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Brennan Allison - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—21 из 21.

  • Fear No Evil
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In cyberspace, no one can hear you scream.Instead of preparing for her high school graduation, Lucy Kincaid is facing a vicious execution. Lured by an online predator, she’s destined to die horribly-live on the Internet-while hundreds of heartless viewers watch and vote on the method of her slaughter. Her family’s only hope rests with Kate Donovan, an FBI agent who took on the same sadistic killer once before… and lost. Blamed for another girl’s gruesome murder, Kate’s been fighting to clear her name. But she agrees to join the hunt for Lucy-and reluctantly steps back into her worst nightmare.With time running out before the bloody webcast airs, Kate teams up with forensic psychiatrist Dillon Kincaid to get inside the head of her twisted quarry, zero in on his chamber of horrors, and reach Lucy before grim history repeats itself and another innocent’s brutal death goes hideously live.Face the fear. Speak its name. See its face.
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  • La Caza
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • S?lo hay una cosa que Miranda no puede perdonarse a s? misma: haber sobrevivido. Doce a?os atr?s, consigui? escapar de las manos del asesino conocido como El carnicero, pero al hacerlo tuvo que dejar atr?s a otras v?ctimas como ella, atrapadas, torturadas y asesinadas por un s?dico que siempre ha ido un paso por delante de la polic?a. Ahora, vuelve a actuar. Miranda ya no es la presa, sino el cazador: sabe que atraparlo es la ?nica manera de volver a encontrar la paz. Pero para ello tendr? que reencontrarse con Quinn, el hombre que la ayud? a superar el miedo y, tambi?n, el que la traicion? cuando m?s lo necesitaba. Ahora los dos se enfrentan a la m?s perversa mente criminal… pero tambi?n a unos sentimientos que han intentado enterrar durante a?os.
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  • La presa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cuando Rowan dej? el FBI para dedicarse a escribir novelas de suspense, crey? que comenzaba una vida mucho m?s tranquila y relajada. Se equivocaba: un asesino en serie est? recreando en sus v?ctimas los cr?menes de los libros que ella ha escrito, paso por paso, fundiendo realidad y ficci?n en una pesadilla de la que la joven no puede escapar. Forzada a aceptar la protecci?n del equipo formado por los hermanos John y Michael, Rowan se da cuenta de que la clave para encontrar al asesino est? oculta en su propio pasado, en una ...
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  • Speak No Evil
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Silence is deadly.The murder of eighteen-year-old Angie Vance was exceptionally vile – her mouth was sealed with glue, an obscenity was scrawled across her skin, and she was suffocated in a garbage bag. The killing seems personal, so police detective Carina Kincaid focuses her efforts on the victim’s much older ex-boyfriend, Steve Thomas. But without physical evidence, Carina can't make a collar or a case. She also can’t stop Sheriff Nick Thomas, the prime suspect’s brother, from conducting his own unwelcome investigation.Though Nick is still scarred and unsteady from a recent confrontation with ...
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  • The Hunt
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Touched by a killer, she feels the fire of revenge. Twelve years ago, Miranda Moore miraculously survived the torture of a serial killer who was never caught. Since then, Miranda, a former FBI trainee and now a member of a local search-and-rescue squad, has witnessed with horror the recovery of the mutilated bodies of seven young women, all victims of her tormentor, known as The Butcher. When another beautiful Montana college student goes missing, the Feds get involved, and an agent, a man Miranda once trusted with her heart, arrives to take over the investigation – forcing her toward a painful choice. Now, while Miranda battles her demons, while friends, lovers, and traitors are caught up in a frantic race against time, a killer hides in plain sight – waiting to finish the one hunt he has left undone. After the hunt, go in for the kill.
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  • The Kill
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Her worst nightmare brought back to life, she risks everything for a second shot at justice.For thirty years, FBI scientist Olivia St. Martin has lived with guilt and one abiding certainty – that while she wasn’t able to save her sister’s life, she did testify and helped to convict the rapist and killer. When shocking new evidence exonerates the man Olivia is sure she saw abduct her sister, she breaks every rule in the book to uncover the truth.Driven by the possibility that she put the wrong man behind bars, Olivia discovers that a ...
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  • The Prey
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • First, she imagined it. Then a killer made it real.Rowan Smith is living in a borrowed Malibu beach house while her bestselling novel is made into a Hollywood movie. A former FBI agent with a haunted past, Rowan thinks she has outrun her demons. But fiction and reality collide when a dismembered body is found in Colorado: the real-life victim had the same name, occupation, and looks as a character in Rowan’s novel. By the time the FBI, the LAPD, and her own private bodyguard gather around her, another person is killed – again, the murder ripped from the pages of Rowan’s book.In the company of a former Delta Force officer with secrets of his own, Rowan faces an excruciating dilemma: the only way to chase down the tormenting killer is by revisiting the darkness of her past – and by praying for some way out again.After the prey is chosen, the hunt is on and the kill is certain.
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