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Gardner John - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—15 из 15.
  • Brokenclaw
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • On holiday in Victoria, British Columbia, Bond becomes intrigued Lee Fu-Chu, a half-Blackfoot, half-Chinese philanthropist who is known as "Brokenclaw" because of a deformed hand. On his return to the UK Bond is tasked to investigate the kidnapping of several scientists who have been working on a new submarine detection system. It becomes clear that Brokenclaw is behind the kidnapping and worse, he has a devastating plan to cause economic meltdown through the collapse of the dollar. Bond has no choice but to enter his lair ...From Publishers WeeklyCalled upon to keep submarine-detection secrets away from the Chinese, James Bond combats Brokenclaw, the fiendish, sexually insatiable man whose nickname is a reference to a deformed left hand. "Bond is both obnoxious and racist," said PW , warning that threatened and actual brutality toward women and disparaging remarks about Asians are but a few of this novel's faults.
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  • La Venganza De Moriarty
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • El Profesor James Moriarty, el Napole?n del crimen, el ilustre archienemigo de Sherlock Holmes, regresa de los Estados Unidos con una fortuna conseguida a fuerza de estafas, fraudes y todo tipo de pillajes. Tambi?n trae un minucioso y diab?lico plan de venganza para quitarse de en medio a sus enemigos, los l?deres de los bajos fondos de Europa: Wilhelm Schleifstein, de Berl?n; Jean Grisombre, de Par?s; Luigi Sanzionare, de Roma, y Esteban Segorbe, de Madrid. La venganza ha de alcanzar tambi?n al inspector Crow, de Scotland Yard, y, sobre todo, al m?s odioso de sus enemigos: el se?or Sherlock Holmes, de Baker Street.
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  • Man From Barbarossa
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • Russian terrorists kidnap a man suspected of Nazi war crimes--and get the wrong man. The rebels threaten to kill their captive unless ten million dollars and the real war criminal are delivered to them within 72 hours. Only the KGB's newest secret weapon could possibly stop their plan--Comrade James Bond. From Kirkus ReviewsGardner rouses himself for more elaborate plotting than usual in his tenth stint as Ian Fleming's stand-in, but Gardner's James Bond, on loan to the KGB for some antiterrorist housecleaning, has aged a lot less gracefully than Sean Connery. A dissident Russian cabal calling itself ...
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  • Misi?n De Honor
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En su ?ltima pel?cula, James Bond renuncia a la categor?a de 007, abandona el servicio y parte hacia Montecarlo, al volante de su Bentley Mulsanne Turbo, para cumplir una misi?n distinta a todo lo que hab?a hecho hasta aquel momento. ?C?mo explicar el s?bito cambio de vida del hombre que ven?a siendo la m?s elogiada arma defensiva de cuantas ha tenido el Estado brit?nico? ?Y qu? imprevisibles consecuencias tendr? esta decisi?n para el juego internacional de fuerzas cuyo equilibrio nos permite a los ciudadanos corrientes dormir tranquilos? Bond ha sido ...
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  • Nadie Vive Enternamente
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Durante a?os, May, el ama de llaves escocesa de James Bond, ha sido la ?nica constante de su agitada existencia. Pero May tiene gravemente da?ado el pulm?n izquierdo, lo cual provoca en el superagente un paroxismo de preocupaci?n casi filial. Primero un gran especialista londinense y luego la convalecencia en una car?sima cl?nica alemana tranquilizan la conciencia de Bond, pero no consiguen acallar la c?ustica lengua del ama de llaves. Bond ha sido advertido de que, en caso de negarse a “colaborar”, la mujer corre el peligro de no celebrar su pr?...
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  • Never send flowers
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • When an officer of the British Security Service is murdered in Switzerland, James Bond becomes involved in a deadly game of hide and seek. He follows a sinister shadow across the world, from Athens to Milan, Singapore, the USA and ultimately to EuroDisney. By the author of "Death is Forever".From Publishers WeeklyThis sketchy detective story requires a knowledge of James Bond movies rather than Ian Fleming novels, which may explain why it reads like a rough draft for a screenplay. In Gardner's 12th 007 book (after Death Is Forever ), the ageless agent from Her Majesty's Secret ...
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  • No Deals, Mr. Bond
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • Between the Danish island of Bornholm and the Baltic coast of East Germany a nuclear submarine of the Royal Navy surfaces under the cloak of darkness. James Bond and two marines slip quietly from the forward hatch into their powered inflatable raft and set off for a lonely beach where they are to collect two young women. Planted to seduce communist agents to run for cover in the West, they have been rumbled by the other side. Bond little knows that this routine exercise is but the prelude to a nerve-racking game of bluff and double bluff, played ...
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  • Operaci?n Rompehielos
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • James Bond, como sucediera antes con Sherlock Holmes, se ha convertido en un mito del siglo veinte. Cuando en la d?cada de los ochenta John Gardner resucit? -con la debida autorizaci?n legal-, el personaje de James Bond, dotado para la ocasi?n de una sensibilidad in?dita hacia la salud p?blica y la ecolog?a, am?n de un coche nuevo y de un gesto de comprensi?n hacia el feminismo, su libro License Renewed pas? a ocupar directamente el n?mero uno entre los t?tulos m?s vendidos a uno y otro lado del ...
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  • Seafire
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • To the public, Sir Maxwell Tarn is known as a powerful self-made billionaire. To British intelligence, he is known as an international arms-dealer. Spreading blood and terror, the Americans call him Apocalypse. To James Bond and his partner Flicka, he's a maniac who must be stopped-because within reunited Germany, an army of thousands knows him as "der Fuhrer."
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  • Win, Lose Or Die
  • Жанр: Старинная литература: прочее
  • James Bond 007 reluctantly returns to active service, his mission to protect an observer of a NATO exercise, Admiral Sergei Yevgennevich Pauker, Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Navy. From Publishers WeeklyFortunately for Gardner, dyed-in-the wool James Bond fans may be disposed to overlook the lack of credibility and characterization in this latest thriller featuring the superspy. The leaders of Britain, Russia and the U.S. are planning a top-secret summit aboard HMS Invincible . We never learn what they want to talk about, but we do know that BAST (Brotherhood of Anarchy and Secret Terror) is up to some ...
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