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Doherty Robert - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—4 из 4.
  • La Cuarta Cripta
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • El experimento m?s escalofriante de todos los tiempos est? a punto de comenzar. El presidente lo ignora por completo. La prensa tambi?n. Se trata de un experimento secreto, que se est? llevando a cabo en una base militar de Nuevo M?xico y que puede resultar catastr?fico. Nadie sabe nada tampoco sobre el inquietante hallazgo de un arque?logo en la Gran Pir?mide de Egipto, que puede cambiar el mundo. Lo ?nico cierto en esta cadena de enigmas y revelaciones que hielan la sangre es que algo terrible est? por ocurrir, una cat?strofe que la consejera en asuntos cient?ficos del presidente deber? evitar, cueste lo que cueste.

  • Project Aura
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Mind control is only the first step…World domination is the next…Bright Gate. HAARP. Remote Viewers. U.S. military operations so top secret that not even the president knew they existed. Now they have produced an elite group of commandos able to leave their bodies – and their souls – to fight anywhere, anytime, using the devastating power of the human mind.Sergeant Major Jimmy Dalton is one of them. An ex-Green Beret, a man with no family, no ties, and nothing to lose, Dalton believes that the most dangerous weapon in any arsenal is the mind.

  • Section 8
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Pearl Harbor. The JFK Assassination. September 11th. What do these events have in common? They all may have been engineered by one of the most elite, powerful, and secret organizations . . . in the U.S. government.A botched hostage rescue in the Philippines has earned Delta Force Major Jim Vaughn a choice: retire in disgrace, or join the aptly named Section 8 -- a collection of castoffs seemingly accountable to no one, composed of a handful of operators skilled enough to be unstoppable, and greedy, desperate, or insane enough to be expendable. But as Vaughn digs deeper, desperately trying to learn ...

  • The Citadel
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • At the awful dawn of a nuclear age-at the painful birth of the Cold War-the Citadel was constructed in secret beneath the Antarctic ice. Housing the most devastating weapon imaginable, it was a safeguard against an unseen threat far more potent than the growing Communist menace. Now, six decades later, America 's destruction seems all but assured-because the enemy has re-emerged from the shadows of time.And the Citadel has been breached.The commander of Section 8-a covert force of misfits assigned the impossible missions no one else will touch-Captain Jim Vaughn must now lead his unit into the unknown to diffuse a nightmare of astronomical proportions. The future hangs in the balance-and the ultimate survival of humankind is in the hands of men with nothing left to lose…