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Finney Jack - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—3 из 3.
  • Invasion of The Body Snatchers
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Starred Review. While Miles's patients start remarking about loved ones not seeming to be themselves, he merely chalks it up to paranoia. However, when he becomes witness to a distinct but subtle change in the personality of some townspeople, he and his friends realize something is afoot. Their fears are realized as they stumble upon faceless corpses and strange pods. But the pod people are spreading fast, and Miles is running out of places to hide and people to help him. Finney's classic tale of alien invasion is recreated anew with more terror than the book or the film. ...
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  • Time and Again
  • Жанр: Социальная фантастика
  • "Sleep. And when you awake everything you know about the 20th-century will be gone from your mind. Tonight is January 21, 1882. There are no such things as automobiles, no planes, computers, television. 'Nuclear' appears in no dictionary. You have never heard the name Richard Nixon."Did illustrator Si Morley really step out of his 20th-century apartment one night — right into the winter of 1882? The U.S. Government believed it, especially when Si returned with a portfolio of brand-new sketches and tintype photos of a world that no longer existed — or did it?Jack Finney is the author of more than a dozen novels. He lives in Mill Valley, California.
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  • Un mondo di ombre
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Pu? ritornare il passato? E una donna pu? attraversare lo schermo invisibile che separa il suo tempo dal nostro? Nell’anno del centenario del cinema, questo affascinante romanzo di Finney costituisce l’omaggio di URANIA (e della fantascienza in generale) al mondo della settima arte. Un mondo di sguardi allucinati, di visioni terrificanti e sogni impossibili; un mondo di mostri e magie che diventano sotto i nostri occhi tangibili e vivi. Come gli spettri di Marion, come le ombre della nera villa adagiata in collina di questo romanzo, come il mondo del passato — anzi, il mondo senza tempo che s’infiltra nel nostro lasciando una traccia enigmatica e indelebile.
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