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Bryson Bill - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—5 из 5.
  • A short history of nearly everything
  • Жанр: Физика
  • A Short History of Nearly Everything is a general science book by Bill Bryson, which explains some areas of science in ordinary language. It was the bestselling popular science book of 2005 in the UK, selling over 300,000 copies. A Short History deviates from Bryson's popular travel book genre, instead describing general sciences such as chemistry, paleontology, astronomy, and particle physics. In it, he explores time from the Big Bang to the discovery of quantum mechanics, via evolution and geology. Bryson tells the story of science through the stories of the people who made the discoveries, such as Edwin Hubble, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein. Bill Bryson wrote this book because he was dissatisfied with his scientific knowledge – that was, not much at all. He writes that science was a distant, unexplained subject at school. Textbooks and teachers alike did not ignite the passion for knowledge in him, mainly because they never delved in the whys, hows, and whens.
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  • Eine kurze Geschichte von fast allem
  • Жанр: Научная литература: прочее
  • Wie gro? ist eigentlich das Universum? Was wiegt unsere Erde? Und wie ist das ?berhaupt m?glich – die Erde zu wiegen? Auf diese und viele andere Fragen hat Bestsellerautor Bill Bryson in der Schule nie Antworten erhalten. Nun hat er sich selbst auf die Suche nach ihnen gemacht und dabei eine atemberaubende Reise durch Raum und Zeit angetreten. Dabei entstand ein faktenreiches, kluges und dabei h?chst vergn?gliches Buch ?ber die Wunder der Welt – geschrieben mit all dem Witz und Charme, die Bryson zu einem der beliebtesten Sachbuchautoren unserer Zeit gemacht haben!Die Originalausgabe erschien 2003 unter dem Titel »A Short History of Nearly Everything« bei Broadway Books, NewYorkAus dem Amerikanischen von Sebastian Vogel
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  • Shakespeare: The World as Stage
  • Жанр: Культурология
  • Considering the hundreds of thousands of words that have been written about Shakespeare, relatively little is known about the man himself. In the absence of much documentation about his life, we have the plays and poetry he wrote. In this addition to the Eminent Lives series, bestselling author Bryson (The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid) does what he does best: marshaling the usual little facts that others might overlook-for example, that in Shakespeare's day perhaps 40% of women were pregnant when they got married-to paint a portrait of the world in which the Bard lived and prospered. Bryson's ...
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