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Brooks Terry - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—6 из 6.
  • Druid Shannary
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Cztery krainy z wolna umieraj?, nie mog?c si? obroni? przed tajemniczymi, potwornymi cieniowcami. Walker Boh, w?adaj?cy magi? potomek Shannary, ma za zadanie przywr?ci? do ?ycia Paranor, dawn? wartowni? druid?w. Potrzebny mu jest do tego Czarny Kamie? Elf?w, kt?ry znajduje si? w r?kach Uhl Belka, pragn?cego ca?y ?wiat przemieni? w kamienn? pustyni?. W niebezpiecznej wyprawie Walkerowi towarzysz?: Morgan Leah, kt?rego magiczny Miecz zosta? niegdy? z?amany, O?ywcza, c?rka Kr?la Srebrnej Rzeki, oraz Ell, agent cieniowc?w. Czy ekspedycja ma szanse powodzenia?
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  • The Sword of Shannara
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Long ago, the wars of the ancient Evil had ruined the world and forced mankind to compete with many other races — gnomes, trolls, dwarfs, and elves. But in peaceful Shady Vale, half–elfin Shea Ohmsford knew little of such troubles. Then came the giant, forbidding Allanon, possessed of strange Druidic powers, to reveal that the supposedly dead Warlock Lord was plotting to destroy the world. The sole weapon against this Power of Darkness was the Sword of Shannara, which could be used only by a true heir of Shannara. On Shea, last of the bloodline, rested the hope of all the races. Soon a Skull Bearer, dread minion of Evil, flew into the Vale, seeking to destroy Shea. To save the Vale, Shea fled, drawing the Skull Bearer after him …
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  • The Wishsong of Shannara
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Horror stalked the Four Lands as the Ildatch, ancient source of evil,stirred to new life, sending its ghastly Mord Wraiths to destroyMankind. To win through the vile growth that protected the Ildatch, the DruidAllanon needed Brin Ohmsford -- for she alone held the magic power ofthe wishsong, which could make plants bloom instantly or turn treesfrom green to autumn gold. Reluctantly Brin joined the Druid on hisperilous journey. Then Brin's younger brother Jair learned from themysterious King of the Silver River that Brin was doomed - unless Jaircould reach her in time! So Jair set out through the very heart of evil. And ahead, the Ildatchwaited, nursing its plans to trap Brin into a fate far more horriblethan death!
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