Praise for the Aim?e Leduc series:"If you've always wanted to visit Paris, skip the air fare and read Cara Black . . . instead."--Val McDermid"Fine characters, good suspense, but, best of all, they are transcendentally, seductively, irresistibly French. If you can't go, these will do fine. Or, better, go and bring them with you."--Alan Furst"She makes Paris come alive as no one else has since Georges Simenon."--Stuart Kaminsky"If you've never been to Paris, or you'd like to go back soon, let Cara Black transport you there."--Linda Fairstein"Charming. . . . Aim?e is one of those blithe spirits who can walk you through the city's historical streets and byways with their eyes closed."--Aim?e's childhood friend, Laure, is a policewoman. Her partner, Jacques, has set up a meeting in Montmartre with an informer. When Laure reluctantly goes along as backup, Jacques is lured...
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  • AL07 - Murder on the Ile Saint-Louis
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • Praise for the Aim?e Leduc series:"One of the best heroines in crime fiction."--Lee Child"The Parisienne Kinsey Millhone."--"One of the best new writers in the field today."--(starred review)"Haunting."--Aim?e is faced with a tight deadline on a computer security contract when a telephone call from a stranger leads her to an abandoned infant. She brings the baby to her home and names her Stella. She expects the mother to reclaim the child, but days pass as Aim?e tries in vain to discover her identity. Her partner, Ren?, urges her to turn the baby over to the authorities, but for Aim?e this is too close to her own abandonment by her mother.The search brings her among ecological protesters and oil company tycoons, newspapermen and would-be actresses, as demonstrators near her home on the Ile...
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  • Asesinato en Belleville
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La tensi?n crece en el barrio obrero de Belleville cuando se intensifica una huelga de hambre en protesta contra las estrictas leyes de inmigraci?n. Aim?e Leduc se salva por los pelos de morir en un atentado con coche bomba mientras persigue a terroristas entre nacionalistas argelinos y fundamentalistas isl?micos que conforman una red clandestina norteafricana en Par?s. Desde que Simenon escribiese las novelas de Maigret, nadie hab?a hecho unas novelas polic?acas tan parisinas como las de Cara Black; pasear por las calles de Belleville de la mano de Aim?e Leduc te transportar? a los rincones m?s rec?nditos de la Ciudad de la Luz.
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  • Asesinato en Montmartre
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Al intentar salvar a una amiga de la ni?ez (ahora polic?a) de ser acusada de asesinato, Aim?e se cruza en el camino de los personajes m?s curiosos de Montmartre: separatistas corsos radicales, g?nsteres, los Servicios de Seguridad, prostitutas, descendientes de artistas y otros bohemios… Identificar al verdadero asesino acerca a Aim?e a la resoluci?n del misterio que rodea la muerte de su propio padre, unos a?os antes, en una explosi?n en la plaza Vend?me, una muerte que todav?a acecha sus pensamientos. No descansar? hasta que descubra qui?n fue el responsable.
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  • Asesinato En Paris
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cara Black se ha forjado un renombre con las novelas que narran las aventuras de la detective Leduc, ambientadas en Par?s. En sus p?ginas se puede disfrutar de La Ciudad de la Luz como si se paseara por sus calles. Es la serie de la que se habla en toda Europa.Un misterioso rabino se acerca a Aime? Leduc, detective parisina medio francesa y medio americana, y le pide que descifre una fotograf?a codificada de cincuenta a?os de antig?edad y se la haga llegar a una mujer en el Marais, el viejo barrio ...
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  • Murder at the Lanterne Rouge
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • Aim?e Leduc is happy her long-time business partner Ren? has found a girlfriend. Really, she is. It's not her fault if she can't suppress her doubts about the relationship; Ren? is moving way too fast, and Aim?e's instincts tell her Meizi, this supposed love of Ren?'s life, isn't trustworthy. And her misgivings may not be far off the mark: Meizi disappears during a Chinatown dinner to take a phone call and never comes back to the restaurant. Minutes later, the body of a young man, a science prodigy and volunteer at the nearby Mus?e, is found shrink-wrapped in an alleyway--with Meizi's photo in his wallet.Aim?e does not like this scenario one bit, but she can't figure out how the murder is connected to Meizi's disappearance. The dead genius was sitting on a discovery that has France's secret service keeping tabs on him. Now they're keeping tabs on Aim?e. A missing young woman, an illegal immigrant raid in progress,...
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  • Murder in the Marais
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • A new mystery series set in Paris introduces intrepid detective Aime Leduc.It is November 1993 and the French prime ministerial candidate is about to sign a treaty with Germany that will severely restrict immigration, reminiscent of the Vichy laws. Aime Leduc is approached by a rabbi to decipher a fifty-year-old encrypted photograph and place it in the hands of Lili Stein. When she arrives at Lili's apartment in the Marais, the old Jewish quarter of Paris, she finds a corpse in whose forehead is carved a swastika. With the help of her partner, a dwarf with extraordinary computer ...
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