Atak muzu?ma?skich terroryst?w niszczy syberyjsk? rafineri?. Zwi?zek Radziecki staje w obliczu kryzysu energetycznego. Politbiuro postanawia zdoby? ropono?ne tereny si??. Na Kremlu powstaje Czerwony Sztorm – strategiczny plan uderzenia na Zach?d…
Clancy's hero Jack Ryan fights to defend the USA against economic sabotage from the East. Called out of retirement to serve as the new National Security Advisor, Ryan soon realizes that the problems of peace are as complex as those of war.
A thriller in which Jack Ryan is faced with crushing responsibilities when he becomes the new President of the US after a jumbo jet crashes into the Capitol Building in Washington, leaving the President dead, along with most of the Cabinet and Congress.
"Si le vas a patear el trasero al tigre, m?s vale que tengas un plan para enfrentarte a sus dientes."Tom Clancy. Durante la era del terrorismo global, donde cualquiera puede acceder tanto a un fusil Kalashnikov como a algunas fatales nociones de qu?mica, o simplemente est? dispuesto a morir por una "causa justa", las antiguas reglas ya no corren.Por m?s organizaciones gubernamentales creadas ad hoc, las ?nicas efectivas son las r?pidas y ?giles, libres de supervisi?n y restricciones y fuera del sistema.En un an?nimo edificio suburbano, una ...
The author of "The Hunt for Red October" has produced another adventure thriller centred upon a scheme by the Ulster Liberation Army to kidnap the Prince of Wales. Jack Ryan with his Marine training foils this attempt but in the process becomes a target of Northern Ireland's most dangerous men.