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Darcy Emma - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—8 из 8.
  • Gritos del alma
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • ?Qui?n era ella?La mujer destacaba entre la multitud, y Jim Neilson, sintiendo una gran atracci?n sexual, se acerc? a ella.?Qui?n era ?l??Quedaban huellas del joven Jaime, su compa?ero de juegos en el valle, del ni?o que hab?a conocido tan bien y amado tanto?Si ella pudiera llegar hasta el ni?o vulnerable que exist?a en el interior del hombre, ?ser?a posible que reapareciera el Jaime que recordaba? ?O todo lo que cab?a esperar era una sola noche en los brazos de Jim? Tal vez de esa manera podr?a olvidar a Jaime de una vez para siempre…
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  • The Ultimate Choice
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • She'd never run from anything before… And Kelly wasn't about to start now.Horses were Kelly's life – and when the sardonic new owner of Marian Parkseemed set to ruin her career in show jumping, she was furious. Moreimportant, there was the callous way he'd treated her beloved grandfather.So Kelly stormed off to confront Justin St. John. It was a confrontation,all right – only Kelly found a very different man from the one she'd heardabout. And the reality was far more challenging.
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