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Clark Mary - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 25.
  • A Cry In The Night
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • “For sheer storytelling power-and breathtaking pace- Clark is without peer.” – People“ Clark is a flawless storyteller…” – Washington Post Book World“Mary Higgins Clark has become the grande dame of American thriller writing…” – Los Angeles Times Book Review“No one knows better than Mary Higgins Clark how to turn fear into great entertainment. To mystery fans, she is a true national treasure.” – Associated Press“There’s no denying Mary Higgins Clark’s formidable storytelling powers…” – The New York Times Book Review“Mary Higgins Clark, like Alfred Hitchcock before her, stakes out a claim to a ...
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  • All Through The Night
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A classic Christmas tale from the bestselling Queen of Suspense At the heart of the novel are two of Mary Higgins Clark's most loved characters: Alvirah, the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth, and her husband, Willy, who are caught up in a Christmas mystery that calls on all of their skills and experience. Willy has been looking forward to playing Santa at the after-school centre recently set up to care for the children of working parents on New York's Upper West Side, and Alvirah has been busy with rehearsals for the Christmas pageant. But suddenly a shadow falls upon ...
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  • C?reczka Tatusia
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ellie Cavanaugh mia?a zaledwie siedem lat, kiedy jej starsza siostra Andrea zosta?a w brutalny spos?b zamordowana. Zw?oki dziewczyny znaleziono w starym gara?u w pobli?u rezydencji bogatej, szanowanej pani Westerfield w Oldham, spokojnym miasteczku nad rzek? Hudson w nowojorskim hrabstwie Westchester. Zeznanie Elli doprowadzi?o do skazania Roba Westerfielda, wnuka starej damy, z kt?rym potajemnie spotyka?a si? Andrea. Kiedy po dwudziestu dw?ch latach morderca stara si? o zwolnienie warunkowe z wi?zienia, Ellie, obecnie reporterka gazety w Atlancie, protestuje przeciwko z?agodzeniu wyroku. Mimo to Rob Westerfield wychodzi na wolno?? i pr?buje wznowi? proces, chc?c odzyska? dobre imi?. Przekonana o jego winie Ellie rozpoczyna prywatne ?ledztwo. Jej kolejne odkrycia rzucaj? nowe ?wiat?o na okoliczno?ci ?mierci siostry, ale i nieuchronnie przybli?aj? dociekliw? dziennikark? do konfrontacji z morderc?.
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  • Gdy Moja ?liczna ?pi
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Neeve Kearny, c?rka emerytowanego komisarza nowojorskiej policji, jest w?a?cicielk? drogiego butiku z wytwornymi strojami od znanych projektant?w. Do najlepszych jej klientek nale?y Ethel Lambston, znana pisarka i publicystka o z?o?liwym pi?rze. Gdy Ethel przez kilka dni nie odbiera zam?wionej garderoby, Neeve zaczyna si? niepokoi?. Wielu ludzi, w?r?d nich by?y m?? pisarki i zach?anny bratanek, ucieszy?oby si?, gdyby autorka kontrowersyjnych artyku??w znikn??a na zawsze. Z?e przeczucia Neeve potwierdzaj? si? – w parku stanowym zostaje znalezione cia?o zamordowanej Ethel. Neeve, b?d?ca wa?nym ?wiadkiem w ?ledztwie, uczestniczy w skomplikowanym dramacie chciwo?ci, ambicji i bezwzgl?dnego d??enia do rozg?osu. Nie wie, ?e jej samej r?wnie? zagra?a ?miertelne niebezpiecze?stwo.
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  • I ve Heard That Song Before
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When Kay Lansing marries wealthy widower Peter Carrington, she is well aware of the rumours surrounding the mysterious death of Peter's first wife Grace, who was found floating in the family pool ten years ago, pregnant at the time. Kay also discovers that Peter is a chronic sleepwalker who suffers from periodic nightmares. When the police arrive at her doorstep with a warrant for Peter's arrest in connection with another murder – that of a woman Peter had escorted to a high school senior prom twenty-two years ago – Kay begins to fear that she has married a sleepwalking murderer, and she resolves to find out the truth behind the puzzling deaths. But are the two deaths linked? And why does a melody that Kay cannot identify keep playing in her head every time she approaches the family chapel?
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  • Let Me Call You Sweetheart
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyThe latest from the Clark suspense factory has a spunky New Jersey prosecutor, Kerry McGrath, as its heroine in danger. Kerry has taken an interest in a 10-year-old murder case, in which Skip Reardon had been found guilty of slaying his beautiful wife, Suzanne, and has since been pleading his innocence from his jail cell. When Kerry's small daughter, Robin, goes to a New York plastic surgeon after a car crash, it is apparent that Dr. Smith, who was Suzanne's father, is weird. He seems to be fashioning the faces of young women to resemble ...
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  • ?ltima Oportunidad
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • "Sterling Brooks no ha tenido una vida ejemplar. Por ello lleva esperando m?s de cincuenta a?os en la antesala del cielo. Unos d?as antes de Navidad, el consejo celestial decide proponerle un trato: entrar? en el cielo si antes consigue hacer una buena obra en la tierra. Se trata de su ?ltima oportunidad. No le especifican cu?l es su misi?n, y de pronto se ven en pleno Rockefeller Center, en medio de una multitud de patinadores, en busca de alguien que necesite un ?ngel. As? encuentra a Marissa, una ni?a de siete a?os, apenada por la desaparici?n de su padre y su abuela, que se han visto obligados a…"
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  • Milcz?cy ?wiadek
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Jako trzyletnie dziecko Patricia Traymore prze?y?a koszmar: jej rodzice zgin?li zastrzeleni w niewyja?nionych okoliczno?ciach, a ci??ko ranna dziewczynka d?ugo walczy?a o ?ycie w najlepszych waszyngto?skich szpitalach. Po latach, jako znana dziennikarka telewizyjna, powraca do Waszyngtonu, aby zrealizowa? program o senator Abigail Jennings, pierwszej kobiecie maj?cej szans? zosta? wiceprezydentem Stan?w Zjednoczonych. Przede wszystkim jednak Pat chce pozna? prawd? o tragicznej ?mierci rodzic?w. Ale jest kto?, komu nie podoba si? pomys? nakr?cenia filmu o bezkompromisowej pani senator i kto uczyni wszystko, aby powstrzyma? dociekliw? dziennikark? przed ujawnieniem tajemnic z przesz?o?ci.
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  • Misterio en alta mar
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • El Royal Mermaid es el flamante buque que sirve de escenario a Mary Higgins, una vez mas acompa?ada de la pluma de su hija Carol, para contarnos una historia de suspense, e intriga, y porque no tambien cargada de humor, el anfitrion del crucero de lujo, ha querido invitar a personas que tienen algo en com?n, estan comprometidas con nobles causas humanitarias.Entre tanto fil?ntopo, tambien han recibido una invitaci?n de navidad para formar parte del pasaje, la detective amateur Alvirah Meehan y la investigadora privada Regan Reilly, ambas acompa?adas por sus maridos, ...
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  • Nie Tra? Nadziei
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Nicholas Spencer, szef pr??nej sp??ki farmaceutycznej Gen-stone, jest postrzegany jako dynamiczny mened?er, kt?ry ca?? energi? i si?y po?wi?ca leku przeciwko nowotworom. Pierwsze wyniki prac s? wr?cz rewelacyjne, ale kolejne badania nie potwierdzaj? pocz?tkowych sukces?w i firmie Gen-stone grozi bankructwo. Gdy pilotowany przez Spencera samolot spada do morza u wybrze?y Portoryko, charyzmatyczny biznesmen zostaje uznany za cynicznego oszusta, kt?ry upozorowa? w?asn? ?mier?. Marcia DeCarlo, zatrudniona w "Wall Street Weekly", zamierza napisa? obiektywn? histori? Nicholasa Spencera. Dociekliwo?? dziennikarki psuje komu? szyki, kto nie cofnie si? nawet przed zbrodni?, aby m?c zrealizowa? sw?j podst?pny, z?owrogi plan.
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  • Nighttime Is My Time
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The definition of an owl had always pleased him: a night bird of prey…sharp talons and soft plumage which permits noiseless flight…applied figuratively to a person of nocturnal habits. 'I am The Owl', he would whisper to himself after he had selected his prey, 'and nighttime is my time.'"Jean Sheridan, a college dean and prominent historian, sets out to her hometown to attend the twenty-year reunion of Stonecroft Academy alumni, where she is to be honored along with six other members of her class. There is something uneasy in the air: one woman in ...
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  • No Llores M?s, My Lady
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Una estrella de teatro y de la pantalla se arroja, en misteriosas circunstancias, por el balc?n de su ?tico neoyorquino, ?Fue asesinada por su amante, Ted Winters, un apuesto magnate de los negocios atormentado por un secreto inconfesable? ?O se trata de un suicidio? Pero ?por qu? iba Leila a quitarse la vida en la cumbre de la fortuna y el ?xito? ?O la mat? otra persona? Sin embargo, ?qui?n querr?a acabar con la vida de una joven admirada y querida por todo el mundo?…
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  • Przybierz Sw?j Dom Ostrokrzewem
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Mary Higgins Clark, ameryka?ska kr?lowa suspensu, i jej c?rka, autorka bestseller?w Carol Higgins Clark, po raz pierwszy po??czy?y si?y, by stworzy? b?yskotliw? i ekscytuj?c? opowie?? o skomplikowanej intrydze osnutej wok?? porwania, kt?re odbywa si? w bo?onarodzeniowej scenerii.Trzy dni przed ?wi?tami Bo?ego Narodzenia w Nowym Jorku zostaje uprowadzony dla okupu Luke Reilly, bogaty przedsi?biorca pogrzebowy. Wraz z nim zak?adniczk? porywaczy staje si? jego pracownica Rosita, wychowuj?ca samotnie dw?ch ma?ych synk?w. ?ledztwo w sprawie ustalenia to?samo?ci przest?pc?...
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  • The Cradle Will Fall
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A minor road accident landed county prosecutor Katie DeMaio in Westlake Hospital. That night, from her window, she thought she saw a man load a woman's body into the trunk of a car…or was it just a sleeping pill-induced nightmare? At work the next day, Katie began investigating a suicide that looked more like murder. Initial evidence pointed elsewhere, but medical examiner Richard Carroll saw a trail leading to Dr. Edgar Highley. He suspected that the famous doctor's work "curing" infertile women was more than controversial-that it was deceitful, depraived, and often deadly. But before Richard could tell Katie his fears, she left the office for the weekend and an appointment for routine surgery…in Dr. Highley's operating room.
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  • The Shadow of Your Smile
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • At age eighty-two and in failing health, Olivia Morrow knows she has little time left. The last of her line, she faces a momentous choice: expose a long-held family secret, or take it with her to her grave.Olivia has in her possession letters from her deceased cousin Catherine, a nun, now being considered for beatification by the Catholic Church-the final step before sainthood. In her lifetime, Sister Catherine had founded seven hospitals for disabled children. Now the cure of a four-year-old boy dying of brain cancer is being attributed to her. After his case was pronounced medically ...
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  • Udawaj, ?e Jej Nie Widzisz
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Co si? dziej?, gdy m?oda kobieta zostaje uwik?ana w niebezpieczne ?ledztwo w sprawie zab?jstwa, tylko dlatego, ?e znalaz?a si? w niew?a?ciwym miejscu w niew?a?ciwej chwili? Co si? dzieje, kiedy musi korzysta? z ochrony policyjnej, zerwa? wszystkie nici wi???ce j? z dotychczasowym ?yciem i przeprowadzi? si? w nowe miejsce do czasu a? sprawca zab?jstwa zostanie wykryty i uj?ty? Co si? dzieje kiedy w nowym wcieleniu spotyka idealnego m??czyzn?, ale boi si? w nim zakocha?, poniewa? nikt nie mo?e wiedzie?, kim dziewczyna jest naprawd?.
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  • W Paj?czynie Mroku
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Przesz?o dwa lata po tym, jak schwytano go wybiegaj?cego z mieszkania, w kt?rym pozosta? trup zamordowanej Niny Peterson, Ronald Thompson ma zosta? stracony. Cho? nigdy nie przyzna? sie do zbrodni, opr?cz matki nikt nie wierzy w jego niewinno??. Kontrowersje budzi natomiast sam problem kary ?mierci. Jej przeciwniczk? jest m?oda pisarka Sharon Martin, natomiast kochaj?cy j? Steve Peterson, m?? zamordowanej kobiety i ojciec siedmioletniego Neila, przychyla si? do opinii zwolennik?w przeprowadzenia egzekucji. Jest jednak jeszcze kto?, kto doskonale wie, ?e Roland jest niewinny. To prawdziwy morderca Niny, kt?ry planuje porwanie Sharon i Neila. Zamierza on wy?udzi? od Steve'a 82 tys. dolar?w, a nast?pnie zamordowa? kobiet? i ch?opca.
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  • Well Meet Again
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Dr Gary Lasch is found dead at his desk. The murder stuns his elite Connecticut community – especially when his beautiful young wife, Molly, is arrested and charged with his murder. Six years later, on Molly's release from prison, she reasserts her innocence in front of reporters gathered at the prison gates. Among them is an old schoolfriend, Fran Simmons, who is currently working as an investigative reporter for a true crime television series. Determined to prove her innocence, Molly convinces Fran to research and produce a programme on Gary 's death. Fran agrees, but in doing so, she has a second agenda – to learn the truth about her own father's suicide fourteen years earlier. Fran soon finds herself enmeshed in a tangled web of intrigue and menace – more deaths and more unanswered questions about Gary Lasch's death. As her investigation proceeds, there are those who know they must make a choice: face ruin, or eliminate Fran.
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  • Where are the children?
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Nancy Harmon had fled the heartbreak of her first marriage, the macabre deaths of her two little children, the hostile front-page newspaper stories and the shocking charges against her. She changed her name, dyed her red hair sable brown, and left California for the wind-swept peace of Cape Cod. Now she was married again, had two more beautiful children, and the terrible pain had begun to heal…until the morning when she looked in the back yard for her little boy and girl, found only one red mitten, and knew that the nightmare was beginning again…
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  • Where Are You Now?
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • It has been ten years since 21-year-old Kevin MacKenzie, Jr. ("Mac"), has been missing. A Columbia University senior, about to graduate and already enrolled in Duke University Law School, he walked out of his room in Manhattan 's Upper West Side without a word to his college roommate and has never been seen again. However, he does make three ritual phone calls to his mother every year: on her birthday, on his birthday, and on Mother's Day. Each time, he assures her he is fine, refuses to answer her frantic questions, then hangs up. Even the death of his ...
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