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Demille Nelson - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—16 из 16.
  • Conjura de silencio
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • En una tranquila y solitaria playa, Bud y Jill deciden filmar sus ad?lteras aventuras amorosas sin sospechar que se est?n convirtiendo en testigos de excepci?n de un hecho que conmocionar? al mundo: un terrible estallido ilumina s?bitamente el cielo. Doscientas treinta personas acaban de morir a bordo del vuelo 800 de la TWA, y el v?deo de los dos amantes puede ser la ?nica prueba que demuestre lo que realmente ha ocurrido.Cinco a?os despu?s, para John Corey y su mujer Kate Mayfield, miembros de la Fuerza Antiterrorista Federal, el caso no est? a?n cerrado. La sospecha de que se est? encubriendo la verdad hace que retomen las investigaciones y que examinen las teor?as que el gobierno se hab?a encargado de probar como falsas. Su pesquisas les llevar?n hasta el v?deo de los amantes, una prueba que compromete la versi?n oficial de la CIA y del FBI.
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  • El juego del Le?n
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Desde un puesto especial de observaci?n en el aeropuerto JFK de Nueva York, miembros de la Brigada Antiterrorista esperan la llegada de un pasajero desde Par?s: Asad Khalil, un terrorista libio conocido como «El Le?n» que va a pasarse a Occidente. Todo se est? desarrollando conforme a lo previsto; el avi?n con sus centenares de pasajeros, incluido Khalil y sus escoltas del FBI, llega puntual a su destino. Sin embargo, pronto queda claro que algo marcha mal, terriblemente mal, y que lo ocurrido en este vuelo es s?lo un preludio del terror que se ...
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  • Gold Coast
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • What happens to a priggish, WASPy, disillusioned Wall Street lawyer when a Mafia crime boss moves into the mansion next door in his posh Long Island neighborhood? He ends up representing the gangster on a murder rap and even perjures himself so the mafiosostet lc can be released on $5 million bail. That's the premise of DeMille's (The Charm School) bloated, unpersuasive thriller. Attorney John Sutter has problems that would daunt even Fitzgerald's Jay Gatsby. His marriage is crumbling, despite kinky sex games with his self-centered wife, Susan, who's the mistress of his underworld client Frank Bellarosa. The IRS is after Sutter, and his law firm wants to dump him. As a sardonic morality tale of one man's self-willed disintegration, the impact is flattened by its elitist narrator's patrician tones. A comic courtroom scene and some punches at the end, however, redeem the novel somewhat.
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  • Isla Misterio
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Herido en acto de servicio, John Corey, detective de la brigada de homicidios de la polic?a de Nueva York, se recupera en un pueblecito de Long Island habitado por agricultores, pescadores y, por lo menos, un asesino. Tom y Judy Gordon, una joven y atractiva pareja de bi?logos conocidos de Corey, han sido hallados en su jard?n con sendas balas en la cabeza. Los primeros indicios apuntan a un robo frustrado, pero el rumor de guerra bacteriol?gica que salpica al centro de investigaci?n de patolog?as animales de Long Island hace que circule el ...
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  • Plum Island
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • NYPD homicide detective John Corey has moved to Long Island, restlessly recuperating from wounds received in the line of duty when he's hired to consult on the murder of Tom and Judy Gordon, biologists who worked on Plum Island, the site of animal disease research for the Department of Agriculture. Were the Gordons murdered because they'd stolen some valuable new vaccine, or even a dreaded virus? They'd obviously outspent their income. Had they been running drugs? Corey doesn't think so, although an ice-chest missing from their home points to something forbidden. He teams up with Beth Penrose, detective, working ...
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  • Spencerville
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • After twenty-five years of working in the shadowy world of espionage Keith Landry is on his way home. Driving along the highway, humming a few bars of 'Homeward Bound', the twenty-five years' service he has given the US government are fast becoming a distant memory.He is safe. He is alone. And life has never felt sweeter as the signs for hometown Spencerville come into view.Keith Landry has promised himself no more violence, no more death. But a chance meeting with childhood sweetheart Annie Baxter makes it a promise he cannot keep.As passion is rekindled between them, jealousy flares. For Annie is married to a violent and sadistic bully: the man who runs Spencerville, Sheriff Baxter. And he won't tolerate any man near his wife. Especially Keith Landry.
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  • The Gate House
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • #1 New York Times bestselling author Nelson DeMille delivers the long-awaited follow-up to his classic novel The Gold Coast.When John Sutter’s aristocratic wife killed her mafia don lover, John left America and set out in his sailboat on a three-year journey around the world, eventually settling in London. Now, ten years later, he has come home to the Gold Coast, that stretch of land on the North Shore of Long Island that once held the greatest concentration of wealth and power in America, to attend the imminent funeral of an old family servant. Taking up temporary residence ...
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  • The Lions Game
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • April 1986: American F-111 warplanes bomb the Al Azziyah compound in Libya where President Gadhafi is residing. A 16-year-old youth, Asad – Arabic for "lion " – loses his mother, two brothers and two sisters in the raid. Asad sees himself as chosen to avenge not only his family but his nation, his religion and the Great Leader – Gadhafi. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.Twelve years later, Asad arrives in New York City, intent on killing all five surviving pilots across America who participated in the bombing, one by one. John Corey – from the international bestseller PLUM ISLAND – is no longer with the NYPD and is working for the Anti-Terrorist Task Force. He has to stop Asad's revenge killings. But first he has to find him.A thrillingly entertaining read from a master storyteller.
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  • Wild fire
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Welcome to the Custer Hill Club-a men's club set in a luxurious Adirondack hunting lodge whose members include some of America's most powerful business leaders, military men, and government officials. Ostensibly, the club is a place to relax with old friends. But one fall weekend, the club's executive board gathers to talk about the tragedy of 9/11-and finalize a retaliation plan, known only by its codename: Wildfire. That same weekend, a member of the Federal Anti-Terrorist Task Force is found dead. Soon it's up to Detective John Corey and his wife, FBI Agent Kate Mayfield to unravel a terrifying plot that starts with the Custer Hill Club and ends with American cities locked in the crosshairs of a nuclear device. Corey and Mayfield are the only ones who can stop the button from being pushed, and global chaos from being unleashed…
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