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Cornick Nicola - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—9 из 9.

  • One Night Of Scandal
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Book 2 of the Bluestocking Brides Trilogy. Widowed Mrs Deborah Stratton needs to find a gentleman to act as her betrothed in order to foil the plans of her matchmaking parents. The last person she would voluntarily choose is Lord Richard Kestrel, who is too arrogant, too attractive and simply not biddable enough to fulfil the part. So she decides to advertise for an obedient gentleman to pretend to be her betrothed… Yet when Deb looks around for a lover to show her what was missing from her unhappy marriage, it would seem that for that particular purpose, Richard would be the perfect choice…
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  • Skandalistka
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Anglia, okres regencji. Zdawa? by si? mog?o, ?e lady Julianie Myfleet nie zale?a?o na opinii. Czy gdyby by?o inaczej, gra?aby w karty o bardzo wysokie stawki, bra?a udzia? w skandalizuj?cych przyj?ciach czy wreszcie romansowa?a z by?ym kochankiem w?asnej matki? Wielu j? pot?pia?o, niekt?rzy tolerowali, lecz nikt jej nie rozumia?. Lord Martin Davencourt pami?ta? inn? Julian?, niewinn? i radosn?. Postanowi? sprawdzi?, co kryje si? za post?powaniem pi?knej wdowy. Tym bardziej ?e, wbrew rozs?dkowi, by? ni? coraz bardziej zauroczony.
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  • The Notorious Lord
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Book 1 of the Bluestocking Brides Trilogy. Miss Rachel Odell and Cory, Lord Newlyn, are childhood friends but when Cory comes to Midwinter Royal to assist Rachel's antiquarian parents in the excavation of the famous burial site, they find their feelings for each other have changed. Rachel and Cory want different things in life. Rachel detests the travelling that has always been a part of her parents' profession. To Cory the quest for adventure is as necessary as breathing. But now Cory has another pursuit on his mind… How can he make Rachel see that they could be so much more than just good friends?
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  • The Scandals Of An Innocent
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Miss Alice Lister feels anything but respectable. Bad enough that she is a maid-turned-heiress. Now the insufferably attractive Lord Miles Vickery is certain he can gain her fortune by blackmailing her into marriage – even though it was his deceitful charm that broke her heart once before. But she's positive the terms of her inheritance will prove an impossible task. After all, what rake could be completely honest for three long months?For his part, Miles finds his newfound frankness invaluable in entangling Alice in positions deliciously unbecoming of a lady. Of course, he doesn't yet know that he's falling hopelessly in love with this formidable innocent.or that he will soon go to impossible lengths to prove himself hers forever…
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