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Dick Philip - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—25 из 73.

  • Confessions of a Crap Artist
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Confessions of a Crap Artist is one of Philip K. Dick’s weirdest and most accomplished novels. Jack Isidore is a crap artist—a collector of crackpot ideas (among other things, he believes that the earth is hallow and that sunlight has weight) and worthless objects, a man so grossly unequipped for real life that his sister and brother-in-law feel compelled to rescue him from it. But seen through Jack’s murderously innocent gaze, Charlie and Juddy Hume prove to be just as sealed off from reality, in thrall to obsessions that are slightly more acceptable than Jack’s, but a great deal uglier.

  • Coulez mes larmes, dit le policier
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Jason Taverner est un homme combl? : toutes les semaines, 30 millions de Fans regardent son show t?l?vis?.Mais il se r?veille un matin dans une chambre d'h?tel sordide pour s'apercevoir que son identit? s'est ?vanouie sans laisser de trace : m?me sa ma?tresse, la belle Heather Hart, ne se souvient plus de lui.Une situation pour le moins inconfortable, dans un Etat ultra-policier o? tout d?faut de papiers d'identit? suffit ? vous faire exp?dier dans un camp de travail…Seulement voil? : ce n'est pas un homme comme les autres. Produit d'une exp?rience secr?te, Taverner est un un mutant aux nerfs d'acier qui m?nera une lutte sans merci, sous les yeux d'un sentimental, contre la folie o? vient de basculer le monde…

  • Deus Irae
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • In the years following World War III, a new and powerful faith has arisen from a scorched and poisoned Earth, a faith that embraces the architect of world wide devastation. The Servants of Wrath have deified Carlton Lufteufel and re-christened him the Deus Irae. In the small community of Charlottesville, Utah, Tibor McMasters, born without arms or legs, has, through an array of prostheses, established a far-reaching reputation as an inspired painter. When the new church commissions a grand mural depicting the Deus Irae, it falls upon Tibor to make a treacherous journey to find the man, to find the god, and capture his terrible visage for posterity.

  • Die besten Stories
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Titel der Originalausgabe: The Best of Philip K. Dick Aus dem Amerikanischen von Rainer Zubeil Copyrigt © 1977 by Philip K Dick Copyright © der deutschen ?bersetzung 1981 by Moewig Verlag, M?nchen Vorwort: © 1977 by Brunner Facts and Fiction Ltd. 1952 by Love Romances Publishing Company, Inc. f?r 1953 by Space Publications, Inc. f?r 1953 by Street & Smith Publications, Inc. f?r 1953 by Galaxy Publishing Corporation f?r 1953 by Fantasy House, Inc. f?r 1954 by Ballantine Books, Inc. f?r 1954 by Fantasy House, Inc. f?r 1955 by Columbia Publications, Inc. f?r 1955 by Galaxy Publishing Corporation f?r 1955 by Better Publications, Inc. f?r 1964 by Galaxy Publishing Corporation f?r 1967 by Harlan Ellison f?r 1969 by Mercury Press, Inc. f?r

  • Die Lincoln-Maschine
  • Жанр: Социальная фантастика
  • Es l?uft nicht gut f?r Louis Rosen und Maury Rock – ihre Firma, die elektronische Klaviere und Orgeln produziert, steckt in einer tiefen Krise. Da ersinnt Maury eine v?llig neue Gesch?ftsidee: Er will die Fabrik auf die Produktion von Simulacra umstellen – k?nstliche Menschen, die weltweit bereits f?r Hilfsdienste und niedere T?tigkeiten eingesetzt werden. Maury jedoch hat etwas anderes vor: Seine Simulacra sollen Kopien ber?hmter historischer Pers?nlichkeiten sein, gerade so, als w?ren diese Menschen nie gestorben. Mit der ersten dieser Maschinen – eine Kopie von Edwin M. Stanton, Kriegsminister unter Abraham Lincoln – ...

  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’ was published in 1968. Grim and foreboding, even today it is a masterpiece ahead of its time.By 2021, the World War had killed millions, driving entire species into extinction and sending mankind off-planet. Those who remained coveted any living creature, and for people who couldn’t afford one, companies built incredibly realistic simulacrae: horses, birds, cats, sheep…They even built humans.Emigrees to Mars received androids so sophisticated it was impossible to tell them from true men or women. Fearful of the havoc these artificial humans could wreak, the government banned them from Earth. But when androids didn’t want to be identified, they just blended in. Rick Deckard was an officially sanctioned bounty hunter whose job was to find rogue androids, and to retire them. But cornered, androids tended to fight back, with deadly results.

  • El hombre en el castillo
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • Los caracteres de “El hombre en el castillo” no son s?lo producto de la imaginaci?n sino tambi?n manifestaciones de un sistema de fuerzas en el que el “I Ching” obra como un nexo an?logo a un polo magn?tico. No obstante rara vez en una obra cualquiera de ficci?n, y casi nunca en la c-f podr?an encontrarse caracteres m?s hondamente sentidos y m?s eficazmente retratados… La mejor novela hasta la fecha del escritor de c-f m?s consistentemente brillante. Ante todo por la verosimilitud con que Dick ha elaborado una ingeniosa ...

  • Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • On October 11 the television star Jason Taverner is so famous that 30 million viewers eagerly watch his prime-time show. On October 12 Jason Taverner is not a has-been but a never-was—a man who has lost not only his audience but all proof of his existence. And in the claustrophobic betrayal state of “Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said”, loss of proof is synonyms with loss of life.Taverner races to solve the riddle of his disappearance, immerses us in a horribly plausible Philip K. Dick United States in which everyone—from a waiflike forger of identity cards to a surgically altered pleasure—informs on everyone else, a world in which omniscient police have something to hide. His bleakly beautiful novel bores into the deepest bedrock self and plants a stick of dynamite at its center.

  • Humpty Dumpty in Oakland
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Al Miller is a sad case, someone who can’t seem to lift himself up from his stagnant and disappointing life. He’s a self-proclaimed nobody, a used car salesman with a lot full of junkers.His elderly landlord, Jim Fergesson, has decided to retire because of a heart condition and has just cashed in on his property, which includes his garage, and, next to it, the lot that Al rents. This leaves Al wondering what his next step should be, and if he even cares.Chris Harman is a record-company owner who has relied on Fergesson’...

  • La svastica sul sole
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • In questo romanzo di fantascienza, considerato uno dei pi? autentici classici della science fiction americana, Philip K. Dick ci descrive il quadro di come potrebbe essere un mondo in cui il nazismo avesse vinto la guerra mondiale. Parlare di nazismo e delle sue colpe potrebbe sembrare un tema troppo importante e doloroso per farne oggetto di un romanzo di fantascienza, ma Dick, nella Svastica sul sole, ci dimostra come invece la fantascienza possa diventare un modo assai efficace per ritrarre sotto un aspetto nuovo la lucida, razionale follia del nazismo e il tumulto di pensieri confusi e malati che ...

  • Le ma?tre du Haut Ch?teau
  • Жанр: Альтернативная история
  • C’est en 1947 qu’avait eu lieu la capitulation des Alli?s devant les forces de l’Axe. Cependant que Hitler avait impos? la tyrannie nazie ? l’est des ?tats-Unis, l’ouest avait ?t? attribu? aux Japonais.Aujourd’hui, quelques ann?es plus tard, la vie avait repris son cours normal dans la zone occup?e par les Nippons. Ceux-ci se mon­traient des ma?tres fermes mais corrects. Ils avaient apport? avec eux l’usage du Yi-king, le livre des transformations, le c?l?bre ora­cle chinois dont l’origine se perd dans la nuit des temps. Sa consul­tation permettait de r?gler toutes les affaires, qu’elles soient com­merciales, politiques ou m?me sen­timentales.Pourtant, dans cette nouvelle civili­sation, une rumeur ?trange cir­culait. Un homme vivant dans un Haut Ch?teau, un ?crivain de science-fiction, avait ?crit un ou­vrage qui racontait la victoire des Alli?s en 1945…

  • Marsianischer Zeitsturz
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Mit gro?em Enthusiasmus und Pioniergeist haben die Menschen den Mars besiedelt. Doch nun, Jahre sp?ter, ?hnelt das Leben dort auf erschreckende Weise dem Alltagstreiben auf der Erde. Und auch die politischen Grabenk?mpfe setzen sich nahtlos fort: Arnie Kott ist bereits der m?chtigste Mann auf dem Mars, aber das ist ihm nicht genug. Mittels eines geistesgest?rten Jungen, f?r den die Schranken der Zeit nicht existieren, will er seinen Feinden eine endg?ltige Niederlage beibringen. Doch der Junge ist nicht nur in der Lage, vorw?rts und r?ckw?rts durch die ...

  • Martian Time-Slip
  • Жанр: Киберпанк
  • Warning: Although this the action of this book is set on Mars, it could just as easily have taken place in one of the desert communities around Los Angeles. The real action takes place inside the minds of the characters. If you're looking for all the external trappings of interplanetary Sci-Fi, you will be deeply disappointed. Approach it with an open mind, and you will be richly rewarded. What happens when one of the most powerful men on the planet Mars finds that real-estate speculators are intent on gobbling up the remote and seemingly worthless Franklin D Roosevelt mountains? ...