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Книги 1—21 из 21.
- Chasing Darkness
- Жанр: Триллер
- It's fire season, and the hills of Los Angeles are burning. When police and fire department personnel rush door to door in a frenzied evacuation effort, they discover the week-old corpse of an apparent suicide. But the gunshot victim is less gruesome than what they find in his lap: a photo album of seven brutally murdered young women – one per year, for seven years. And when the suicide victim is identified as a former suspect in one of the murders, the news turns Elvis Cole's world upside down.Three years earlier Lionel Byrd was brought to trial for ...
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- El ?ltimo detective
- Жанр: Триллер
- Elvis Cole se enfrenta a uno de los momentos m?s delicados de su vida: acaba de recibir la llamada de un hombre que asegura tener secuestrado a Ben, el hijo de Lucy, su compa?era sentimental. El ni?o, que estaba al cuidado de Cole mientras su madre se hallaba de viaje, sali? al jard?n a jugar y pocos minutos despu?s desapareci? sin dejar rastro. Seg?n las palabras del hombre que retiene a Ben, el secuestro est? relacionado con un oscuro suceso del pasado de Cole. ?ste fue el ?nico superviviente de un batall?n ...
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- Free Fall
- Жанр: Триллер
- Elvis Cole is just a detective who can't say no, especially to a girl in a terrible fix. And Jennifer Sheridan qualifies. Her fiance, Mark Thurman, is a decorated LA cop with an elite plainclothes unit, but Jennifer is sure he's in trouble the kind of serious trouble that only Cole can get him out of. Five minutes after his new client leaves the office, Cole and his partner, the enigmatic Joe Pike, are hip deep in a deadly situation as they plummet into a world of South Central gangs, corrupt cops and conspiracies of silence. And before long, every cop in the LAPD is gunning for a pair of armed and dangerous killers Cole and Pike.
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- Hostage
- Жанр: Триллер
- When a convenience store robbery goes horribly wrong the three young men who perpetrated the crime make a run for it. Hotly pursued by the police they crash into the suburban home of an accountant and take the family hostage, and before they know it, an armed siege ensues. This is the last thing the local sheriff wanted after all, he left the force in L.A. because of the stress, and this is about as stressful as it gets. But the gang have chosen the wrong accountant to hold hostage. He works for the Mafia and he holds all the local Family's financial records. Soon the mob are on the scene and a nightmarish, high tension three way stand off develops.
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- Indigo Slam
- Жанр: Триллер
- An action packed, razor sharp thriller featuring LA private eye Elvis Cole. Meet Elvis Cole. Vietnam Veteran, private eye who carries a.38 and is determined never to grow up. 15 year old Teri Hewitt has been left holding the babies now that her dad, Clark has disappeared without trace. She wants Cole to find him. The search reveals a chronically unemployed drug addict caught up in counterfeiting scams and mixed up with the Russian mafia and Vietnamese Gunmen. As the action heads towards a gunfight in Disneyland and Cole dodges his almost girlfriend's husband, Indigo Slam shapes up into the most entertaining and exciting American crime novel for years.
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- L.A. Requiem
- Жанр: Триллер
- A reckoning has come to the City of Angels… Karen Garcia is missing and her father doesn't trust the cops he wants someone he knows on the case so he enlists the help of Elvis Cole and Joe Pike. It seems that Karen is the latest victim of a distinctive serial killer and the police are determined to pin her death, and four others, on the witness who found her body. Cole doesn't believe the man has the guts to murder, and with his partner and the police at each other's throats, it's down to him to find the connection that will reveal the killer. But nailing the murderer means choosing between the two people he cares most about…
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- Los ?ngeles requiem
- Жанр: Триллер
- A Joe Pike le parece imposible empezar de cero en la ciudad de Los ?ngeles, donde los fantasmas del pasado se ocultan tras las luces de ne?n. Sus d?as como polic?a siguen ensombreciendo su presente e influyendo en su actividad como investigador privado. Su ?nica relaci?n estable es la que mantiene con su socio, Elvis Cole, un perspicaz detective con su propio pasado oscuro. Cuando una antigua amante de Pike aparece asesinada en las colinas de Hollywood, Joe y Elvis inician, a instancias del padre de la victima, una investigaci?n paralela a la polic?a, lo que levantar? las suspicacias de los antiguos compa?eros de Pike y acabar? por enturbiar el asunto hasta l?mites insospechados.
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- Lullaby Town
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Peter Alan Nelsen is a super successful movie director who is used to getting what he wants. And what he wants is to find the wife and infant child he dumped on the road to fame. It's the kind of case that Cole could handle in his sleep, except that when Cole actually finds Nelsen's ex wife, everything takes on nightmarish proportions a nightmare which involves Cole with a nasty New York mob family and a psychokiller who is the son of the godfather. When the unpredictable Nelsen charges in, an explosive situation blows sky high.
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- Stalking The Angel
- Жанр: Триллер
- Bradley Warren had lost something very valuable, something that belonged to someone else: a rare thirteenth century Japanese manuscript called the Hagakure. Everything PI Elvis Cole knew about Japanese culture he'd learned from reading Shogun, but he knew a lot of crooks and what he didn't know, his sociopathic sidekick Joe Pike did. Together their search begins in LA's Little Tokyo and the nest of the notorious Japanese mafia, the yakuza, and leads to a white knuckled adventure filled with madness, murder and sexual obsession just another day's work for Elvis Cole.
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- Sunset Express
- Жанр: Триллер
- When a wealthy L.A. restaurateur is accused of murdering his wife, his attorney hires Elvis Cole to find proof that police detective Angela Rossi fooled around with the evidence. As Elvis investigates, he becomes more suspicious of the lawyers than the cops.
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- Suspect
- Жанр: Триллер
- LAPD cop Scott James is not doing so well. Eight months ago, a shocking nighttime assault by unidentified men killed his partner Stephanie, nearly killed him, and left him enraged, ashamed, and ready to explode. He is unfit for duty—until he meets his new partner.Maggie is not doing so well, either. A German shepherd who survived three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan sniffing explosives before losing her handler to an IED, her PTSD is as bad as Scott’s.They are each other’s last chance. Shunned and shunted to the side, they set ...
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- The First Rule
- Жанр: Триллер
- The organized criminal gangs of the former Soviet Union are bound by what they call the thieves' code. The first rule is this: A thief must forsake his mother, father, brothers, and sisters. He must have no family – no wife, no children. We are his family. If any of the rules are broken, it is punishable by death.Frank Meyer had the American dream – until the day a professional crew invaded his home and murdered everyone inside. The only thing out of the ordinary about Meyer was that – before the family and the business and the normal life – ...
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- The Forgotten Man
- Жанр: Триллер
- Crais's latest L.A.-based crime novel featuring super-sleuth Elvis Cole blends high-powered action, a commanding cast and a touch of dark humor to excellent dramatic effect. One morning at four, Cole gets a call from the LAPD informing him that a murdered John Doe has claimed, with his dying breath, to be Cole's father, a man Cole has never met. Cole immediately gets to work gathering evidence on the dead man – Herbert Faustina, aka George Reinnike – while cramping the style of the assigned detective, Jeff Pardy. Though Cole finds Reinnike's motel room key at the crime scene, the ...
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- The Last Detective
- Жанр: Триллер
- Elvis Cole is once again coming to terms with his life as a PI on the streets of LA. He loves his girlfriend, Lucy Chenier, but his constant exposure to the Californian underclasses has stretched their relationship to the limit especially when Cole's job brings danger too close to her beloved son. The young boy, Ben, is rapidly becoming the light in both their lives. Then one sunny afternoon, the demons from Elvis's past finally come to visit. Ben is snatched from Cole's secluded home. The kidnappers call. They don't want money. They only want retribution. But who from his past is capable of such a crime? The only clue is that the kidnappers mention the words 'five two'. Five two was his unit designation in Vietnam a life he has avoided thinking about for over twenty years. But now he must embark on a journey into his own past to try to protect his future. For it seems that this kidnapper is not only someone who knows him, but someone who owes him.
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- The Monkeys Raincoat
- Жанр: Триллер
- When quiet Ellen Lang enters Elvis Cole's Disney Deco office, she's lost something very valuable her husband and her young son. The case seems simple enough, but Elvis isn't thrilled. Neither is his enigmatic partner and firepower Joe Pike. Their search down the seamy side of Hollywood 's studio lots and sculptured lawns soon leads them deep into a nasty netherworld of drugs and sex and murder. Now the case is getting interesting, but it's also turned ugly. Because everybody, from cops to starlets to crooks, has declared war on Ellen and Elvis.
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- The Two Minute Rule
- Жанр: Триллер
- The New York Times bestselling author of The Forgotten Man, L.A. Requiem, and The Last Detective returns with an intense, edge-of-your seat suspense novel. The story begins as bank robber Max Holman is leaving jail, having served his nine-year sentence. He's clean and sober, and the only thing on his mind is reconciliation with his estranged son, who is, ironically, a cop. Then the devastating news: his son and three other uniformed cops were gunned down in cold blood in the LA warehouse district the night before Holman's release. Max's one rule was no violence and throughout his career as a bank robber, he never crossed that line. But now, with the loss of his son and shut out from any information on the case since the police are not interested in keeping ex-cons informed, Max decides there is only one thing to do: avenge his son's death. But he soon finds himself in a web of deceit and corruption as it becomes apparent that the supposed killer could not have murdered his son.
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- The Watchman
- Жанр: Триллер
- Larkin Conner Barkley lives like the City of Angels is hers for the taking. Young and staggeringly rich, she speeds through the city during its loneliest hours, blowing through red after red in her Aston Martin as if running for her life. Until out of nowhere a car appears, and with it the metal-on-metal explosion of a terrible accident. Dazed, Larkin attempts to help the other victims. And finds herself the sole witness in a secret federal investigation.For maybe the first time in her life, Larkin wants to do the right thing. But by agreeing to cooperate ...
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- Voodoo River
- Жанр: Триллер
- Hired to uncover the past of Jodi Taylor, an actress in a hit TV show, Elvis leaves his native Los Angeles to head for Louisiana in search of Jodi's biological parents. But before he can tackle the mystery of the actress's background, he is up against a whole host of eccentrics, including a crazed Raid spraying housewife, a Cajun thug who looks like he's been made out of spare parts, and a menacing hundred year old river turtle named Luther. As Elvis learns about the enigmatic actress's origins, he also discovers the real reason he's been sent to Louisiana…
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