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Child Lee - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 31.
  • 61 Hours
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jack Reacher is back.The countdown has begun. Get ready for the most exciting 61 hours of your life. #1 New York Times bestselling author Lee Child's latest thriller is a ticking time bomb of suspense that builds electric tension on every page.Sixty-one hours. Not a minute to spare.A tour bus crashes in a savage snowstorm and lands Jack Reacher in the middle of a deadly confrontation. In nearby Bolton, South Dakota, one brave woman is standing up for justice in a small town threatened by sinister forces. If she's going to live long enough to ...

  • Bad Luck and Trouble
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • You do not mess with the Special Investigators! The events of 9/11 changed Jack Reacher’s drifter life in a practical way. In addition to his folding toothbrush, he now needs to carry photo ID to get around. Yet he is still as close to untraceable as a human being in America can get. So when a member of his old Army unit manages to get a message to him, he knows it has to be deadly serious. The Special Investigators always watched each other’s backs. Now Reacher must put the old unit back together. Someone has killed one of them, and he can’t let that go.

  • Bez Pud?a
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jack Reacher samotnie w?druje po kraju. Nie ma pracy, dokument?w, sta?ego adresu. Ale nigdy nie odwraca si? od kogo?, kto prosi o pomoc. Teraz za? pewna kobieta zwraca si? do niego, bo potrzebuje wsparcia w nowej pracy.Czym si? zajmuje? Ochron? wiceprezydenta Stan?w Zjednoczonych. Przed lud?mi, kt?rzy gro?? mu ?mierci?.I tak Reacher, zbrojny jedynie w szczoteczk? do z?b?w i ubranie, kt?re ma na sobie, wkracza do niezwykle ekskluzywnego klubu w sercu waszyngto?skich kr?g?w w?adzy: siedziby ameryka?skiej Secret Service. W grze o ?ycie z upartymi biurokratami i tajemniczym bezwzgl?dnym zab?jc? musi wykorzysta? swoj? wrodzon? inteligencj?, ?ajdacki urok i instynktown? sk?onno?? do starannie kontrolowanej przemocy.Bez Pud?a to kolejny thriller Lee Childa, b?yskotliwa, romantyczna i trzymaj?ca w napi?ciu opowie?? o Jacku Reacherze, bohaterze twardym, fascynuj?cym, brutalnym i obdarzonym i?cie zwierz?cym magnetyzmem.

  • Deep Down
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Early in his military career, Jack Reacher is ordered undercover in Washington, to discover which one of four women, all staff officers on fast track careers, is leaking secrets.The suggested method: get close to each in turn.The obvious problem: the most receptive will be the guilty one, with an agenda of her own… to kill the investigation – and the investigator.

  • Die Trying
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Lee Child burst on to the scene with the Sunday Times bestseller Killing Floor. Die Trying is his second thriller featuring the redoubtable yet romantic Jack Reacher. With the same brutal page-turning nonstop action and gritty suspense, it shows he is one of the most exciting British talents writing today.Lee Child was born in the industrial Midlands. He studied law, and worked for twenty years in commercial television. He lives in Cumbria with his wife and daughter. He is author of one previous thriller, Killing Floor.

  • Echo Burning
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Hitching rides is an unreliable mode of transport. In temperatures of over a hundred degrees, you're lucky if a driver will open the door of his airconditioned car long enough to let you slide you in. That's Jack Reacher's conclusion. He's adrift in the fearsome heat of a Texas summer, and he needs to keep moving through the wide open vastness, like a shark in the water. The last thing he's worried about is exactly who picks him up.He never expected it to be somebody like Carmen. She's alone, driving a Cadillac. She's beautiful, young and rich. ...

  • El Enemigo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A?o nuevo, 1990. El muro de Berl?n acaba de caer, y con ?l, termina la guerra fr?a. El mundo se enfrenta a una nueva era pol?tico-militar. Ese mismo d?a, Jack Reacher, un oficial de la pol?cia militar destinado en Carolina del Norte, recibe una llamada que le comunica la muerte de uno de los soldados de la base en un motel de la zona. Aparentemente, se trata de una muerte natural: sin embargo, cuando se descubre que la v?ctima era un general influyente, Reacher, ayudado por una joven afroamericana, que tambi?n es soldado, iniciar? una investigaci?n.

  • El Inductor
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Clandestino: sin duda la situaci?n m?s solitaria y vulnerable para trabajar. Sin embargo, Jack Reacher est? dispuesto a actuar en esas condiciones cuando un equipo extraoficial de la DEA le propone una misi?n de alto riesgo. Reputado por su destreza e inteligencia y la experiencia adquirida durante sus a?os como pol?cia militar, Reacher trabaja ahora por libre aceptando casos que la mayor?a rechazan.

  • Elita Zab?jc?w
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jeden z cz?onk?w specjalnej grupy dochodzeniowej armii ameryka?skiej zostaje odnaleziony na pustyni w Kalifornii – martwy. Kto? wyrzuci? go z helikoptera. Gdzie s? pozostali cz?onkowie? Znikn?li w zagadkowych okoliczno?ciach. Jack Reacher otrzymuje zaszyfrowan? wiadomo??, kt?r? potrafi odczyta? tylko garstka os?b, i rusza na pomoc. ??cz?c si?y z dawnymi kolegami z ?andarmerii, b?dzie musia? przenikn?? do spisku zwi?zanego z mi?dzynarodowym terroryzmem, aby ocali? ?ywych, pogrzeba? umar?ych i rozwik?a? tajemnic?, kt?r? z ka?dym dniem spowija coraz g?stszy zmrok. Ludzie, kt?rzy wzi?li go na cel, nie zdaj? sobie jeszcze sprawy, ?e Reacherowi nie nale?y wchodzi? w drog?. Ani teraz, ani kiedykolwiek…

  • First Thrills
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • High-Octane Stories from the Hottest Thriller AuthorsCon men and killers, aliens and zombies, priests and soldiers – just some of the characters that kill and thrill in this compelling collection of gun-toting, double-crossing, back-stabbing, pulse-pounding stories. Jeffrey Deaver investigates the suspicious death of a crime-writer in 'The Plot'; Karin Slaughter's grieving widow takes revenge on her dying ex-husband in 'Cold, Cold Heart'; Stephen Coonts discovers a flying saucer in the depths of the ocean in 'Savage Planet' and John Lescroat's secret field agent finds himself caught up in a complex game of cat-and-mouse in 'The Gate Conundrum'. Handpicked ...

  • First Thrills Volume 2
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York Times bestselling author Lee Child and the International Thriller Writers, Inc. present a collection of remarkable stories in First Thrills. From small-town crime stories to sweeping global conspiracies, this is a cross section of today’s hottest thriller-writing talent. This original collection is now split into four e-book volumes, packed with murder, mystery, and mayhem!First Thrills: Volume 2 contains stories six original stories by:Stephen CoontsHeather GrahamWendy Corsi StaubKelli StanleyGrant McKenzieKen Bruen

  • Gone Tomorrow
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York City. Two in the morning. A subway car heading uptown. Jack Reacher, plus five other passengers. Four are okay. The fifth isn’t.In the next few tense seconds Reacher will make a choice-and trigger an electrifying chain of events in this gritty, gripping masterwork of suspense by #1 New York Times bestseller Lee Child.Susan Mark was the fifth passenger. She had a lonely heart, an estranged son, and a big secret. Reacher, working with a woman cop and a host of shadowy feds, wants to know just how big a hole Susan Mark was ...

  • Guy Walks Into a Bar…
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Published in The New York Times (June 6, 2009).Child's contribution to the Times' Summer Thrills fiction series starts with a girl who catches Jack Reacher's eye at a Greenwich Village bar in the wee hours. She's no older than nineteen, Russian, and Reacher's instincts tell him she's about to be kidnapped. Longtime fans balance a trust in Reacher's take on most situations with the knowledge that, sooner or later, Child will upend expectations. When he does it is the surprise.

  • Jednym strza?em
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jack Reacher jest bohaterem jedenastu bestsellerowy thriller?w. Niebezpieczny i inteligentny twardziel, obdarzony poczuciem humoru. Sze?? strza??w z karabinu, pi?ciu zabitych, sterroryzowane miasto, wzorowe ?ledztwo, zab?jca uj?ty w ekspresowym tempie. Dowody obci??aj?ce Jamesa Barra, by?ego ?o?nierza piechoty i strzelca wyborowego, s? niepodwa?alne. Dlaczego morderca nie chce rozmawia? z adwokatem, a jedynie z tajemniczym Jackiem Reacherem, kt?rego zeznania mog?yby go jeszcze bardziej pogr??y?? Dlaczego strzelaj?c chybi? – raz? Kim jest Reacher-cz?owiek bez samochodu, konta bankowego i sta?ego miejsca pobytu? Rosemary, siostra oskar?onego, za wszelk? cen? chce pom?c bratu. Kiedy James zostaje pobity w wi?zieniu i zapada w ?pi?czk?, wynajmuje m?od?, zaanga?owan? pani? prawnik. Niespodziewanie pojawia si? Reacher – i trup zaczyna ?cieli? si? g?sto…

  • Nothing to Lose
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyAt the start of bestseller Child's solid 12th Jack Reacher novel (after Bad Luck and Trouble), the ex-military policeman hitchhikes into Colorado, where he finds himself crossing the metaphorical and physical line that divides the small towns of Hope and Despair. Despair lives up to its name; all Reacher wants is a cup of coffee, but what he gets is attacked by four thugs and thrown in jail on a vagrancy charge. After he's kicked out of town, Reacher reacts in his usual manner-he goes back and whips everybody's butt and busts up the town's ...

  • One Shot
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A lone gunman unleashes pandemonium when he shoots into a crowd of people in a public plaza in Indiana. Five people are killed in cold blood, shot through the head. But he leaves a perfect trail of evidence behind him, and soon the local police chief tracks him down. After his arrest, the shooter’s only words are, “Get Jack Reacher for me.” What could possibly connect this psychopath and the wandering dropout ex army cop?

  • P?on?ce Echo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jack Reacher to cz?owiek, kt?ry nie istnieje. Dawniej ?andarm wojskowy, obecnie cie? bez sta?ego miejsca zamieszkania, bez dokumentu ze zdj?ciem, samochodu czy konta w banku. Pojawia si?, by nast?pnego dnia znikn?? bez s?owa wyja?nienia.Pod pal?cym s?o?cem Texasu Jack spotyka na swojej drodze Carmen Greer – ?on? bogatego w?a?ciciela p?l naftowych. Czy mo?na odm?wi? pomocy oszala?ej ze strachu, pi?knej kobiecie? Reacher zgadza si? wyst?pi? w roli ochroniarza. Ale czy nieznajoma jest szczera, czy naprawd? by?a maltretowana przez m??a, czy grozi jej ?miertelne niebezpiecze?stwo?Inspirowana przez demony przesz?o?ci spirala zacie?nia si? coraz bardziej, ofiara staje si? katem, kat za? ofiar?. W poszukiwaniu prawdy Reacher jest zdany tylko na w?asny spryt i intuicj?.

  • Persuader
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amazon.com ReviewJack Reacher, the taciturn ex-MP whose adventures in Lee Child's six previous solidly plotted, expertly paced thrillers have won a devoted fan base, returns in this explosive tale of an undercover operation set up by the FBI to rescue an agent investigating Zachary Beck, a reclusive tycoon believed to be a kingpin in the drug trade. The novel begins with a bang as Reacher rescues Beck's son from a staged kidnapping in order to get close to his father-and trace the connection between Beck and Quinn, a former army intelligence officer who tried to sell ...

  • Podejrzany
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Sier?ant Amy Callan i porucznik Caroline Cook mia?y ze sob? wiele wsp?lnego. Obie s?u?y?y w armii, obie sta?y si? ofiarami napastowania seksualnego, obie musia?y zrezygnowa? ze s?u?by – obie nie ?yj?. Ich cia?a znalezione we w?asnych ?azienkach, zanurzone w wojskowej farbie maskuj?cej. ?adnych ?lad?w przemocy, ?adnych oznak walki. Jack Reacher zna? ka?d? z kobiet. FBI zmusza go do wsp??pracy z grup? dochodzeniow?, w sk?ad kt?rej wchodzi Julia Lamarr, specjalistka od portret?w psychologicznych. Reacher kwestionuje opracowany przez ni? motyw zbrodni – zemst? – uwa?a, ?e jej przyczyn nale?y szuka? zupe?nie gdzie indziej. Jego teoria bierze w ?eb, gdy w podobny spos?b ginie nast?pna dziewczyna.

  • Running Blind
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Jack Reacher is back, dragged into what looks like a series of grisly serial murders by a team of FBI profilers who aren't totally sure he's not the killer they're looking for, but believe that even if he isn't, he's smart enough to help them find the real killer. And what they've got on the ex-MP, who's starred in three previous Lee Child thrillers (Tripwire, Die Trying, Killing Floor), is enough to ensure his grudging cooperation: phony charges stemming from Reacher's inadvertent involvement in a protection shakedown and the threat of harm to the woman he loves.The ...

  • Second Son
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lee Child's Reacher series (15 books in all) is a thundering force among modern thrillers. For the uninitiated, it follows the stoic, hulking, and streetwise Jack Reacher, a former military policeman who's now a drifter with a vast capacity for protective and retributive violence. The short story "Second Son" is a snapshot of the life of Reacher and his family circa 1974, while they're stationed on a military base in Okinawa. Upon arriving they immediately get into deep trouble that's compounded by some bad news. For those new to Child's writing, the action is interspersed with contemplative moments, such as when Jack's grandfather, a prosthetic-limb maker in Paris, recounts that "… a great war leaves a country with three armies: an army of cripples, an army of mourners, and an army of thieves." This tightly constructed story pulls readers right to the end and is sure to find new fans for the series. -Paul Diamond

  • The Affair
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Everything starts somewhere…For elite military cop Jack Reacher, that somewhere was Carter Crossing, Mississippi, way back in 1997. A lonely railroad track. A crime scene. A coverup.A young woman is dead, and solid evidence points to a soldier at a nearby military base. But that soldier has powerful friends in Washington.Reacher is ordered undercover – to find out everything he can, to control the local police, and then to vanish. Reacher is a good soldier. But when he gets to Carter Crossing, he finds layers no one saw coming, and the investigation spins out of ...