Cornwell Bernard -
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- 1356 (Special Edition)
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- This special edition Ebook features exclusive extra content by the author, with an extended Historical Note and two contemporary accounts of the Battle of Poitiers.Go with God and Fight like the Devil.The Hundred Years War rages on and the bloodiest battles are yet to be fought. Across France, towns are closing their gates, the crops are burning and the country stands alert to danger. The English army, victorious at the Battle of Cr?cy and led by the Black Prince, is invading again and the French are hunting them down.Thomas of Hookton, an English archer known as Le B?tard, is under orders to seek out the lost sword of St Peter, a weapon said to grant certain victory to whoever possesses her. As the outnumbered English army becomes trapped near the town of Poitiers, Thomas, his men and his sworn enemies meet in an extraordinary confrontation that ignites one of the greatest battles of all time.
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- Agincourt
- Жанр: Исторические приключения
- “The greatest writer of historical adventures today” () tackles his richest, most thrilling subject yet—the heroic tale of Agincourt.Young Nicholas Hook is dogged by a cursed past—haunted by what he has failed to do and banished for what he has done. A wanted man in England, he is driven to fight as a mercenary archer in France, where he finds two things he can love: his instincts as a fighting man, and a girl in trouble. Together they survive the notorious massacre at Soissons, an event that shocks all Christendom. With no options left, Hook ...
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- Battle Flag
- Жанр: Исторические приключения
- Distinguished at the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Confederate Captain Nate Starbuck's career is jeopardized once again by the suspicion and hostility of his brigade commander, General Washington Faulconer. The outcome of this vicious fight drastically changes both men's fortunes and propels AX into the ghastly bloodletting at the Second Battle of Manassas.Evocative and historically accurate, Battle Flag continues Bernard Cornwell's powerful series of Nate's adventures on some of the most decisive battlefields of the American Civil War.
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- Crackdown
- Жанр: Морские приключения
- Paradise is the perfect escape for ex-Marine Nick Breakspear, captain of a charter yacht operation in the Bahamas, until he agrees to pilot a "detox cruise" for the drug-addled grown son and daughter of a powerful U.S. senator. Ambushed far from port, he is helpless to prevent the murder of a crew member by modern-day pirates who sink Nick's yacht before vanishing with the senator's kids. Having barely eluded death, Nick must immediately set sail for disaster once again. For there's a death to be avenged on the dark side of Eden, the senator is demanding that his lost children be found . . . and the woman Nick loves is being held prisoner by killers somewhere on Murder Cay.
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- Death of Kings
- Жанр: Историческая проза
- The fate of a young nation rests in the hands of a reluctant warrior in the thrilling sixth volume of the bestselling Saxon Tales series. Following the intrigue and action of and , this latest chapter in Bernard Cornwell’s epic saga of England is a gripping tale of divided loyalties and mounting chaos. At a crucial moment in time, as Alfred the Great lays dying, the fate of all—Angles, Saxons, and Vikings alike—hangs desperately in the balance. For all fans of classic Cornwell adventures, such as and , and for readers of William Dietrich’s or Robert E. Howard’s , the stunning will prove once again why the calls Bernard Cornwell “the most prolific and successful historical novelist in the world today.”
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- Die Galgenfrist
- Жанр: Триллер
- London im Jahre 1817: Mit harter Hand bem?ht sich die Obrigkeit, Unruhen und Kriminalit?t einzud?mmen. Hinrichtungen sind an der Tagesordnung, Tausende sterben am Galgen. Captain Rider Sandman, ein unverschuldet in finanzielle Not geratener Gentleman, erh?lt vom Innenministerium den Auftrag, das Gnadengesuch von Charles Corday zu pr?fen, der wegen Mordes an einer Gr?fin zum Tod durch den Strang verurteilt wurde. Niemand zweifelt an der Schuld des Malers, auch Sandman h?lt seinen Auftrag f?r eine reine Formsache – bis ihm erhebliche Zweifel kommen. Es beginnt ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit, denn die Hinrichtung soll schon ...
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- Enemy of God
- Жанр: Историческая проза
- Enemy of God is the second novel of the Warlord series, and immediately follows the events described in The Winter King. In that book the King of Dumnonia and High King of Britain, Uther, dies and is succeeded by his lamed baby grandson, Mordred. Arthur, a bastard son of Uther's, is appointed one of Mordred's guardians and in time becomes the most important of those guardians. Arthur is determined to fulfil the oath he swore to Uther that Mordred, when he comes of age, will occupy Dumnonia's throne.Arthur is also determined to bring peace to the warring ...
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- Excalibur
- Жанр: Историческая проза
- From T. H. White's to Marion Zimmer Bradley's , the legend of King Arthur has haunted and inspired generations of writers to reinvent the ancient story. In and , Bernard Cornwell demonstrated his astonishing ability to make the oft-told legend of King Arthur fresh and new for our time. Now, in this riveting final volume of the , Cornwell tells the story of Arthur's desperate attempt to triumph over a ruined marriage and the Saxons' determination to destroy him.Set against the backdrop of the Dark Ages, this brilliant saga continues as seen through the eyes of Derfel, an orphan brought ...
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- Gallows Thief
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- It is 1807 and portrait painter Charles Corday, charged with the murder of a Countess he was in the process of painting, has only seven days to live. Political pressures make it expedient for the Home Office to confirm his guilt. The man appointed to investigate is Rider Sandman, whose qualifications for the job are non-existent and who is currently down on his luck. The offer of even a temporary post, promising a generous fee for not much effort, seems ideal. But Sandman's investigations reveal much that does not fit the verdict, and many people determined to halt his activities. Sandman has a soldier's skills and he has remarkable, if unconventional, allies. But ranged against them is a cabal of some of the wealthiest and most ruthless men of Regency England. Sandman has a mere seven days to snatch an innocent man from the hungriest gallows of Europe. The hangman is waiting. It is a race against the noose.
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- Sharpes Aufstieg
- Жанр: Исторические приключения
- 1809. Bitterer Winter beherrscht den Norden Spaniens. Die britischen Truppen ziehen sich nach La Coru?a zur?ck. Lieutenant Richard Sharpe und eine versprengte Abteilung Sch?tzen sind auf sich allein gestellt, eingekreist von der siegreichen Armee Napoleons. Sie haben nur eine Chance: Wenn sie sich Major Blas Vivar und seinen spanischen Aufst?ndischen anschlie?en. Doch das hat seinen Preis, denn Vivar will die heilige Stadt Santiago de Compostela befreien, die von franz?sischen Truppen besetzt ist. Sharpe und seinen M?nnern bleibt nichts anderes ?brig, als einmal mehr ihren unbeugsamen Willen zu beweisen, um sich gegen die ...
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- Sharpes Tiger
- Жанр: Исторические приключения
- In a battery of events that will make a hero out of an illiterate private, a young Richard Sharpe poses as the enemy to bring down a ruthless Indian dictator backed by fearsome French troops.The year is 1799, and Richard Sharpe is just beginning his military career. An inexperienced young private in His Majesty's service, Sharpe becomes part of an expedition to India to push the ruthless Tippoo of Mysore from his throne and drive out his French allies. To penetrate the Tippoo's city and make contact with a Scottish spy being held prisoner there, Sharpe has to ...
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- Sharpes Triumph
- Жанр: Исторические приключения
- In a battery of events that will make a hero out of an illiterate private, a young Richard Sharpe poses as the enemy to bring down a ruthless Indian dictator backed by fearsome French troops.The year is 1799, and Richard Sharpe is just beginning his military career. An inexperienced young private in His Majesty's service, Sharpe becomes part of an expedition to India to push the ruthless Tippoo of Mysore from his throne and drive out his French allies. To penetrate the Tippoo's city and make contact with a Scottish spy being held prisoner there, Sharpe has to ...
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- Stormchild
- Жанр: Морские приключения
- Tim Blackburn, a famous round-the-world yachtsman, must discover the fate of his impulsive, brilliant but wayward daughter, Nicole. Nicole disappeared in the company of Caspar von Rellsteb, an environmental activist and leader of the Genesis Community. He and his followers believe that the planet can only be saved by ruthless force. Blackburn's boat, STORMCHILD, will carry him halfway around the world to the harshest land and the fiercest seas on earth. There, in a tumult of weather and emotion, Blackburn the hunter becomes the hunted as he precipitates a terrifying confrontation with the evil he finds; with men and women whose motives have been eroded by exhaustion and perverted by fanaticism; with the daughter he had once known, and now has to find again.
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- The Grail Quest 2 - Vagabond
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- In Harlequin, Thomas of Hookton travelled to France as an archer and there discovered a shadowy destiny, which linked him to a family of heretical French lords who sought Christendom?s greatest relic.Having survived the battle of Cr?cy, Thomas is sent back to England, charged with finding the Holy Grail. But Thomas is an archer and when a chance comes to fight against an army invading northern England he jumps at it. Plunged into the carnage of Neville?s Cross, he is oblivious to other enemies who want to destroy him. He discovers too late that ...
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- The Grail Quest 1 - Harlequin
- Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
- In the fourteenth century the English were just beginning to discover their national identity, and one of the strongest elements of this was the overwhelming success in battle of the English bowmen.England?s archers crossed the Channel to lay a country to waste. Thomas of Hookton was one of those archers. When his village is sacked by French raiders, he escapes from his father?s ambition to become a wild youth who delights in the opportunities which war offers - for fighting, for revenge and for friendship.But Thomas is hounded by his conscience. He has ...
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- The Winter King
- Жанр: Историческая проза
- These are the tales of the last days before the great darkness descended. These are the tales of the Lost Lands, the country that was once ours but which our enemies now call England. These are the tales of Arthur, the Warlord'; the King that Never Was, the Enemy of God and, may the living Christ forgive me, the best man I ever knew. How I have wept for Arthur…Fifth century Britain lies on the edge of darkness. Memories of Roman civilization are fading; the pagan Gods are retreating before the spread of Christianity; the Saxons are ...
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