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Chabon Michael - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—8 из 8.
  • Chicos prodigiosos
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Grady Tripp es un escritor ya cercano a la mediana edad y profesor en una universidad de provincias. En su juventud fue una promesa de la literatura, un esplendoroso chico prodigio que tuvo su fugaz temporada de gloria, pero el tiempo ha pasado y Grady arrstra desde hace ocho a?os una inmensa novela inconclusa, cada vez m?s larga e hirsuta y cuyo t?tulo es, claro est?, Chicos prodigiosos. A Grady le gusta compararla con Ada, de Navokov, y dice que es la clase de obra que "ense?a al lector c?mo debe leerla a medida ...
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  • Das letzte R?tsel
  • Жанр: Классический детектив
  • Der 89-j?hrige Sherlock Holmes, von dem die Dorfbewohner zu wissen glauben, dass er einst ein ber?hmter Detektiv war, wohnt zur?ckgezogen in der englischen Provinz, um sich der Bienenzucht zu widmen. Doch sein beschauliches Leben wird gest?rt, als Linus Steinman im Dorf auftaucht, neun Jahre alt und stumm, der mit seinem einzigen Begleiter, einem Graupapagei, Hitlerdeutschland entkommen konnte. Doch welche Bedeutung haben die Zahlen, die der Papagei aufsagt? Ist es eine geheime SS-Chiffre? Oder der Code zu einem Schweizer Bankkonto? Als ein Mord geschieht, sieht sich der alte Meisterdetektiv vor ein schier unl?sbares letztes R?...
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  • Telegraph Avenue
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • As the summer of 2004 draws to a close, Archy Stallings and Nat Jaffe are still hanging in there—longtime friends, bandmates, and co-regents of Brokeland Records, a kingdom of used vinyl located in the borderlands of Berkeley and Oakland. Their wives, Gwen Shanks and Aviva Roth-Jaffe, are the Berkeley Birth Partners, two semi-legendary midwives who have welcomed more than a thousand newly minted citizens into the dented utopia at whose heart—half tavern, half temple—stands Brokeland.When ex–NFL quarterback Gibson Goode, the fifth-richest black man in America, announces plans to build his latest Dogpile megastore on ...
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  • The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • In the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, prose magician Michael Chabon conjured up the golden age of comic books – intertwining history, legend, and storytelling verve. In The Final Solution, he has condensed his boundless vision to craft a short, suspenseful tale of compassion and wit that reimagines the classic nineteenth-century detective story.In deep retirement in the English country-side, an eighty-nine-year-old man, vaguely recollected by locals as a once-famous detective, is more concerned with his beekeeping than with his fellow man. Into his life wanders Linus Steinman, nine years old and mute, who ...
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  • The Yiddish Policemens Union
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • The novel is a detective story set in an alternative history version of the present day, based on the premise that during World War II, a temporary settlement for Jewish refugees was established in Sitka, Alaska, in 1941, and that the fledgling State of Israel was destroyed in 1948. The novel is set in Sitka, which it depicts as a large, Yiddish-speaking metropolis. won a number of science fiction awards: the Nebula Award for Best Novel, the Locus Award for Best SF Novel, the Hugo Award for Best Novel, and the Sidewise Award for Alternate History for Best Novel. It was shortlisted for the British Science Fiction Association Award for Best Novel and the Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Novel.
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