Doyle Arthur -
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Книги 1—25 из 54.
- A Case of Identity
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- Test your own powers of deduction alongside those of the most celebrated detective ever to walk the streets of London or grace the pages of a book. Sherlock Holmes brings his extraordinary insight and intriguing quirks to every case he is called upon to solve — sometimes without even leaving the comfort of his Baker Street apartment. In this collection of 23 ingeniously plotted stories, no case is too big, too small, or too bizarre for Holmes. Whether he is foiling the grand schemes of a would-be bank robber or uncovering family secrets kept hidden away for years, Sherlock Holmes at all times proves himself a formidable adversary. With his trusted and always-admiring friend, Dr. Watson, at his side, “the most perfect reasoning and observing machine the world has ever seen” uses his unique analytical gifts to confound every criminal and unravel every mystery.
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- A cidade submarina
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Este livro de Arthur Conan Doyle conta a aventura de tr?s homens, Cirus Headlei, Dr. Maracot e o sr. Bill Scanlan, quando o desceram atrav?s de um «engenho submarino» (na ?poca em que a hist?ria foi escrita n?o deviam existir submarinos) para fazer pesquisas subaqu?ticas. Miraculosamente, ap?s um acidente em que sua engenhoca arrebentou o cabo, que os ligava ao navio, eles desceram a grandes profundidades e foram salvos da morte por um estranho povo que vivia sob o mar.
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- A Scandal in Bohemia
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- Test your own powers of deduction alongside those of the most celebrated detective ever to walk the streets of London or grace the pages of a book. Sherlock Holmes brings his extraordinary insight and intriguing quirks to every case he is called upon to solve — sometimes without even leaving the comfort of his Baker Street apartment. In this collection of 23 ingeniously plotted stories, no case is too big, too small, or too bizarre for Holmes. Whether he is foiling the grand schemes of a would-be bank robber or uncovering family secrets kept hidden away for years, Sherlock Holmes at all times proves himself a formidable adversary. With his trusted and always-admiring friend, Dr. Watson, at his side, “the most perfect reasoning and observing machine the world has ever seen” uses his unique analytical gifts to confound every criminal and unravel every mystery.
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- A Study in Scarlet
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- “In 1887, a young Arthur Conan Doyle published ‘A Study in Scarlet,’ thus creating an international icon in the quick-witted sleuth Sherlock Holmes. In this, the first Holmes mystery, the detective introduces himself to Dr. John H. Watson with the puzzling line ‘You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive.’ And so begins Watson’s, and the world’s, fascination with this enigmatic character.” Doyle presents two equally perplexing mysteries for Holmes to solve—one a murder that takes place in the shadowy outskirts of London, in a locked room where the haunting word Rache is written upon the wall, the other a kidnapping set in the American West. Quickly picking up the “scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life,” Holmes does not fail at finding the truth—and making literary history.
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- Contes De Terreur
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- Une entit? malfaisante d?vore des pionniers de l'aviation par del? les nuages… – Un myst?rieux objet, un entonnoir en cuir, nous r?v?le, gr?ce ? la psychologie des r?ves, sa terrible utilisation… – Une petite vengeance amoureuse entre deux arch?ologue dans les catacombes romaines… – Un homme, une femme, son amant et un scalpel… – Et autres contes de terreur…
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- His Last Bow
- Жанр: Классический детектив
- The Adventure of Wisteria LodgeThe Adventure of the Cardboard BoxThe Adventure of the Bruce-Partington PlansThe Adventure of the Devil's FootThe Adventure of the Red CircleThe Disappearance of Lady Frances CarfaxThe Adventure of the Dying DetectiveHis Last Bow – An Epilogue of Sherlock HolmesPREFACEThe friends of Mr. Sherlock Holmes will be glad to learn that he is still alive and well, though somewhat crippled by occasional attacks of rheumatism. He has, for many years, lived in a small farm upon the downs five ...
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- Le Gouffre Maracot
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- La passion d’un savant, le professeur Maracot, est port?e ? son comble quand l’exp?dition qu’il a organis?e pour explorer une fosse abyssale de l’Atlantique aboutit, suite ? un accident de plong?e, ? une d?couverte incroyable sur les anciennes civilisations de l’Atlantide, et en particulier d’?tres extraordinaires qui ont pr?serv? leur mode de vie antique …
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