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Clarke Arthur - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 76—100 из 121.
  • Out of the Sun
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Also published as .From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:Arthur C. Clarke is a true citizen of the world. Where he is at any given moment only his travel agent is likely to know: perhaps in New York conferring with his publishers, perhaps excavating sunken treasure off the coast of Ceylon, perhaps supervising the filming of a movie in London, perhaps studying the cored formations of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, perhaps watching a rocket blasting moonward from Cape Kennedy. He was born in England, but he is at home on any continent, and probably ...

  • Pierworodni
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Pierworodni po raz pierwszy dali zna? o sobie wywo?uj?c Nieci?g?o??, w wyniku kt?rej Ziemia zosta?a rozbita na fragmenty pochodz?ce z r??nych epok. Jednym z rozbitk?w na tak odmienionej planecie, kt?r? nazwano Mirem, by?a kobieta, imieniem Bisesa Dutt. Z przyczyn, kt?rych nie by?a w stanie zrozumie?, uda?o jej si? nawi?za? osobliwy kontakt z zagadkowym artefaktem i kryj?c? si? za nim pot?g?, kt?ra odes?a?a j? z powrotem na Ziemi?. Po powrocie odegra?a zasadnicz? rol? w podj?tej przez ca?? ludzko?? ...

  • Polvere di Luna
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • La polvere che ricopre la luna non ? n? liquida n? solida: e in questo mare uniforme e infido si svolge la spaventosa avventura del battello Selene, mirabilmente narrata ora per ora da uno dei maestri della fantascienza moderna. Seguendo il drammatico «montaggio» del bestseller di Clarke il lettore vedr? subito perch? una grande Casa di produzione abbia gi? acquistato, a poche settimane dalla pubblicazione, i diritti cinematografici di questo «Titanic» del futuro.Alla fine, per?, il film non ? stato girato, e il romanzo ? fra i meno ristampati in Italia del grande autore britannico: appare infatti in sole tre edizioni italiane!

  • Preludio allo spazio
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • I lettori conoscono gi? Arthur C. Clarke, che ha inaugurato la serie dei romanzi di Urania con «Le sabbie di Marte». Con lo stesso stile avvincente, la stessa precisione di scienziato, Arthur Clarke ci narra ora come gli esseri umani si preparino al primo volo nello spazio: destinazione Luna. Siamo nel 1980 circa. «Per migliaia d’anni» dice l’Autore «la razza umana si ? diffusa sulla Terra, finch? l’intero globo non fu esplorato e colonizzato. Ora ? arrivato il momento di fare il passo seguente e attraversare lo spazio. L’umanit? deve sempre avere nuovi orizzonti, per non sprofondare nella ...

  • Rama Revealed
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • “Rama Revealed” (1993) is a science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee. It is the last of three sequels to Clarke's “ by these authors, and as the title suggests reveals the mysteries behind the enigmatic “ spacecraft.The book picks up the story immediately after the end of “.” The book follows the story of Nicole Wakefield and her escape from imprisonment left at the cliffhanger of the previous book.As the human colony continues to degenerate with respect to living conditions and human rights, the members of Nicole's family escape to the region nicknamed “New York”, ...

  • Randev? a R?m?val
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A. C. Clarke 1973-ban adta k?zre jelen reg?ny?t, mely azonnal ?ri?si vil?gsikert aratott. C?m?t arr?l az ?rhaj?r?l kapta, melyet a XXII. Sz?zad k?zep?n fedeztek fel a Jupiteren t?l. Az Endeavour napkutat? ?rhaj?t k?ldik a R?ma felder?t?s?re…Clarke minden tud, amit egy sci-fi ?r?nak tudnia kell. Fant?zi?ja val?s?gos tudom?nyos t?nyekre alapozva sz?rnyal, ?s mint Kuczka P?ter a k?tet ut?szav?ban meg?llap?tja: mindig az embers?g, az emberiess?g oldal?n ?ll. Kitart? tud?sv?gy ?lteti minden reg?ny?t, ?s ezzel fogja meg olvas?it is.

  • Razboi pe Rama
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • …In ultimele patru zile, grupuri mici de oameni au intreprins misiuni de recunoastere la sol, iar cele doua elicoptere, misiuni similare in aer. In regiunea cercetata de oameni se afla aproape treizeci la suta din rezervele noastre de hrana, energie si apa. Nu au avut loc lupte?. Totusi, am plasat indicatoare in locuri cheie, folosind ceea ce cunoastem din limba voastra, pentru a-i informa pe soldatii oameni ca intregul semicilindru sudic este taramul unei alte specii avansate, dar pasnice si pentru a le cere sa se intoarca in regiunea lor. Indicatoarele noastre au fost ignorate. Acum doua zile s-a petrecut un incident neplacut. De aceea, am aratat in mod clar ca orice alt comportament similar va fi considerat un act de razboi…

  • Rendez-vous avec Rama
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Venant de l'espace interstellaire, un objet p?n?tre dans le syst?me solaire. Au d?but, il n'int?resse gu?re les astronomes et encore mois les journalistes ; les ast?ro?des et les com?tes caract?ris?s par des orbites tr?s excentriques sont innombrables.Mais cet objet n'est pas ordinaire. Une observation pouss?e montre qu'il est parfaitement cylindrique. Ses dimensions sont imposantes : une trentaine de kilom?tres de long, une quinzaine de diam?tre. Pour la premi?re fois de m?moire d'homme, un navire venu d'une autre ?toile traverse le syst?me ...

  • Rendezvous with Rama
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • At first, only a few things are known about the celestial object that astronomers dub Rama. It is huge, weighing more than ten trillion tons. And it is hurtling through the solar system at inconceivable speed. Then a space probe confirms the unthinkable: Rama is no natural object. It is an interstellar spacecraft. Space explorers and planet-bound scientists alike prepare for mankind’s first encounter with alien intelligence. It will kindle their wildest dreams… and fan their darkest fears. For no one knows who the Ramans are or why they have come. And now the moment of rendezvous awaits—just behind a Raman airlock door.

  • Richter 10
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Lewis Crane survived the Los Angeles earthquake of 1994, but his family didn’t. At 7 years old, his life was torn apart. Now, at 37, he’s a seismologist with a mission: protect others from that fate. He’s got a unique theory of quake prediction, but in an America split along racial and religious lines, he’ll have to predict the unpredictable to get anyone to believe him. Steeped in the latest discoveries of earth science, this is a near-future story of high-tech suspense and the staggering force of a moving, living earth.

  • Sfarsitul copilariei
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Autor cunoscut mai mult pentru «Odiseea spatiala 2001…2010», precum si pentru inventarea satelitului artificial, Clarke este un scriitor bland, care nu socheaza, nu sperie si nu nelinisteste. In «Sfarsitul copilariei», viziunea lui despre viitor este una optimista. In fata tuturor razboaielor ce macina oamenii de mii de ani, in fata poluarii, a amenintarii nucleare, a mutatiilor genetice, a urii rasiale si a multor altor nenorociri, Clarke viseaza frumos si, prin cartile lui, ne facem sa speram.«Sfarsitul copilariei» are un final trist, dar plin de speranta. O carte ce loveste adanc in mandria omului redus la cotidian, dar care glorifica acelasi om care isi doreste un viitor mai bun pentru copilul sau. O carte clasica, nerecomandata iubitorilor de nave spatiale, lasere si batalii galactice. O carte ce merita citita.

  • Spotkanie z Ram?
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Ludzko?? 2130 roku opanowa?a ju? ca?y Uk?ad S?oneczny i szykuje si? do lot?w ku bardziej odleg?ym gwiazdom nie maj?c nadziei na odnalezienie “braci w rozumie”. Nieoczekiwanie w obszar obserwacji ziemskich astronom?w trafia zadziwiaj?cy obiekt o idealnie r?wnym kszta?cie walca. “Rama”, bo tak nazwano planetoid, okazuje si? dzie?em istot rozumnych. Stra? Kosmiczna wysy?a natychmiast ekspedycj? z misj? zbadania gwiezdnego przybysza. Dow?dc?, komandora Nortona i innych uczestnik?w wyprawy czekaj? niezwyk?e prze?ycia i do?wiadczenia…Powie?? otrzyma?a nagrod? Nebula w 1973, nagrody Hugo, Campbell, Locus i Jupiter w 1974.

  • Sunstorm
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Returned to the Earth of 2037 by the Firstborn, mysterious beings of almost limitless technological prowess, Bisesa Dutt is haunted by the memories of her five years spent on the strange alternate Earth called Mir, a jigsaw-puzzle world made up of lands and people cut out of different eras of Earth’s history. Why did the Firstborn create Mir? Why was Bisesa taken there and then brought back on the day after her original disappearance? Bisesa’s questions receive a chilling answer when scientists discover an anomaly in the sun’s core-an anomaly that has no natural cause is ...

  • The Deep Range
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The Deep Range is a 1957 Arthur C. Clarke science fiction novel concerning a future sub-mariner who helps farm the seas. The story includes the capture of a sea monster similar to a kraken.It is based on a short story of the same name that was published in April 1954, in Argosy magazine. The short story was later featured in Tales from Planet Earth and Frederik Pohl’s Star Science Fiction No.3.A lengthy portion of this novel takes place on an extrapolated Heron Island, Australia.The novel contains references to Herman Melville’s novel Moby-Dick.Towards the end of the novel, the main character visits the ancient Sri Lankan city of Anuradhapura.