Coulter Catherine -
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Книги 1—25 из 25.
- Arabella
- Жанр: О любви
- Джоржетт ХЕЙЕР Арабелла Анонс С замиранием сердца покидает Арабелла - дочь приходского священника родной дом, отправляясь на свой первый сезон в Лондон. Поддавшись минутному гневу, девушка выдает себя за богатую наследницу, вынужденную скрываться от бесчисленных "охотников за приданным". Светский красавец и дамский угодник Несравненный - возмущенный ее холодностью решает проучить ее. Однако Арабелла приготовила Несравненному совсем другую роль... ...
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- Backfire
- Жанр: Триллер
- San Francisco Judge Ramsey Hunt, longtime friend to FBI agents Lacey Sherlock and Dillon Savich, is presiding over the trial of Clive and Cindy Cahill – accused in a string of murders – when the proceedings take a radical turn. Federal prosecutor Mickey O'Rourke, known for his relentless style, becomes suddenly tentative in his opening statement, leading Hunt to suspect he's been threatened – suspicions that are all but confirmed when Hunt is shot in the back. Savich and Sherlock receive news of the attack as an ominous note is sent to Savich at the Hoover Building: You deserve this for what you did. Security tapes fail to reveal who delivered the note. Who is behind the shooting of Judge Ramsey Hunt? Who sent the note to Savich? And what does it all mean? Savich and Sherlock race to San Francisco to find out… watching their backs all the while.
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- Blindside
- Жанр: Любовные детективы
- –bestselling author Catherine Coulter's FBI series never fails to deliver sensual sizzle along with the suspense. In husband-and-wife FBI agents Lacey Sherlock and Dillon Savich team up again on two vital cases: a killer who targets Washington, D.C., teachers and the kidnapping of an old friend's son. Though six-year-old Sam manages to escape and take refuge with Tennessee sheriff Katie Benedict and her daughter, Keely, his kidnappers quickly strike again...and pay a deadly price for the rematch when reinforcements arrive in the form of Sam's dad (a former FBI agent) and his buddy Savich. But the ...
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- Born To Be Wild
- Жанр: Триллер
- “Fast-paced.” – People“This terrific thriller will drag you into its chilling web of terror and not let go until the last paragraph…A ripping good read.” – The San Francisco Examiner“Catherine Coulter can always be counted on to write an exciting thriller.” – BookBrowser“Ms. Coulter is a one-of-a-kind author who knows how to hook her readers and keep them coming back for more.” – The Best Reviews“A good storyteller…Coulter always keeps the pace brisk.” – Fort Worth Star-Telegram“Danger never felt so good.” – BookPage“Coulter takes readers on a chilling and suspenseful ride…...
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- Cel
- Жанр: Триллер
- Prawnik Ramsey Hunt, uciekaj?c przed dziennikarzami po nag?o?nionym przez media incydencie, szuka spokoju w odosobnionej chacie w G?rach Skalistych. Wymarzony spok?j nie trwa jednak d?ugo – Hunt znajduje w lesie nieprzytomn? dziewczynk?. Zabiera rann? do swojej chaty, ale w ?lad za ni? w pobli?u domu pojawiaj? si? zab?jcy. Nie tylko oni zagra?aj? ?yciu Ramseya i jego ma?ej podopiecznej – oto Molly Santera, matka dziewczynki, znajduje ich w g?rskim domku i w pierwszej chwili bierze Ramseya za porywacza. Gdy m??czyzna wyprowadza matk? z b??du i zdobywa w ko?cu jej zaufanie, nie ma ju? czasu na podzi?kowania. Depcz?cy im po pi?tach mordercy s? blisko… Czy ich zleceniodawc? jest dziadek dziewczynki, boss podziemnego Chicago?
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- Eleventh Hour
- Жанр: Любовные детективы
- In their seventh crime swoop, FBI agents Lacey Sherlock and Dillon Savich track down a very elusive murderer. Father Michael Joseph, the twin brother of a FBI colleague, is slain, but the only witness to the crime vanishes. To the double mystery of murder and disappearance is quickly added a third element: Sherlock and Savich discover a connection between Father Michael's killing and one "committed" on an upcoming episode of a trendy new TV series. Is the murderer a copycat killer or a psychic?
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- G?rska tajemnica
- Жанр: Триллер
- Agent FBI, Jack Crowne leci rz?dowym samolotem nad Appalachami. Na pok?adzie ma wa?nego pasa?era: znanego psychiatr?, doktora Timothy MacLeana. Celem ich podr??y jest miasto Waszyngton. W czasie lotu samolot ulega wypadkowi, cudem ocaleni Jack Crowne i doktor Timothy trafiaj? do kliniki w Parlow.Jakie tajemnice skrywa jedyny ?wiadek katastrofy Rachael Abbot?Kim oka?? si? wrogowie doktora Timothy MacLeana?
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- Godzina ?mierci
- Жанр: Триллер
- Kiedy ksi?dz Michael Joseph zostaje brutalnie zamordowany w swoim ko?ciele w San Fransico, jego brat bli?niak, agent FBI, Dane Carver postanawia odnale?? sprawc? tej potwornej zbrodni. Towarzyszy mu nieroz??czna para agent?w FBI, Savich i Sherlock. Jest te? ?wiadek zbrodni, bezdomna kobieta o nieustalonej to?samo?ci. Od momentu, w kt?rym „Nick” Jones zg?asza si? na policj?, Dane nieoczekiwanie staje si? jej ochroniarzem – ona mo?e by? nast?pna na li?cie zab?jcy. Tylko kt?rego zab?jcy Najwyra?niej „Nick” Jones ucieka przed w?asnym koszmarem. W szalonym po?cigu, kt?ry przenosi si? z ulic San Francisco do telewizyjnego studia w Los Angeles, gdzie powstaje nowy program, kt?ry okazuje si? mie? dziwny zwi?zek z morderstwami, Dane Carver, Savich i Sherlock ?cigaj? si? z czasem, by odnale?? szalonego zab?jc?.
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- Grota ?mierci
- Жанр: Триллер
- W nowym, zapieraj?cym dech thrillerze pi?ra Catherine Coulter agenci FBI, Savich i Sherlock, prowadz? jedn? z najtrudniejszych spraw w swojej karierze, w kt?rej morderstwo i zemsta nierozerwalnie splataj? si? ze sob?. Akcja rozpoczyna si? w chwili, gdy agentka FBI, Ruth Warnecki, wyrusza do jaskini w Zachodniej Virginii na poszukiwanie konfederackiego z?ota. Ruth nawet nie przeczuwa, ?e natknie si? na przera?aj?ce morderstwo, kt?re rozpocznie ca?y korow?d ?mierci zwi?zany z presti?ow? Szko?? Muzyczn? Stanislaus.
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- Los Gemelos Sherbrooke
- Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
- La saga Sherbrooke contin?a con James y Jason Sherbrooke, los gemelos id?nticos tan parecidos a su t?a Melissande que irrita profundamente al padre de los muchachos, el conde.James, veintiocho minutos mayor que su hermano es el heredero. Tiene unos profundos y s?lidos principios, apasionado estudiante de astronom?a, le encanta montar a caballo y, al contrario que a su hermano Jason, le encanta aprender los entresijos de la administraci?n de las propiedades que alg?n d?a heredar?. Nunca se lanza a ciegas a una aventura, como hace su vecina, Corrie Tybourne ...
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- Miasteczko Cove
- Жанр: Триллер
- Sally Brainerd ucieka z lecznicy psychiatrycznej, gdzie zosta?a umieszczona wbrew swej woli, i w przebraniu przyje?d?a do miasteczka Cove. W ?lad za ni? przybywa agent specjalny FBI, James Quinlan, kt?ry s?dzi, ?e dzi?ki niej uda mu si? wyja?ni? zagadk? morderstwa. Jednak wkr?tce jego znajomo?? z Sally przybiera inny ni? s?u?bowy charakter… a to wszystko dzieje si? w miasteczku Cove, po?o?onym nad brzegiem oceanu.Nowa ksi??ka Catherine Coulter, znanej ju? dobrze polskim czytelnikom z romans?w historycznych – "M?oda pani Sherbrooke", "Szalony baron", "Dziedzictwo Valentine" i innych – napisana z werw? i du?? doz? humoru, jak wszystkie ksi??ki tej popularnej ameryka?skiej autorki.
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- Na kraw?dzi
- Жанр: Триллер
- Agent FBI, Ford MacDougal, le?y w szpitalu, ranny po zamachu terrorystycznym. Tam dowiaduje si? o tajemniczym wypadku samochodowym swojej siostry Jill. Ani przez chwil? nie wierzy w oficjaln? wersj? o pr?bie samob?jczej. Nie zwa?aj?c na w?asne rany, wychodzi ze szpitala, by odwiedzi? pogr??on? w ?pi?czce siostr?. Na w?asn? r?k? pr?buje rozwik?a? zagadk?. Domy?la si?, ?e Jill zosta?a uwik?ana w ogromn? afer? narkotykow?. Jedyn? osob?, do kt?rej ma zaufanie, jest poznana w trakcie ?ledztwa Laura, oficer brygady antynarkotykowej. Wsp?lnie prze?yte niebezpiecze?stwa i ryzykowne akcje, kt?re przeprowadzaj? w trakcie rozpracowywania gangu narkotykowego, zbli?aj? bohater?w. Zaufanie, kt?rym obdarzaj? si? Ford i agentka, przeradza si? w gor?ce uczucie.
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- Pendragon
- Жанр: Триллер
- Catherine Coulter gives romance a gothic twist as she continues her bestselling saga of the Sherbrooke family into the next generation. Tysen Sherbrooke's daughter, Meggie, is 19 now, old enough to know the joys of love – and its sorrows. When the man she has secretly loved since childhood unwittingly breaks her heart, Meggie marries another man, Thomas Malcombe, Earl of Lancaster.In the spring of 1824 she arrives at her new husband's castle, Pendragon, on the coast of Ireland, only to find, amid the strange local folk and fascinating twists and turns of the vast keep, that there is more to her handsome husband than she was told before they wed. She's willing to dismiss the nasty rumor she'd heard about a girl he'd ruined – until she comes to suspect that she was brought to Pendragon for some sinister purpose…
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- Riptide
- Жанр: Триллер
- Becca Matlock is at the top of her profession, as the senior speechwriter for New York's popular governor. But then she receives the first in a series of deadly phone calls – calls which threaten both her life and the life of the governor. Becca reports the calls but after a while, the police stop believing that Becca is being stalked, even when the stalker kills to prove a point. Then the governor is shot. Becca flees to the safety of a friend's home in coastal Maine, Riptide. It might seem like a sanctuary to begin with but soon Becca finds herself at even greater risk.
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- Sherbrooke Twins
- Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
- When the family ghost, the Virgin Bride, warns Alexandra Sherbrooke that her husband is in danger, Douglas takes the prediction with a grain of salt. But when he is shot and wounded and then is warned by the Duke of Wellington himself that someone from his past is bent on revenge, everyone, including twin sons James and Jason, gets into the act. A pair of identical twins worthy of the Sherbrooke legacy (The Bride of Sherbrooke); a plucky, outspoken, but charmingly na ve heroine who leads James on a merry chase; and a plot with more than one unexpected twist result in the kind of lively, sensual, danger-filled adventure that fans of Coulter's historicals have come to expect. The best-selling author of both historical romance and contemporary romantic suspense, Coulter lives in the San Francisco area.
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- The Edge
- Жанр: Триллер
- After his sister is in a horrible car accident and then vanishes from the hospital, FBI agent Ford MacDougal, along with agents Lacey Sherlock and Dillon Savich, learn that the murder of an elderly woman is linked mysteriously to his sister's disappearance and they are plunged into a world of evil.
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- The Target
- Жанр: Триллер
- Catherine Coulter's sensational contemporary suspense novels "The Cove" and "The Maze" were gripping enough to establish Coulter firmly in the genre, hailed "Publishers Weekly". Now, with "The Target", Coulter again lays claim to the territory where romance and terror intersect. Hoping to escape unwanted celebrity in the aftermath of a notorious incident, Ramsey Hunt settles in the Rockies, determined to bury himself in the safety of a solitary existence. But his isolation is shattered when he stumbles upon a small girl unconscious in the high-altitude forest. When strangers pursue Ramsey to his private meadow in an attempt to kill ...
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- Ulica Cykuty
- Жанр: Триллер
- Becky Matlock jest u szczytu profesjonalnej kariery – pisze przem?wienia dla gubernatora stanu Nowy Jork. Pewnego dnia dzwoni telefon – nieznajomy m??czyzna ??da, aby natychmiast przesta?a sypia? ze swoim zwierzchnikiem. Chocia? Becky nigdy z gubernatorem nie romansowa?a, natarczywe telefony wci?? si? powtarzaj?. Dla uwiarygodnienia swoich gr??b anonimowy rozm?wca zabija niewinn? kobiet?. Becky powiadamia policj?, nikt jednak nie wierzy w jej wersj? wydarze?. Kiedy jej prze?ladowca dokonuje zamachu na gubernatora, Becky pr?buje si? ukry? zar?wno przed nim, jak i przed policj?. Wyje?d?a do Riptide – ma?ego, portowego miasteczka, sk?d pochodzi jej przyjaciel z college'u. Niestety – romantyczny zak?tek po?o?ony na wybrze?u Maine nie jest dla Becky spokojn? przystani? – niebezpiecze?stwo dogania j? i…
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- Whiplash
- Жанр: Триллер
- Yale professor Dr. Edward Kender's father is undergoing chemotherapy when the supply of a critical accompanying drug suddenly runs out. Unwilling to accept the drug company's disingenuous excuse of production line problems, Dr. Kender hires private investigator Erin Pulask to prove there is something more sinister going on at Schiffer Engel's manufacturing facility in Indiana.Pulaski uncovers a bombshell – Schiffer Engel's intentional shortage is bringing in a windfall profit in excess of two billion dollars.When a top Schiffer Engel employee shows up viciously murdered behind the U.S. headquarters, Sherlock and Savich are called in to lend a hand. The murder of a foreign national on federal land can only mean the German drug company has a secret of epic proportions.
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- Wizards Daughter
- Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
- Dear Reader:When Ryder Sherbrooke finds a child nearly beaten to death in an alley in Eastbourne, he takes her home to Brandon House. She doesn't speak for six months. Her first words, oddly enough, are a haunting song:I dream of beauty and sightless nightI dream of strength and fevered mightI dream I'm not alone againBut I know of his death and her grievous sin.Ah, and just what does this strange song mean that was seemingly imprinted on the child's brain?She names herself Rosalind de la ...
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- Zatoka cykuty
- Жанр: Триллер
- Agent FBI, Dillon Savich, zajmuje si? spraw? dw?ch nastolatk?w, porwanych przez szalonych morderc?w, kiedy jego osobiste ?ycie nagle si? kompikuje. M?odsza siostra Savicha, Lily, rozbi?a samoch?d o drzewo w kalifornijskim mie?cie Hemlock Bay. Czy?by to by?a powt?rna pr?ba samob?jstwa, podj?ta po ?mierci c?reczki? Savich, jego ?ona i partnerka z FBI, Lacey Sherlock, wpadaj? na trop spisku, a kluczem do tej sprawy s? obrazy, kt?re Lily dosta?a od babki – malarki. Prace Sarah Elliott s? warte miliony dolar?w. Lily i ekspert od handludzie?ami sztuki, Simon Russo, znajduj? si? w centrum zagro?enia, zataczaj?cego coraz szersze kr?gi.
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