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Gardner Lisa - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—19 из 19.
  • Alone
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • NYPD sharp-shooter Bobby is called to a domestic incident. It's an address the police have visited before – a volatile husband and wife who routinely battle out their marriage. But this time it's different. Through his sights from the building opposite, Bobby can see the husband pointing a gun at his wife and child. As the husband moves to shoot his wife, Bobby gets a clear shot and shoots the man in the head. The wife, shaking and terrified, turns to face Bobby through the shattered window and mouths the words 'thank you'. Then all hell breaks loose. The man ...

  • Catch Me
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • In four days, someone is going to kill me…Detective D. D. Warren is hard to surprise. But a lone woman outside D.D.'s latest crime scene shocks her with a remarkable proposition: Twenty-seven-year-old Charlene Rosalind Carter Grant believes she will be murdered in four days. And she wants Boston's top detective to handle the death investigation. It will be up close and personal. No evidence of forced entry, no sign of struggle. Charlie tells a chilling story: Each year at 8:00 p.m. on February 21, a woman has died. The victims have been childhood best friends from ...

  • Druga C?rka
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Teksas. Seryjny morderca ginie na krze?le elektrycznym, zabieraj?c do grobu imi? i miejsce pobytu swojego jedynego dziecka. Boston. Porzucona w szpitalu dziewczynka zostaje adoptowana przez bogate ma??e?stwo. Dwadzie?cia lat p??niej. Melanie Stokes prowadzi spokojne ?ycie w swojej przybranej rodzinie. A? do dnia, kiedy przychodzi anonim ze s?owami: "Dostaniesz to, na co zas?ugujesz"…

  • Gone
  • Жанр: Неотсортированное
  • A terrifying woman-in-jeopardy plot propels Gardner's latest thriller, in which child advocate and PI Lorraine "Rainie" Conner's fate hangs in the balance. Rainie, a recovering alcoholic with a painful past (who previously appeared in Gardner's The Third Victim, The Next Accident and The Killing Hour) is kidnapped from her parked car one night in coastal Oregon. The key players converge on the town of Bakersville to solve the mystery of her disappearance: Rainie's husband, Quincy, a semiretired FBI profiler whose anguish over Rainie undercuts his high-level experience with kidnappers; Quincy's daughter, Kimberley, a rising star in the FBI who ...

  • Hide
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In bestseller Gardner 's first-rate follow-up to Alone (2005), Bobby Dodge, once a sniper for the Massachusetts State Police and now a police detective, gets called to a horrific crime scene in the middle of the night by fellow detective and ex-lover D.D. Warren. An underground chamber has been discovered on the property of a former Boston mental hospital containing six small naked mummified female bodies in clear garbage bags. A silver locket with one of the corpses, which may be decades old, bears the name Annabelle Granger. Later, a woman shows up at the Boston Homicide offices claiming ...

  • Live to Tell
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • He knows everything about you – including the first place you'll hide.On a warm summer night in one of Boston 's working-class neighborhoods, an unthinkable crime has been committed: Four members of a family have been brutally murdered. The father – and possible suspect – now lies clinging to life in the ICU. Murder-suicide? Or something worse? Veteran police detective D. D. Warren is certain of only one thing: There's more to this case than meets the eye.Danielle Burton is a survivor, a dedicated nurse whose passion is to help children at a locked-down pediatric psych ward. But ...

  • Love You More
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • WHO DO YOU LOVE?One question, a split-second decision, and Brian Darby lies dead on the kitchen floor. His wife, state police trooper Tessa Leoni, claims to have shot him in self-defense, and bears the bruises to back up her tale. For veteran detective D. D. Warren it should be an open-and-shut case. But where is their six-year-old daughter?AND HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO…As the homicide investigation ratchets into a frantic statewide search for a missing child, D. D. Warren must partner with former lover Bobby Dodge to break through the blue wall of ...

  • Po?egnaj si?
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Agentka FBI, Kimberly Quincy, kocha swoj? prac?. Jest jednak w pi?tym miesi?cu ci??y i powinna zacz?? ju? my?le? nie tylko o sobie. Pewnego dnia zg?asza si? do niej m?oda prostytutka, informuj?c o zagini?ciu kole?anki. Okoliczno?ci, kt?re przedstawia, s? tak przera?aj?ce, ?e a? niewiarygodne. Kimberly, nie zwa?aj?c na sw?j stan, daje si? wci?gn?? w niebezpieczn? i wyrafinowan? gr? z sadystycznym morderc? zafascynowanym paj?kami.Liczba zaginionych kobiet ro?nie, wszystko wskazuje na to, ?e psychopata konsekwentnie realizuje sw?j plan, lecz poza ...

  • S?siad
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Ta sprawa gwarantowa?a szum medialny – m?oda atrakcyjna ?ona i matka znika bez ?ladu ze swego domu w Bostonie. Czteroletnia c?reczka to jedyny ?wiadek, a przystojny, tajemniczy m?? staje si? g??wnym podejrzanym. Kiedy do niewielkiego, przytulnego domu rodziny Jones przybywa sier?ant D. D. Warren, od razu wyczuwa co? niepokoj?cego w pozorach normalno?ci, kt?re para tak bardzo stara?a si? stworzy?. Zegar tyka nieub?aganie, tymczasem Jason Jones zdaje si? bardziej zaabsorbowany niszczeniem dowod?w i izolowaniem swej c?rki ni? poszukiwaniem „ukochanej” ?ony. Czy ten idealny m?? pr?buje co? ukry?? I czy jedyny ?wiadek zbrodni stanie si? nast?pn? ofiar? zab?jcy? Kolejny, nagrodzony wieloma wyr??nieniami thriller autorstwa ameryka?skiej mistrzyni suspensu.

  • Samotna
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • W obliczu nadchodz?cego koszmaru Catherine Gagnon zdana jest tylko na siebie…Snajper policji stanowej Massachusetts Bobby Dodge obserwuje przez lunet? tragiczne wydarzenia w pobliskim domu. Uzbrojony m??czyzna zabarykadowa? si? w nim z ?on? i dzieckiem. Mierzy do nich z broni, powoli zaciskaj? palec na spu?cie. Bobby ma tylko u?amek sekundy na decyzj?… kt?rej mo?e ?a?owa? do ko?ca ?ycia. Dla kobiety, pr?buj?cej chroni? dziecko przed ogarni?tym sza?em m??em, to nie pierwszy koszmar. Pi?kna, niedost?pna i niebezpiecznie seksowna Catherine Gagnon ma za sob? bolesne wspomnienia. Dwadzie?cia pi?? lat wcze?niej zosta?a porwana i uwi?ziona przez szale?ca, kt?ry uczyni? z niej swoj? seks niewolnic?. Czy znajdzie w sobie si?? i odwag?, by obroni? w?asne dziecko? Mroczny, niepokoj?cy thriller, kt?ry przyprawia o solidne dreszcze.

  • Say Goodbye
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lisa Gardner, the New York Times bestselling author of Hide and Gone, draws us into the venomous mind games of her most terrifying killer yet.Come into my parlor…For Kimberly Quincy, FBI Special Agent, it all starts with a pregnant hooker. The story Delilah Rose tells Kimberly about her johns is too horrifying to be true-but prostitutes are disappearing, one by one, with no explanation, and no one but Kimberly seems to care.Said the spider to the fly…As a member of the Evidence Response Team, dead hookers aren’t exactly Kimberly’s ...

  • The 7th Month
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • In Lisa Gardner's first-ever short story following thirteen bestselling novels, The 7th Month takes readers between the novels and into a day in the life of Boston Detective D.D. Warren. In her seventh month of pregnancy, D.D. should be taking it easy. Instead, she accepts a small consulting role on the set of a serial killer film shooting in Boston. D.D. figures she'll be useful to someone for at least one night, serving as a police expert and making a little extra money in the bargain.A simple task, until a member of the crew, ...

  • The killing hour
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • From Publishers WeeklyA cold case grows hot again in Gardner 's sixth high-octane page-turner, a romantic thriller that features rookie FBI agent Kimberly Quincy. Kimberly is the daughter of Pierce Quincy, former FBI profiler turned PI, last seen in The Next Accident. She's a tough, troubled young woman still recovering from the murders of her mother and sister six years earlier. During week nine of the FBI Academy 's 16-week training program in Virginia, she discovers the body of a young woman who looks like her late sister. Since the corpse has been dumped on a secured ...

  • The Neighbor
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • This is what happened in the last six hours of the world as I knew it…It was a case guaranteed to spark a media feeding frenzy – a young mother, blonde and pretty, disappears without trace from her South Boston home, leaving behind her four-year-old daughter as the only witness, and her handsome, secretive husband as the prime suspect. But from the moment Detective Sergeant D. D. Warren arrives at the Joneses' snug little bungalow, she senses something off about the picture of wholesome normality the couple worked so hard to create. On the surface, Jason and Sandra Jones ...

  • The Next Accident
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • This thriller has just the right mix of suspense, intrigue, and murder, topped off with a little romance to make it sizzle. Pierce Quincy, hard-boiled FBI agent, and Rainie Conner, ex-cop turned P.I., team up to catch the perpetrator of several ingenious murders. The psychopath staged the death of Quincy 's daughter Amanda, then his ex-wife, and is now going after Quincy 's remaining daughter, Kimberly. Kate Burton's ingenious narration pits sweet women and tough cops against stone cold psychopathic killer. Burton keeps up the heat as she seamlessly switches from romance to murder and back again, taunting ...

  • The Survivors Club
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • “Showing a flair for lip-biting suspense, bestselling novelist Gardner combs out a tangled plot to an engrossing effect… Riveting action… This club is worth the dues.” -People, Beach Book of the Week“Lisa Gardner’s Survivors Club is a high-octane, nerve-jangling tale of suspense.” -Harlan Coben, author of Tell No One“Hot dang, a new Lisa Gardner book! I love her hot, fast thrill rides. I’m always first in line to grab my copy of her newest release the day it arrives in stores. For my money, when it comes to suspense, nobody does it better.” ...

  • Tiempo De Matar
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Durante varios veranos, el terror se adue?a de los residentes de Georgia cuando las temperaturas ascienden y el term?metro alcanza los cuarenta grados, porque con el implacable calor llega tambi?n un cruel asesino. En cada ocasi?n secuestra a dos muchachas y espera a que se descubra el primer cad?ver: en ?l se hallan todas las pistas para encontrar a la segunda v?ctima, abocada a una muerte lenta pero certera. Pero la polic?a nunca consigue llegar a tiempo y los cuerpos siempre se recuperan meses despu?s, en lugares remotos y aislados.Tras tres a?os de inactividad, llega a Atlanta una fuerte ola de calor: es tiempo de matar… Y ser? Kimberly Quincy, estudiante de la Academia del FBI, quien tropiece con la primera v?ctima. Comienza la cuenta atr?s.