Первая из четырех книг о ромбе Вардена – системе из четырех планет – абсолютной тюрьме во вселенной.В главное Командование Вооруженных Сил – самое сердце Конфедерации проник инопланетный робо-шпион. Аналитики Службы Безопасности не сомневаются, что чужаки вербуют агентов на четырех планетах Ромба Вардене. Расследование поручено лучшему агенту Конфедерации.Впереди четыре планеты, где могут скрываться инопланетяне – Лилит, Цербер, Харон и Медуза.
In California, the victims are blind. In Maine, severely retarded. Small towns across America are being systematically “wiped out” by terrorists and their campaign of germ warfare waged against the U.S. The President’s only option seems to be an equally deadly counterattack.
With the universe’s wormholes collapsed, darkness has fallen across interstellar civilization until Dr. Karl Woodward, commander of the starship , ventures to an uncharted world and into a terrifying confrontation.
Druga ksi?ga epickiej tetralogii Jacka Chalkera opowiada o Qwin Zhang i o pokrytym wodami ?wiecie planety Cerber, gdzie szans? prze?ycia maj? tylko jednostki najbardziej bezwzgl?dne i pozbawione wszelkich skrupu??w. Roboty przenika?y w obszar Federacji.Kto? porywa? ludzi i podstawia? zamiast nich doskona?e syntetyczne sobowt?ry. Gdzie? w kosmosie obcy prowadzili badania nad Federacj?, stosuj?c doskona?e technologie. Trop prowadzi? na planet? Cerber i do jej w?adcy. Planeta Cerber by?a jednym ze ?wiat?w Wardena. Istniej?ca tam mikroskopijna forma ?ycia wnika?a we wszelk? materi? i ka?dy, kto ...
Cerberus is the water world of the Warden system. In its dense jungles only the most ruthless survive. If Qwin, the Federation’s finest operative is to survive and take over the mind of it’s evil lord, he must exchange his body for that of a man (right now he is a woman, but don’t ask) and do it fast!
They took the body of Park Lacoch, put in it the mind of a top confederacy operator and then stuck him aboard a spaceship bound for Charon—one of the worlds of the Warden Diamond, a hell-world from which there was no return.
Wzi?li cia?o Parka Lacocha, usun?li jego umys?, zast?puj?c go umys?em najlepszego agenta Konfederacji. Nast?pnie umie?cili go na statku kosmicznym i zes?ali na Charona — jeden ze ?wiat?w Rombu Wardena, z kt?rego nie by?o powrotu. Tajemniczy endemiczny organizm infekowa? wszystko i wszystkich, uniemo?liwiaj?c ?ycie po opuszczeniu Rombu.Charon by? piek?em w sensie dos?ownym. Znajdowa? si? bowiem zbyt blisko swego s?o?ca, a upalny i parny klimat, kt?ry tam panowa?, czyni? ?ycie niezno?nym — omal niemo?liwym. Przedziwne bestie zamieszkiwa?y jego d?...
Die Zeit arbeitet gegen Nathan Brazil und Mavra Chang. Der Ri? im Raum-Kontinuum kommt der Sechseck-Welt immer n?her.Sie m?ssen den Schacht der Seelen schnell erreichen — und bevor Kopfgeldj?ger die Pr?mie f?r einen toten Nathan Brazil einstreichen k?nnen.Im besten Fall — eine schwierige Aufgabe; im schlimmsten Fall — das Ende des Universums…
Wer war Nathan Brazil — und was machte er in der Sechseck-Welt?Gebaut von den Markoviern, einer ausgestorbenen Rasse, wurden in der Sechseck-Welt Lebewesen aller Art in andere Lebewesen verwandelt. Und auch Raumschiffkapit?n Brazil erlebte eine Metamorphose, schrecklicher und verhei?ungsvoller als alle anderen. Doch ihm gelang es, bis ins Zentrum des bizzaren Planeten vorzudringen – der Quelle all dessen, was je gelebt hat …
NSA agent Ron Moosic is assigned to a nuclear power plant - a cover for a secret project sending observers back in time. When terrorists take it over and send two of their own back to change the past, Moosic is sent in pursuit. But they are all pawns in a time game to conquer the Earth.
The first book in a fabulous new trilogy set in Well World—site of bestselling SF mainstay Jack Chalker's most successful series of novels. For uncounted aeons, the Well World had given order to the universe. Now, an utterly alien entity was loose—and bent on corrupting the Well World.
This tale, a continuation of the science fantasy series by the author of the “Well World” saga, describes a world slowly recovering from a battle between titanic forces of good and evil.
Elf bittere Jahre lang war Mavra Chang eine Gefangene der Sechseck-Welt, wo Hunderte verschiedener und unvorstellbarer Rassen existierten, jede in ihrer eigenen, unvorstellbaren Umwelt. Ihre einst menschlichen Begleiter waren l?ngst in fremde Wesen verwandelt. Und auch Mavras K?rper war eine monstr?se, sinnlose Travestie ihrer einstigen Sch?nheit! ?ber ihr kreiste Obie, der Planetoid des Supercomputers, der ihr K?rper und Willenskraft zur?ckgeben konnte. Doch das Raumschiff, das allein ihr die R?ckkehr zu Obie erm?glicht, scheint f?r sie unerreichbar.Dennoch ist Mavra noch nicht bereit, sich dem Schicksal zu ergeben …
Antor Trelings Ziel ist es, alle bewohnten Welten zu beherrschen. Als er Obie, einen Supercomputer, f?r sich arbeiten l?sst, glaubt er sich diesem Ziel nicht mehr fern. Er rechnet freilich nicht damit, auf den Markovier-Planeten der Sechseck-Welt verschlagen zu werden, die aus tausenden hexagonaler Einzelwelten besteht. Dort beginnt der entscheidende Kampf um die Herrschaft des Universums.
Antor Trellig, head of a ruthless interstellar syndicate, had seized a super computer with godlike powers, which could make him omnipotent. The Council offered master criminal Mavra Chang any reward if she stopped Trellig—and horrible, lingering death if she failed. But neither Trellig nor Mavra had taken the Well World into consideration. Built by the ancient Markovians, the Well World controlled the design of the cosmos. When the opponents were drawn across space to the mysterious planet, they found themselves in new alien bodies, and in the middle of a battle where strange races fought desperately, with the control of all the Universe as the prize.
A small band of travelers seeks to prevent a tyrant from finding the various pieces of a gate that, when fully assembled, will give him enormous power.
For centuries, interstellar prospectors had searched for the fabled worlds of the Three Kings, the lost El Dorado of the galaxy. The mad cyborg Prophet, Ishmael Hand, discovered the mysterious system-and the alien minds behind it-and he will face a decision that may determine the fate of the entire human race.
Somewhere, from among the four human-settled worlds of the Warden Diamond, hostile aliens were spying on Earth. But no agent could be sent to investigate and report back; a symbiont invaded all life forms and destroyed any form of machinery. That called for extraordinary means. One agent was chosen, then four men were stripped of their own minds and personalities, and his was imposed upon them. hooked up properly, he could then receive their reports, without ever leaving safe territory. Each man was assigned one world to conquer. His mission was first to find the Overlord of that world and kill him, then to take over his link with the aliens. Of course all this must be done with no help beyond his own naked ability.
Gdzie? z daleka, spo?r?d czterech zasiedlonych przez ludzi ?wiat?w Rombu Wardena, wroga cz?owiekowi rasa szpiegowa?a Ziemi?. Nie mo?na jednak by?o wys?a? tam agenta. Podr?? do ?wiat?w Wardena by?a bowiem podr??? bez mo?liwo?ci powrotu. ?yj?cy tam mikroskopijny symbiont przedostawa? si? do wn?trza ka?dego ?ywego organizmu, uniemo?liwiaj?c mu tym samym ?ycie poza systemem Wardena.Nale?a?o wi?c zastosowa? ?rodki nadzwyczjne. Wybrano jednego agenta, a czterech innych odarto z ich umys??w i osobowo?ci, narzucaj?c im umys? i osobowo?? tego ...
Umys?y czterech kryminalist?w zast?piony umys?em najlepszego agenta Konfederacji. Agenci wys?ani na Lilith, Cerbera i Charona odnie?li sukces. Wyrafinowany plan Konfederacji zacz?? przynosi? efekty.Tarin Bul wyl?dowa? na Meduzie.Na tej mro?nej planecie szybko do??czy? do miejscowych konspirator?w, kt?rzy zamierzali obali? znienawidzonego Lorda Talanta Ypsira; cel buntownik?w doskonale mu odpowiada?. Jednak po??czenie, jakie stanowili obcy i tajna moc Ypsira, okaza?a si? ponad jego si?y.Do akcji wkroczy? Agent Bez Imienia, nadzoruj?cy wszystkich czterech wys?aninnik?w. By? zmuszony wykaza? si? swoimi nadzwyczajnymi umiej?tno?ciami, gdy? wszystko sprzysi?g?o si? przeciw niemu.W czwartej ostatniej ksi?dze ekscytuj?cej tetralogii Jack Chalker doprowadza do dramatycznego zako?czenia epick? konfrontacj? pomi?dzy pot??n? Konfederacj? a ma?ymi — ale r?wnie pot??nymi — ?wiatami Rombu Wardena.
For centuries, interstellar prospectors had searched for the fabled worlds of the Three Kings, the lost El Dorado of the galaxy. But none had succeeded. Only the mad cyborg Prophet, Ishmael Hand, had ever seen the mysterious system, and he had refused to reveal its location before vanishing forever into history. Then, with the help of his flock, a starfaring evangelist—Doctor Karl Woodward, preacher and leader of the starship —found it, only to disappear in turn. Now a new group of explorers must follow the trail that Woodward blazed. A spacegoing salvage team, desperately in debt after ...
Entered by a thousand unsuspected gateways—built by a race lost in the clouds of time—the planet its dwellers called the Well World turned beings of every kind into something else. There spacefarer Nathan Brazil found himself companioned by a batman, an amorous female centaur and a mermaid—all once as human as he.Yet Nathan Brazil’s metamorphosis was more terrifying than any of those… and his memory was coming back, bringing with it the secret of the Well World.For at the heart of the bizarre planet lay the goal of every being that had ever lived—and Nathan Brazil and his comrades were… lucky?… enough to find it!
The survival of the human race, spread throughout the universe in the future, depends on an unlikely team led by naval officer Gene Harker, who must retrieve the only defense against the godlike Titans.