Feliks came to London to commit a murder that would change history. He had many weapons at his command, but his most dangerous were the love of a innocent woman, and the passion of a lady demanding satisfaction. Against him were ranged the English police, a lord, and Winston Churchill himself.
A story of passion and idealism, which describes a group of men and women in the Middle Ages whose destinies are fatefully linked with the building of a cathedral. In a country torn by civil war, two generations struggle to rise above their primitive circumstances and create something beautiful.***“KEN FOLLETT TAKES A GIANT STEP!” – San Francisco Chronicle“With this book Follett risks all and comes out a clear winner… a historical novel of gripping readability, authentic atmosphere and memorable characterization… Beginning with a mystery that casts its shadow… the narrative is a seesaw of tension… ...
Na przyj?ciu u profesora Oksfordu spotyka si? trzech student?w – ?yd, Palesty?czyk i Rosjanin. Ich kolejne spotkanie ma miejsce 20 lat p??niej. S? agentami zwalczaj?cych si? tajnych s?u?b – Mossadu, KGB i egipskiego wywiadu cywilnego. Kto ma bomb? atomow?? Czy uda si? zdoby? uran konieczny do kontynuacji wy?cigu zbroje?? I czy zakochana c?rka jednego z nich mo?e pokrzy?owa? misterne plany?
Jeannie Ferrami, psycholog prowadz?ca na Jones Falls University badania naukowe w dziedzinie genetyki, dokonuje zaskakuj?cego odkrycia. Przegl?daj?c bazy danych, natrafia na par? jednojajowych bli?niak?w, urodzonych w odst?pie kilku tygodni przez dwie r??ne matki. Jeden z nich jest odsiaduj?cym wyrok morderc? i sadyst?, drugi Steven Logan, sprawia wra?enie wzorowego obywatela. Nieoczekiwanie Steven zostaje oskar?ony o brutalny gwa?t, zeznania ofiary nie pozostawiaj? w?tpliwo?ci, ?e to on jest sprawc? przest?pstwa. Przekonana o niewinno?ci Stevena Jeannie podjmuje wysi?ki, by rozwi?za? zagadk? i oczy?ci? go ...
Rok 1982. Do Afganistanu okupowanego przez wojska sowieckie przybywa Jean-Pierre Debout, francuski lewicowy ideowiec, by pod przykrywk? pracy lekarza na bie??co informowa? KGB o dostawach broni i lek?w z terenu Pakistanu. Wskutek jego donos?w dochodzi do masakry jednego z oddzia??w partyzanckich. O prac? dla Rosjan nie podejrzewa go nikt opr?cz ?ony – Angielki Jane. Sytuacja zmienia si?, gdy w ten sam rejon trafia z misj? szkolenia rebeliant?w niegdysiejszy przyjaciel Jean-Pierre'a, kiedy? kochanek Jane, agent CIA Ellis Thaler. Dawna mi?o?? wybucha z now? si??, a rozgrywka polityczna mi?dzy m??czyznami staje si? r?wnie? rywalizacj? o uczucie pi?knej kobiety.
Human betrayal, medical terror and a race against time…Jealousies, distrust, and hidden rivalries uncover dark secrets, then a dozen vials of a deadly virus go missing.As a blizzard whips out of the north on Christmas Eve, several people converge on a remote family house. Stanley Oxenford, director of a pharmaceutical research company, has everything riding on a drug he is developing to fight a lethal virus. Several others are interested in his success too: his children, at home for Christmas with their offspring, have their eyes on the money he will make; Toni Gallo, head ...
Amazon.com ReviewKen Follett has 90 million readers worldwide. The Pillars of the Earth is his bestselling book of all time. Now, eighteen years after the publication of The Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follett has written the most-anticipated sequel of the year, World Without End.In 1989 Ken Follett astonished the literary world with The Pillars of the Earth, a sweeping epic novel set in twelfth-century England centered on the building of a cathedral and many of the hundreds of lives it affected. Critics were overwhelmed-"it will hold you, fascinate you, surround you" (Chicago Tribune)-and ...