Highly acclaimed for her hard-hitting, uncompromising and compelling writing, as well as her phenomenal Number 1 success, Martina Cole is the only author who dares to tell it like it is. After the recent runaway success of "The Take", Martina's new novel, "Close", is the story of the women who are left behind. Set in London's dark and violent gangland, this novel tells the tale of a gutsy mother and her two sons, and their lives in and out of jail. With her characteristically haunting writing and visceral subject matter, Martina Cole, has written yet another compulsive bestseller.
Danny Boy Cadogan era ese tipo de persona que hac?a que hasta el m?s duro de los delincuentes se pusiera nervioso y paranoico, especialmente si le dec?a que quer?a hablar con ?l de alg?n asunto. Danny ten?a la habilidad de convertir el m?s inocente comentario en una declaraci?n de guerra y la frase m?s inocua en una amenaza real y terror?fica.” De la noche a la ma?ana, Danny Cadogan, a sus catorce a?os, tiene que abrirse camino en un mundo violento y peligroso. Debe proteger a su ...
A los amigos hay que tenerlos cerca; a los enemigos, muy cerca; y a la familia, a?n m?s cerca. Lily Diamond, una joven que ha crecido en un medio dif?cil, se une a Patrick Brodie, un cabecilla del hampa local que lleva sus «negocios» con mano de hierro. Juntos formar?n uno de los clanes m?s poderosos de los ambientes turbios del East End londinense. Tienen cinco hijos, a los que pretenden darles todo lo que ellos no tuvieron, sin importarles la forma de conseguirlo. La vida parece sonre?rles cuando Patrick es asesinado por una banda rival. Con todo perdido, desamparada en un mundo peligroso en el que no se puede confiar en nadie, Lily tendr? que sacar adelante a su clan. M?s cerca es una novela sobre los ambientes arrabaleros del Londres cada vez m?s mestizo de los a?os setenta. Un periodo de mutaciones en el que los viejos negocios del hampa (juego, prostituci?n…) van dejando paso al m?s rentable mundo de las drogas que se abre paso a borbotones de sangre.
Martina Cole, najpoczytniejsza wsp??czesna pisarka brytyjska, zas?yn??a ksi??kami o sensacyjno-obyczajowej fabule osadzonej w kryminalnym p??- ?wiatku Londynu. Maura Ryan i jej czterej bracia rz?dz? londy?skim podziemiem. W ostatnich latach Maura usun??a si? w cie?. Zab?jstwo jej m??a, by?ego gliny, zmusza j? do powrotu na scen?. Kolejne zdarzenia i niewyt?umaczalne morderstwa wskazuj? na perfidnie utkan? intryg?, maj?c? na celu zniszczenie autorytetu Ryan?w. Tropy prowadz? do gangstera odsiaduj?cego wyrok. Zagro?enie wok?? rodziny narasta, gdy Joliff ucieka z wi?zienia. Prowadz?c inteligentn? rozgrywk?, Maura krok po kroku pokonuje pi?trz?ce si? trudno?ci, eliminuje wrog?w, ujawnia nici intrygi.
Devastatingly powerful and utterly unforgettable, THE FAMILY will hook you in from the very first page, and keep you there till the very last.Phillip Murphy is a family man. He worships his old mum; he takes care of his siblings who help run his business empire; he dotes on his two young sons who will one day take over. And then there's his wife and saviour Christine, whom he loves with a vengeance. To Phillip Murphy, family is everything.Christine has always understood this about her husband. But there is another side to Phillip, and it's a side he never wanted his wife to see. Though even if she did, could she do anything but stand by him? Because Phillip has rules, and he expects loyalty from his nearest and dearest. Once you're in the family, you're in it for life.
Martina tells it like it really is, and her unique, honest and compassionate style shines through in her latest novel. Jackie Jackson is preparing a party to welcome home her husband Freddie. Everyone is gathered at the party, including her sister Maggie. But after six years in prison, Freddie thinks he is the Essex equivalent to the Godfather. And he's going to make sure everyone knows it.