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D’Alessandro Jacquie - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 34.
  • A Sure Thing?
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Ad execs Matt Davidson and Jilly Taylor have two things in common-they hate to lose and they want each other…badly. Only, neither one is going to chance losing the upper hand by giving in to their mutual attraction. But when their boss sets them up to compete for the same account-in the same inn, in the same bed-something has to go. And it starts with their clothes…As Matt and Jilly scheme to win the account, more than the competition is heating up. Suddenly they can't keep their minds on their work…or their hands off each other! Still, when the holidays are over, they'll have to go back to the real world. And then the only question will be, which one of them will end up "on top"?
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  • Atracci?n instant?nea
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Lexie Webster necesitaba una aventura, y pronto. No buscaba una relaci?n, no despu?s de su ex prometido; pero eso no significaba que tuviera que vivir como una monja. Cosa imposible despu?s de los impuros pensamientos que le estaba provocando su nuevo cliente Josh Maynard.Josh Maynard iba a seguir su viejo sue?o de aprender a navegar, pero no sab?a si lo iba a conseguir con aquella instructora, porque estaba claro que Lexie Webster ten?a sus propios planes… que consist?an en seducirlo fuera como fuera. Y ?l no ten?a ning?n problema en seguir las ?rdenes de su maestra…
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  • Caricias de fuego
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Genevieve Ralston sab?a c?mo satisfacer a un hombre; pero cuando su amante la abandon? sin contemplaciones, se dijo que no querr?a nada m?s con el sexo opuesto. Hasta que conoci? a Simon, un caballero atractivo e inquietante del que no pod?a apartar las manos. Pero Simon Cooperstone, vizconde de Kilburn, era esp?a. Ten?a la misi?n de recuperar una carta misteriosa que se encontraba en manos de Genevieve; y al intentar seducirla para conseguir su objetivo, olvid? poner a salvo su coraz?n. ?Estar?a a la altura de una amante tan sensual y experimentada?
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  • Casi Un Caballero
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • A instancias de su padre, Lady Victoria Wexhall se ve forzada a viajar de Londres a la finca rural del vizconde Sutton, en Cornualles, donde no se interesa tanto por el noble como por su hermano menor, el doctor Nathan Oliver, un antiguo esp?a. El destino ha vuelto a unir a Victoria con el primer hombre a quien bes?, hace tres a?os, antes de que desapareciera del mapa tras el fin turbio de una de sus misiones. Espoleada por la b?squeda de unas joyas robadas y la persecuci?n del ladr?n, la relaci?n entre Victoria y Nathan avanza a fogonazos por una novela donde abundan los pretendientes de alcurnia, los di?logos incisivos y la sensualidad de la Regencia.
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  • Confesiones De Una Dama
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Carolyn Turner, vizcondesa Wingate, est? completamente escandalizada por la ?ltima selecci?n llevada a cabo por la sociedad literaria de Londres. Memorias de una amante es escandalosamente expl?cito y absolutamente perverso… y despierta en ella sentimientos que nunca supo que tuviera. Est? convencida de que esta er?tica lectura es el ?nico motivo por el que est? sucumbiendo a los encantos del c?lebre libertino Daniel Sutton, lord Surbrooke. Es del todo imposible que est? enamor?ndose del granuja y sus il?citas caricias… ?o no?Lo ?ltimo que Daniel deseaba era pronunciar los votos matrimoniales. Desea con ansia a Carolyn, cierto, pero nunca imagin? que una vez que la arrastrara a su cama jam?s quisiera dejarla marchar. Pero s?lo cuando un asesino convierte a su amada en su objetivo, Daniel se ve incitado a confesar su amor… y a reclamar a Carolyn como su mujer.
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  • Confessions at Midnight
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Carolyn Turner, Viscountess Wingate, is absolutely shocked by the Ladies Literary Society of London's latest selection. Memoirs of a Mistress is scandalously explicit and downright wicked… and it's stirring feelings within Carolyn that she hasn't felt… well, ever! She's sure that this steamy read is the only reason she's succumbing to the charms of notorious rogue Daniel Sutton, Lord Surbrooke. She couldn't possibly be falling for the rascal and his illicit caresses… or could she?The last thing Daniel wanted was to be shackled by marriage vows. He lusted after Carolyn, sure, but he never imagined that once he lured her to his bed he'd never want to let her go. Yet only when a murderer targets his beloved will he be spurred to confess his true love… and claim Carolyn as his bride.
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  • Despiertos A Medianoche
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • En Mayfair estallar?a un esc?ndalo si se descubriera que la Sociedad Literaria de Damas Londinenses ha decidido cambiar las novelas de Jane Austen -demasiado aburridas para su gusto- por algo m?s provocador… algo como Frankenstein.Tras un debate en una reuni?n campestre, Sarah Moorehouse y sus amigas deciden crear al Hombre Perfecto -en sentido figurado, por supuesto-. A cada una de ellas se le asigna una tarea, y a Sarah le corresponde «tomar prestada» la camisa del anfitri?n, el apuesto Matthew Devenport, marqu?s de Langston. Pero, cuando una noche descubre al marqu?s en el jard?n con una pala, su imaginaci?n se desboca y los malentendidos se suceden uno tras otro. Alentada por la curiosidad, la aventurera muchacha se cuela en su rec?mara… y es pillada con las manos en la masa por este guap?simo arist?crata totalmente en cueros. De repente, Sarah y Matthew se ven envueltos en una lucha para descubrir cada uno de los secretos del otro.
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  • Jinxed!
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • An omnibus of novelsBlame It on Karma by Jacquie D'AlessandroCoffee shop owner Lacey Perkins scoffs when a fortune-teller informs her she's destined to fall for her arrogant, but definitely hot, property manager Evan Sawyer. Lacey figures she'd rather be jinxed-until she's cursed with a case of uncontrollable, insatiable lust…Together Again? by Jill ShalvisAccountant Chloe Cooper can't help but laugh at the prediction that her life is about to be transformed by true love. But that was before Chloe walked straight into her former lover, FBI agent Ian McCall, and he showed her just how thrilling things could get…Tall, Dark Temporary by Crystal GreenCandy shop owner Erin Holland isn't convinced when she's told that Ryan Wes, an infamous playboy, is "The One." Erin is going on a cruise with the gorgeous day trader for one reason only: sex. But her decadent plans keep getting mysteriously, frustratingly, thwarted…
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  • Just Trust Me…
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Dr. Brett Thornton's latest discovery-an antiaging formula-should have had him set for life. Instead, everyone he meets wants a piece of him. He needs to get away, to clear his head. And he figures a once-in-a-lifetime trip into the wilds of Peru should help him put things into perspective. That is, until a gorgeous fellow tourist messes with his quest…and his libido!Kayla Watson used to like traveling on business. But that was before her boss insisted she spy on scientist Brett Thornton on his trek into the Andes mountains. Now she's tired, dirty…and seriously in lust with sexy Brett. Lucky for her, he encourages-and helps her exercise-that lust. Again and again.But will Brett still want her when he finds out what she's really after?
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  • Maldicion de amor
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Philip Whitmore, vizconde de Greybourne, ha sobrevivido a tormentas de arena, ha desenterrado tesoros ocultos de antiguas civilizaciones y ha vencido a m?ltiples y peligrosos ladrones de tumbas. Pero una extra?a maldici?n pesa sobre ?l: no es capaz de encontrar a una mujer que quiera casarse con ?l. Es como si todo su encanto, su t?tulo y su fortuna desaparecieran ante el altar. Tras el ?ltimo fiasco, Philip recurre a la hermosa Meredith Chilton-Grizedale para encargarle la dif?cil tarea de encontrar la esposa perfecta. Pero desde el momento en que conoce al misterioso vizconde, Meredith se enamora perdidamente de ?l y, a pesar de la maldici?n y a riesgo de su vida, decidir? dar rienda suelta a una pasi?n que podr?a conducirla a la locura…?Ser? el amor capaz de vencer a una extra?a maldici?n?
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  • Not Quite A Gentleman
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Three years ago, Lady Victoria Wexhall was humiliated when Nathan Oliver waltzed brazenly out of her life after favoring her with one glorious kiss… her very first!Now, when her father insists she pay a visit to Nathan's family estate in Cornwall, the pampered Society beauty devises a plan to drive the heartless rake mad with desire, then drop him cold. Because the man is a cad – and he will rue the day he trifled with her affections!But Victoria's plan isn't the only plot that's afoot. Nathan's sworn duty to the Crown has immersed him in a perilous intrigue, and he is certain this infuriatingly tempting lady is somehow involved. Using his winning charm and sensuous allure, Nathan intends to discover the lady's secrets.And the dashing rogue is bound and determined to prove that, while not quite a gentleman, he is every bit a lover!
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  • Red Roses Mean Love
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Yellow for friendship.Pink for passion. But…Red Roses Mean Love.She dreamed of roses…Orphaned and abandoned by her fianc?, Hayley Albright is determined to care for her younger siblings even if it means having to give up her own dreams. She doesn't expect to ever find love or get married… until one moonlit night when she saves the life of a mysterious stranger.… And he wants only to make her dreams come true…Lord Stephen Barrett woke up gazing at the face of an angel. He was alive. And safe, for now, from the killer stalking his every move. Allowing Hayley to believe he is just a tutor of modest means, Stephen stays on for reasons of his own, never anticipating the passions Hayley would stir in his cold, wary heart. Her innocence is pure seduction. Her touch is sweet temptation. And suddenly the man who has everything is willing to risk it all-for a woman who has nothing to give… but all her heart…
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  • Rosas Rojas
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Hu?rfana y abandonada por su prometido, Hayley Albright estaba decidida a cuidar de sus hermanos peque?os aunque por ello debiera renunciar a sus sue?os. No esperaba encontrar el amor ni casarse. Pero una noche de luna llena salva la vida de un desconocido. Se trata de lord Stephen Barrett, quien consigue librarse del asesino que le acechaba. Est? muy agradecido a Hayley, pero no quiere influir sobre sus sentimientos y decide actuar con prudencia. El lord posee sin embargo un aire de inocencia que supone un arma de pura seducci?n para cualquier mujer. Tocar a Stephen es pues una dulce tentaci?n para Harley. Y de repente, el hombre que siempre actuaba con prudencia est? dispuesto a arriesgarlo todo por una mujer que no tiene nada m?s que ofrecer que su coraz?n.
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  • Salvaje y deliciosa
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Todos ellos estaban a punto de descubrir el excitante poder del chocolate.Los propietarios de una prestigiosa tienda de dulces quer?an demostrar la teor?a de que el chocolate era el mejor afrodis?aco del mundo. Para ello llevaron a cabo un estudio muy poco ortodoxo que disfrazaron de promoci?n de San Valent?n. Cuando los confiados clientes empezaron a probar el chocolate… los resultados fueron sorprendentes.El formal Daniel Montgomery y la atrevida Carlie Pratt descubrieron que los opuestos no s?lo se atra?an… ?sino que hac?an que saltaran chispas!
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  • The Bride Thief
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • HAS ENGLAND'S MOST INFAMOUS BRIDE THIEF FINALLY MET HIS MATCH?At six-and-twenty, Samantha Briggeham knew her marital prospects were fading by the season and she was pleased by the thought. She had no intention of being betrothed-especially against her will-to a man she did not love. She had a plan…and it didn't include being swept into a pair of powerful arms and spirited away by a masked rider. News of Sammie's heroic rescue from undesired wedlock turned her into the toast of the ton, wooed by suitors far and wide. But she couldn't forget the swashbuckling brigand ...
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  • Touch Me
  • Жанр: Современные любовные романы
  • Pleasing a man is something former mistress Genevieve Ralston does very well. But after her lover callously dumps her, she's definitely off men.until she meets Simon! He's brooding. Sexy. And she can't keep her hands off him…But Simon Cooperstone, Viscount Kilburn, is a spy. His mission: retrieve a mysterious letter in Genevieve's possession. Intent on seducing her secrets from her, he forgets to guard one thing: his heart.Each stroke of Genevieve's talented fingers unleashes his deepest desires. Too late, he realizes that while he may be a master of the art of seduction, he's no match for a sensual mistress…
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  • Un Amor Escondido
  • Жанр: Исторические любовные романы
  • Para escandalizar a la estricta, mojigata y puritana sociedad en la que vive, Catherine Ashfield, vizcondesa Bickley, acaba de ayudar a una amiga en la publicaci?n de un manual para las damas que subvierte todas las normas del decoro. Nunca pens? que esta diversi?n fuera a perjudicarla, oblig?ndola a abandonar Londres en compa??a de un atractivo protector.Su guardi?n es Andrew Stanton, el mejor amigo de su hermano, un plebeyo.Pero, sin saberlo, est? obligando a la hermosa e independiente Catherine, que reniega del amor, a reconsiderar su posici?n. As? los secretos, pasiones y un amor escondido est?n convirtiendo al hombre que ha prometido proteger a la vizcondesa, en el m?s dulce de los peligros…
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