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Гамильтон Лорел - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 51—75 из 75.
  • Цирк проклятых. Кафе лунатиков
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Перед вами — одна из знаменитейших «вампирских хроник» нашего времени — цикл о приключениях отчаянной Аниты Блейк, посвятившей свою жизнь смертельно опасному искусству «охоты на ночных хищников, преступивших закон», — и ее верного друга и союзника Мастера вампиров Жан-Клода.Зомби, оборотни, «черные фэйри», сотни и сотни других порождений наших ночных кошмаров — это просто «повседневная работа» Аниты Блейк!Опасность — это игра. Гибель — это игра.Потому что нет в мире игры более стильной, чем игра со смертью!Перед вами НОВЫЕ дела Аниты Блейк — дело о «Цирке проклятых» и дело о «Кафе лунатиков».

  • A Lick Of Frost
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A faerie princess turned private investigator in a world where faeries are not only known to the general public, but are also fashionable, the title heroine is Princess Meredith NicEssus, also known as Merry Gentry. As niece to Andais, The Queen of Air and Darkness, she is a royal of the Unseelie Court. While her aunt tried to kill her as a child, she has since offered her the title as crown princess as the Court needs more heirs.Введите сюда краткую аннотацию

  • A Stroke Of Midnight
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • A faerie princess turned private investigator in a world where faeries are not only known to the general public, but are also fashionable, the title heroine is Princess Meredith NicEssus, also known as Merry Gentry. As niece to Andais, The Queen of Air and Darkness, she is a royal of the Unseelie Court. While her aunt tried to kill her as a child, she has since offered her the title as crown princess as the Court needs more heirs.

  • Cerulean Sins
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The human consort of Master Vampire Jean-Claude and Micah, the leopard shapeshifter, Anita Blake must come to Jean-Claude's assistance when his oldest ancestor sends one of her vicious and powerful underlings to St. Louis, threatening his and his clan's very existence. Reprint.With her bestselling Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novels, Laurell K. Hamilton wraps readers up in stories of suspense and sensuality. is no exception. Now, Anita learns what it's like to be at the new end of a centuries-old bloodline—and just how far she'll let herself get pushed around…How the mighty have fallen! Once ...

  • Swallowing Darkness
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Merry Gentry is not your average private investigator. Half human, half faerie, she's caught in a struggle that threatens not only her life, but the lives of those she desires and holds dear. Her very existence and her rightful place on the throne of Faerie have long depended on her ability to produce an heir - and now, after many failed attempts, the services of her royal guards have found her pregnant...It is a triumphant moment, but revelation follows revelation: for Merry carries two babies, and she knows thay they have more than one father...And of course, there are those of her own flesh and blood who want Merry dead, but she is a fighter and wields a wild magic. And this is her world, where the magical and the mortal intertwine, where folklore, fantasy and erotically charged adventure collide...

  • The Harlequin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Anita Blake is about to face the challenge of her life. Into her world-a world already overflowing with power-have come creatures so feared that powerful, centuries-old vampires refuse to mention their names. It is forbidden to speak of The Harlequin unless you've been contacted. And to be contacted by The Harlequin is to be under sentence of death.Long-time rivals for Anita's affections, Jean-Claude, Master Vampire of the City, and Richard, alpha-werewolf, will need to become allies. Shapeshifters Nathaniel and Micah will have to step up their support. And then there's Edward. In this situation, Anita knows that she needs to call the one man who has always been there for her…