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Cook Robin - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—24 из 24.

  • ADN
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En el hospital m?s grande de Nueva York tiene lugar una serie de muertes, ante los ojos de la doctora encargada de las autopsias, inexplicables. El ?nico punto en com?n entre los pacientes muertos -todos gozaban de muy buena salud- es que pertenec?an al mismo seguro m?dico. Es la primera pista de una terrible historia en la que medicina, adelantos cient?ficos y negocios se enfrentan en una trama de gran suspense…
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  • Blindsight
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyCook's lack of ability as a stylist generally has been masked by his talent for fashioning a solid medical drama-often ripped from current headlines-that keeps readers turning pages. Unfortuately, that's not the case in his 12th novel (after Vital Signs), which has a plot so ludicrous that the weak characters and silly dialogue are all too obvious. Most offensive in the latter category are the stilted, out-of-kilter exchanges between a pair of Mafia hitmen who run about New York City "whacking" (murdering) people with increasing frequency. Meanwhile, Dr. Laurie Montgomery, a forensic pathologist in the ...
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  • Chromosome 6
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • One missing organ. One genetic breakthrough. One medical conspiracy too terrifying to imagine. In his most prophetic thriller yet, Robin Cook challenges the medical ethics of genetic manipulations and cloning. In the jungles of equatorial Africa, a biotechnology giant has taken transplant surgery and animal research to a new level. Where one mistake could bridge the evolutionary gap between man and ape-and forever change the genetic map of our existence.
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  • Contagion
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amazon.com ReviewWhen not one but three different extremely rare diseases kill several patients at a New York hospital, forensic pathologist Jack Stapleton suspects it's more than just coincidence. He thinks there's a connection between the appearance of the mysterious microbes responsible for the deaths and the HMO that owns the hospital-the same HMO that once destroyed his flourishing medical practice. Is Americare deliberately killing off its sickest patients-those who cost the most money to treat? Or is there an even more sinister motive behind the strange goings-on at Manhattan General, not to mention the attempts on ...
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  • Crisis
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When Dr. Craig Bowman is served with a summons for medical malpractice, he's shocked, enraged, and more than a little humiliated. A devoted physician who works continuously in the service of others, he endured grueling years of training and is now a partner in an exclusive concierge medical practice. No longer forced to see more and more patients while spending less and less time with each one just to keep his office door open, he now provides the kind of medical care he is trained to do, lavishing twenty-four-hour availability and personalized attention on his handpicked patients. And at ...
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  • Critical
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Angela Dawson, M.D., appears to have it all: at the age of thirty-seven, she owns a fabulous New York City apartment, a stunning seaside house on Nantucket, and enjoys the perks of her prosperous lifestyle. But her climb to the top was rough, marked by a troubled childhood, a failed marriage, and the devastating blow of bankruptcy as a primary-care internist. Painfully aware of the role of economics in modern life, particularly in the health-care field, Angela returned to school to earn an MBA. Armed with a shiny new degree and blessed with determination, intelligence, and impeccable timing, ...
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  • Fatal Cure
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyIf Cook's skills as a writer were as finely tuned as his sense of timing, his 14th medical thriller (after Terminal) would be a lot more rewarding. Current political events guarantee that a suspense novel centering on health care management will be topical and at least potentially fascinating. Unfortunately, stock characters, stilted dialogue and improbable heroes and villains make for difficult reading here. Idealistic young doctors David and Angela Wilson take positions at a state-of-the-art medical center in a small Vermont town partly because they see it as an ideal spot for their daughter, who ...
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  • Marker
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The master of the medical thriller returns with his most heart-pounding tale yet.Twenty-eight-year-old Sean McGillin is the picture of health, until he fractures his leg while in-line skating in New York City 's Central Park. Within twenty-four hours of his surgery, he dies.A thirty-six-year-old mother, Darlene Morgan, has knee surgery to repair a torn ligament in her knee. And within twenty-four hours, she has died.New York City medical examiners Dr. Laurie Montgomery and Dr. Jack Stapleton are back, in Robin Cook's electrifying twenty-fifth novel. Last seen in Vector, the doctors confront a series ...
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  • Mindbend
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Grand Rapids Press A mind-boggling page-turner…Robin Cook has another sure bestseller.A storyteller of the most daring imagination…chillingly entertaining and thought-provoking. – Associated Press***A gigantic drug firm has offered an aspiring young doctor a lucrative job that will help support his pregnant wife. It could make their dreams come true-or their nightmares…
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  • Seizure
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Senator Ashley Butler is a quintessential Southern demagogue whose support of traditional American values includes a knee-jerk reaction against virtually all biotechnologies. When he's called to chair a subcommittee introducing legislation to ban new cloning technology, the senator views his political future in bold relief; and Dr. Daniel Lowell, inventor of the technique that will take stem cell research to the next level, sees a roadblock positioned before his biotech startup.The two seemingly opposite personalities clash during the senate hearings, but the men have a common desire. Butler's hunger for political power far outstrips his concern for ...
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  • Shock
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cutting-edge technology and personal greed converge in this spine-tingling novel of medicine run amok. Deborah Cochrane and Joanna Meissner, students and close friends, spot a campus newspaper ad that promises to solve their financial problems: an exclusive, highly profitable fertility clinic on Boston's North Shore is looking for donors. Deborah and Joanna figure they can perform a good deed in helping infertle couples, while earning some money for themselves. Although rumours Surface of a fellow donor's unexplained disappearance, they remain undeterred. The procedures seem to go smoothly, but second thoughts and curiosity prompt the two women discover more, Stymied by the clinic's veil of secrecy, Deborah and Joanna obtain employment there to continue their probe. Working under aliases, they soon discover the horrifying true aims of Dr Windgate's research, immediately putting their lives – and their sanity – irrevocably at risk.
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  • Sphinx
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • It was the magic and mystery of an empire long past that beautiful Erica Baron came toe explore. Innocently she cast her eyes in forbidden places and discovered the clue to a treasure beyond imagination. It was then that terror overtook her, as the most fearful curse of the ancient world and the most savagemenace of the modern one threatened to detroy her. One dangerously attractive man offered Erica help…he offered her protection…he offered her love. And in this strange, exotic land of seductive evils, where no one could be trusted, desire became for Erica the deadliest snare of all…
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  • Toxin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amazon.com ReviewJust when you thought it was safe to eat a hamburger again, Robin Cook – master of medical mysteries, deadly epidemics, and creepy comas-returns with an all too likely villain drawn right from current headlines: the American meat industry. If you've ever wondered where the E. coli bacteria comes from, and exactly how it can ravage the human body, destroying everything in its path, this is the book for you. As usual, Cook delivers solid information, well-researched medical arcana, and a scathing indictment of managed health care.His protagonist, Kim Regis, is an all-too-typical ego-driven ...
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  • Vite in pericolo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Un’agghiacciante incursione nel lato pi? oscuro dell’assistenza sanitaria, nel fatidico incrocio tra il valore supremo dell’esistenza umana e i cinici interessi del mondo finanziario, capace di subordinare la vita e la morte alla pericolosa seduzione del denaro. Dopo lunghi anni trascorsi nei corridoi di un grande ospedale di Boston, Angela e David Wilson, un’affiatata coppia di medici, decidono di abbandonare la frenesia della metropoli per trasferirsi, con la figlioletta Nikki gracile e malata, in campagna, in una tranquilla cittadina del Vermont. La bellezza e la serenit? del luogo, insieme all’affettuosa accoglienza dei suoi abitanti, ...
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  • Zabawa w Boga
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Cassandra Kingsley ma wszystko: rozpocz??a sta? na psychiatrii, mieszka we wspania?ym domu, a jej m??em jest najlepszy kardiochirurg bosto?skiego Memorial Hospital. Tymczasem dziewczyna, wbrew rozs?dkowi, bada wraz z patologiem Seibertem seri? nag?ych zgon?w pooperacyjnych, do kt?rych dochodzi w szpitalu. W obliczu powa?nych problem?w zdrowotnych i ma??e?skich rzuca ?ledztwo, ale wraca do niego po tajemniczej ?mierci Seiberta. Teraz musi ju? walczy? nie tylko o sw?j wzrok i rodzin?, ale tak?e o ?ycie. A kr?g podejrzanych zaw??a si? stopniowo do najbli?szych jej ludzi…
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  • Zaraza
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Это похоже на эпидемию — от загадочной болезни гибнут дети и старики, молодые мужчины и цветущие женщины.Это похоже на кошмар — зараза расползается все дальше, и никакое лекарство не может ее остановить.Это похоже на заговор — эпицентр эпидемии находится там, где ей должны противостоять, — в больницах и клиниках...Кто создал смертельный вирус?Кто «выпустил его из пробирки»?И главное — чего добиваются неизвестные убийцы невинных людей и кто стоит за ними?
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