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Dickson Gordon - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—7 из 7.
  • Dorsai!
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • Throughout humanity's Fourteen Worlds, no group is as feared and respected as the Dorsai. The ultimate warriors, they are known for their deadly rages, and ferocious independence… and unbending honor. No one man rules the Dorsai, but their mastery of the arts of war has made them the most valuable mercenaries in the human universe. “Dorsai!” is the saga of Donal Graeme, the uniquely talented Dorsai, with powers beyond those of ordinary men. Once he ventures to the stars, the world of the Dorsai will be changed forever. The novel was originally published in serialized form in , ...
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  • Il pellegrino
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Questa ? una delle nostre storie preferite in assoluto (non solo di questo volume, ma di tutta la letteratura fantascientifica). ? l’unico racconto sulle invasioni della Terra da parte di una razza aliena che troverete in questo libro, visto che abbiamo ritenuto pi? opportuno dedicarne uno intero a questo tema che rimane uno dei pi? affascinanti di questo genere letterario e quindi meritava di non essere confinato in poche pagine. ? anche l’inizio di una serie, il cui secondo racconto, «Il bastone e il mantello», avrebbe portato a Dickson un altro premio Hugo un paio d’anni dopo la pubblicazione di questa commovente storia su una Terra dominata da un rigido oppressore ma in cui c’? forse ancora spazio per un soffio di speranza.
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  • Wolf and Iron
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • The U.S. has been devastated by worldwide financial collapse. Civilization as readers know it has disappeared. Marauding bands are terrorizing the countryside, killing and looting. Jeremy Bellamy Walthers’ goal is to cross 2,000 miles of ravaged countryside to reach the security of his brother’s Montana ranch. En route he befriends a wolf who becomes a partner and companion via verbal and nonverbal communication. The story deals with Jeremy’s interaction with the wolf and the other human survivors of the economic collapse. Dickson has created another superior novel; it’s colorful, well written, and peopled with well-developed, multidimensional characters. The wolf is especially fascinating. YAs who have cut their teeth on such works as George’s (Harper, 1972) or Mowatt’s (Little, 1963) will enjoy this survival story in sci/fi clothing.
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