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Caine Rachel - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 35.
  • Bite Club
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • Morganville, Texas is a quiet college town where humans and vampires live in relative peace. But lately a great deal of blood is being spilled — not in a feeding frenzy, but for someone's twisted idea of entertainment. After discovering that vampires populate Morganville — and surviving a number of adventures with her new night-dwelling friends — college student Claire Danvers has come to realise that for the most part, the undead just want to live their lives. But someone else wants them to get ready to rumble. There's a new extreme sport being broadcast over the Internet: bare-knuckle fights pitting captured vampires against one another — or, worse, against humans. Tracking the out-of-town signal leads Claire — accompanied by a loyal group of friends and frenemies — to discover that what started as an online brawl will soon threaten everyone in Morganville. And if they want to survive, they'll have to do a lot more than fight...
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  • Carpe Corpus
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • In the small college town of Morganville, vampires and humans lived in (relative) peace — until all the rules got rewritten when the evil vampire Bishop arrived, looking for the lost book of vampire secrets. He's kept a death grip on the town ever since. Now an underground resistance is brewing, and in order to contain it, Bishop must go to even greater lengths. He vows to obliterate the town and all its inhabitants — the living and the undead. Claire Danvers and her friends are the only ones who stand in his way. But even if they defeat Bishop, will the vampires ever be content to go back to the old rules, after having such a taste of power?
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  • Chicks Kick Butt
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • Chicks are awesome—and never more so than when they are kicking some serious vampire/werewolf/demon/monster butt.Chicks Kick Butt is an anthology that features one of the best things about the urban fantasy genre: strong, independent, and intelligent heroines who are quite capable of solving their own problems and slaying their own dragons (or demons, as the case may be).Edited by Kerrie Hughes and Rachel Caine, features original stories from thirteen authors, eleven of whom are bestsellers.
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  • Chill Factor
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin hasn't had it easy. In the previous two books in Caine's sharply written series, she "had a really bad week, died, got reborn as a Djinn, had an even worse week, and saved the world, sort of" and "died again, sort of" before waking up human. Normally, Weather Wardens must simply protect the rest of the human race from deadly weather, but Joanne, who's deeply tough, resolutely moral and highly fond of fast cars and "bitchin' shoes," keeps getting tasked with saving the world. This time, a surly teenager named Kevin has holed up in ...
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  • Devils Bargain
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Jazz Callender — don't ever call her Jasmine is an ex-cop with a goal: opening her own private detective agency and proving her former partner is innocent of murder. Too bad no one will lend her the money. Until a sexy lawyer with the devil's own grin appears with an offer she can't refuse. $100,000. A savvy new partner. And an agreement to make any case arriving via red envelope a top priority. But if Jazz accepts, there's no turning back. Because once she opens that envelope, all hell's gonna break loose.
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  • Devils Due
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The money Lucia and her new partner received to open their detective agency had come with strings: any assignment delivered via read envelope had to be top priority. No sweat. No one could make Lucia do something she didn't believe in-Right?Wrong. Lucia soon learned that every choice she made meant life or death for innocent people. No one could be trusted, not even the ex-cop she'd hired-and fallen for. In fact, Ben might be her fatal weakness, if the powers warring to control the future used him to control Lucia…
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  • Fade Out
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • Without the evil vampire Bishop ruling over the town of Morganville, the resident vampires have made major concessions to the human population. With their newfound freedoms, Claire Danvers and her friends are almost starting to feel comfortable again. Now Claire can actually concentrate on her studies, and her friend Eve joins the local theatre company. But when one of Eve's castmates goes missing after starting work on a short documentary, Eve suspects the worst. Claire and Eve soon realize that this film project, whose subjectis the vampires themselves, is a whole lot bigger — and way more dangerous — than anyone suspected.
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  • Firestorm
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • The genie is out of the bottle. Rogue Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin is racing to New York to warn her former colleagues of the impending apocalypse. An ancient agreement between the Djinn and the Wardens has been broken, and the furious Djinn, slaves to the Wardens for millennia, are now free of mortal control. With more than half the Wardens unaccounted for in the wake of the Djinn uprising, Joanne realizes that the natural disasters they've combated for so long were merely symptoms of restless Mother Nature fidgeting in her sleep. Now she's waking up — and she's angry.
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  • Gale Force
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin is on vacation when her Djinn lover, David, asks Joanne to marry him. She's thrilled to say yes, even if some others may be less than happy about it.Unfortunately, Joanne's pre-marital bliss is ended by a devastating earthquake in Florida. And she can't ask David and his kind for assistance. Because the cause of the quake is unlike anything Joanne has ever encountered — and a power even the Djinn cannot perceive
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  • Ghost Town
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • While developing a new system to maintain Morganville's defenses, student Claire Danvers discovers a way to amplify vampire mental powers. Through this, she's able to re-establish the field around this vampire-infested Texas college town that protects it from outsiders.But the new upgrades have an unexpected consequence: people inside the town begin to slowly forget who they are—even the vampires. Soon, the town's little memory problem has turned into a full-on epidemic. Now Claire needs to figure out a way to pull the plug on her experiment—before she forgets how to save Morganville...
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  • Glass Houses
  • Жанр: Ужасы
  • From the author of the popular Weather Warden series. Welcome to Morganville, Texas.Just don't stay out after dark.College freshman Claire Danvers has had enough of her nightmarish dorm situation, where the popular girls never let her forget just where she ranks in the school's social scene: somewhere less than zero.When Claire heads off-campus, the imposing old house where she finds a room may not be much better. Her new roommates don't show many signs of life. But they'll have Claire's back when the town's deepest secrets come crawling out, hungry for fresh blood.
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  • Heat Stroke
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • In Rachel Caine’s tempestuous follow-up to —forecast as “a fun read” by bestselling author Jim Butcher—the Wardens Association still protects the human race from extermination by climatic extremes, when they’re not turning on their own….Accused of murder, Weather Warden Joanne Baldwin was chased across the country—and killed—by a team charged with hunting down rogue Wardens.Five days later, Joanne had a lovely funeral and was posthumously cleared of all charges. Her human life was over, but she had been reborn into Djinnhood. Now, until she masters her enhanced powers, Joanne must try to avoid being “claimed” by a human. But when a hazard that only a Djinn could sense infiltrates Earth’s atmosphere, Joanne must somehow convince someone to do something about it—or the forecast will be deadly.So who said being all-powerful was going to be easy?
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  • Ill Wind
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • The Wardens Association has been around pretty much forever. Some Wardens control fire, others control earth, water, or wind— and the most powerful can control more than one element. Without Wardens, Mother Nature would wipe humanity off the face of the earth….Joanne Baldwin is a Weather Warden. Usually, all it takes is a wave of her hand to tame the most violent weather. But now Joanne is trying to outrun another kind of storm: accusations of corruption and murder. So she's resorting to the very human tactic of running for her life….Her only hope is Lewis, the most powerful Warden. Unfortunately, he's also on the run from the World Council. It seems he's stolen not one but three bottles of Djinn—making him the most wanted man on earth. And without Lewis, Joanne's chances of surviving are as good as a snowball in—well, a place she may be headed. So she and her classic Mustang are racing hard to find him because there's some bad weather closing in fast….
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  • Last Breath
  • Жанр: Городское фэнтези
  • With her boss preoccupied researching the Founder Houses in Morganville, student Claire Danvers is left to her own devices when she learns that three vampires have vanished without a trace. She soon discovers that the last person seen with one of the missing vampires is someone new to town—a mysterious individual named Magnus. After an uneasy encounter with Morganville's latest resident, Claire is certain Magnus isn't merely human. But is he a vampire—or something else entirely?
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  • Maskarada szale?c?w
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Nad Morganville zbieraj? si? cienie… Wkr?tce rozpocznie si? walka, kt?ra zdecyduje o losach miasta i jego mieszka?c?w…Do Morganville wr?ci? Bishop, pot??ny wampir, kt?ry zamierza przej?? w?adz? i zaprowadzi? nowy krwawy porz?dek. My?li siedemnastoletniej Claire zaprz?ta jednak co? innego: pi?kna i niebezpieczna wampirzyca ze ?wity Bishopa zapragn??a jej ch?opaka i robi wszystko, ?eby go zdoby?.Lecz prawdziwy koszmar zaczyna si?, gdy Claire odkrywa, jakie zamiary ma Bishop wobec ?ywych i umar?ych. I jak? potworn? pu?apk? zastawi? na ?miertelnych mieszka?c?w Morganville…
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  • Nieznana
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Kiedy? Cassiel by?a pot??nym d?innem. Ale sprzeciwi?a si? swemu panu, kt?ry zes?a? j? na ziemi?, gdzie spotka?a Stra?nik?w Pogody – ludzi obdarzonych moc? panowania nad ?ywio?ami. I pokocha?a jednego z nich, ?ami?c odwieczne prawo swojej rasy…Nagle dzieci Stra?nik?w zaczynaj? znika? bez ?ladu. Cassiel pragnie pom?c je ocali? i rozwi?za? zagadk? ??cz?c? ?miertelnik?w i d?inny. Wykl?ta ze swojego ?wiata, nieznana w ?wiecie ludzi mo?e liczy? tylko na w?asne nadw?tlone moce i osza?amiaj?c? moc uczucia…
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