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Герритсен Тесс - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—50 из 50.
  • Double Impact
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In a world where nothing is as it seems, who can you trust?TESS GERRITSEN'SNever Say DieWilly Jane Maitland traveled to Saigon to uncover what had happened to her father, missing in action twenty years ago. Instead she found intrigue – and murder. Only the rumpled and irreverent ex-soldier Guy Barnard seemed willing to help. But as Willy was about to discover, even Guy had his hidden motives, his shocking secrets… and Vietnam was a dangerous place to fall in love.DEBRA WEBB'SNo Way BackMichal Arad wanted vengeance when he kidnapped former CIA agent Ami Donovan, claiming she'd posed as his lover to set him up as an assassin. But Ami had amnesia and no way of knowing the truth… until Michal took her in his arms. In spite of her fear, Ami sensed Michal wasn't a ruthless killer, but the man she'd once loved… and the father of her child.

  • El cirujano
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Un asesino silencioso se desliza en las casas de las mujeres y entra en las habitaciones mientras ellas duermen. La precisi?n de las heridas que les inflige sugiere que es un experto en medicina, por lo que los diarios de Boston y los atemorizados lectores comienzan a llamarlo «el cirujano». La ?nica clave de que dispone la polic?a es la doctora Catherine Cordell, v?ctima hace dos a?os de un crimen muy parecido. Ahora ella esconde su temor al contacto con otras personas bajo un exterior fr?o y elegante, y una bien ganada reputaci?n como cirujana de primer nivel. Pero esta cuidadosa fachada est? a punto de caer ya que el nuevo asesino recrea, con escalofriante precisi?n, los detalles de la propia agon?a de Catherine. Con cada nuevo asesinato parece estar persigui?ndola y acercarse cada vez m?s…

  • Gravity
  • Жанр: Детективная фантастика
  • Tess Gerritsen used to be a doctor, so it comes as no great surprise that the medical aspects of her latest thriller are absolutely convincing -- even if most of the action happens in where few doctors have ever practiced -- outer space.Dr. Emma Watson and five other hand-picked astronauts are about to take part in the trip of a lifetime -- studying living creatures in space. But an alien life form, found in the deepest crevices of the ocean floor, is accidentally brought aboard the shuttle Atlantis. This mutated alien life form makes the creatures in ...

  • Harvest
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • For Dr. Abby DiMatteo, the road to Boston's Bayside Hospital began with a tragic accident — and the desperate, awful weeks that followed as she watched her little brother, Pete, lose his battle to live. Despite her small-town roots and lack of money, Abby pushed through college and medical school, each achievement strengthening her ambition to reach higher. Now, immersed in the grinding fatigue of her second year as a surgical resident, she's elated when the hospital' elite cardiac transplant team taps her as a potential recruit. But Abby soon makes an anguished, crucial decision that jeopardizes her entire career. ...

  • Ice Cold
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York Times bestselling author Tess Gerritsen's relentless, inventive novels take readers on pulse-racing thrill rides that are as satisfying as they are heart-stopping. Now, in this edge-of-your-seat suspense novel, a mysteriously isolated town stands abandoned as a silent watcher waits.In Wyoming for a medical conference, Boston medical examiner Maura Isles joins a group of friends on a spur-of-the-moment ski trip. But when their SUV stalls on a snow-choked mountain road, they're stranded with no help in sight.As night falls, the group seeks refuge from the blizzard in the remote village of Kingdom Come, where ...

  • Llamada A Medianoche
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Una llamada a medianoche despert? a la reci?n casada Sarah Fontaine. En lugar de o?r la voz de su marido desde Londres, oy? la de un desconocido llamado Nick O'Hara que le dec?a que Geoffrey hab?a muerto en el incendio de un hotel en Berl?n. Convencida de que su marido estaba todav?a vivo, Sarah decidi? investigar por su cuenta con la ayuda de Nick. Hab?a demasiadas preguntas sin respuesta, y las respuestas pod?an ser fatales…

  • M?odo?? dla wybranych
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Na ostry dy?ur do szpitala w Springer w Bostonie zostaje przyj?ty staruszek z objawami choroby Alzheimera. Wst?pne badanie nie ujawnia ?adnych dolegliwo?ci neurologicznych. Podejrzewaj?c udar m?zgu, doktor Toby Harper nakazuje wykonanie tomografii komputerowej. W czasie, gdy reanimuje kolejnego pacjenta, jej podopieczny dos?ownie rozp?ywa si? w powietrzu.Kilkana?cie dni p??niej do szpitala trafia m??czyzna z takimi samymi objawami, jak u nadal nie odnalezionego Harry’ego Slotkina. Obu wcze?niej leczy? doktor Carl Wallenberg. Pacjent umiera, a Toby, wbrew woli Wallenberga, aran?uje sekcj? zw?ok. Diagnoza nie pozostawia ...

  • Opary Szale?stwa
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Po?o?one nad jeziorem Locust miasteczko Tranquility wydawa?o si? oaz? spokoju. Doktor Claire Elliot osiedla si? tutaj wraz ze swoim nastoletnim synem Noahem, w nadziei, ?e uchroni go przed niebezpiecze?stwami wielkiego miasta. Niespodziewanie jeden z jej m?odych pacjent?w, kolega Noaha ze szko?y, pope?nia zbrodni?. Niekt?rzy obwiniaj? o to lekark?, kt?ra zmieni?a ch?opcu kuracj? przepisan? przez poprzedniego lekarza. W Tranquility szerz? si? akty przemocy pope?niane przez nastolatk?w, s? kolejne ofiary ?miertelne. Psychoza zaczyna przyjmowa? rozmiary epidemii. Claire ujawnia, ?e podobne wydarzenia mia?y ju? miejsce w przesz?o?ci – sto i pi??dziesi?t lat wcze?niej. W pobli?u jeziora wymordowano ca?e rodziny. Czy istnieje medyczne wyja?nienie tej zagadki? Claire musi je szybko odkry? – aby uratowa? siebie i swojego syna…

  • Presumed Guilty
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Miranda's ex-lover is found murdered. She had a motive and the opportunity. After being arrested for the crime, Miranda is shocked to learn she's been released on bail-bail posted by someone determined to remain anonymous. Is someone trying to help Miranda? Or is someone trying to manipulate Miranda and draw her into the dark and secret world of a murdered man, where everybody's presumed guilty?

  • The Apprentice
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • He may be behind bars, but Warren Hoyt still haunts a helpless city, bequeathing his evil legacy to a student all too diligent – and all too deadly.A year has passed since the capture of the Surgeon, serial killer Warren Hoyt, yet the memory of his brutal crimes continues to haunt Boston homicide detective Jane Rizzoli. Now she faces a new killer, a hunter who preys on well-to-do couples. For Rizzoli the death scenes have a horrifying air of familiarity, especially when she realizes that this new killer is copying one obscure element from Warren Hoyt's crimes....

  • The Keepsake
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York Times bestselling author Tess Gerritsen knows how to expertly dissect a brilliantly suspenseful story, all the while keeping fascinated readers riveted to her side. By turns darkly enthralling and relentlessly surprising, The Keepsake showcases an author at the peak of her storytelling powers.For untold years, the perfectly preserved mummy had lain forgotten in the dusty basement of Boston's Crispin Museum. Now its sudden rediscovery by museum staff is both a major coup and an attention-grabbing mystery. Dubbed 'Madam X,' the mummy-to all appearances, an ancient Egyptian artifact-seems a ghoulish godsend for the financially struggling ...

  • The Mephisto Club
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Evil exists. Evil walks the streets. And evil has spawned a diabolical new disciple in this white-knuckle thriller from New York Times bestselling author Tess Gerritsen.PECCAVIThe Latin is scrawled in blood at the scene of a young woman's brutal murder: I HAVE SINNED. It's a chilling Christmas greeting for Boston medical examiner Maura Isles and Detective Jane Rizzoli, who swiftly link the victim to controversial celebrity psychiatrist Joyce O'Donnell – Jane's professional nemesis and member of a sinister cabal called the Mephisto Club.On tony Beacon Hill, the club's acolytes devote themselves to the analysis ...

  • The Silent Girl
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When a severed hand, clutching a gun, is found in a Chinatown alley in downtown Boston, detective Jane Rizzoli climbs to the adjacent roof-top and finds the hand's owner: a red-haired woman whose throat has been slashed so deeply the head is nearly severed. She is dressed all in black, and the only clues to her identity are a throwaway cell phone and a scrawled address of a long-shuttered restaurant. With its wary immigrant population, Chinatown is a closed neighbourhood of long-held secrets – and nowhere is this more obvious than when Jane meets Iris Fang. Strikingly beautiful, her long ...

  • The Surgeon
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In Boston, there’s a killer on the loose. A killer who targets lone women, who breaks into their apartments and performs terrifying ritualistic acts of torture on his victims before finishing them off. His surgical skills lead police to suspect he is a physician — a physician who, instead of saving lives, takes them.But as homicide detective Thomas Moore and his partner Jane Rizzoli begin their investigation, they make a startling discovery. Closely linked to these killings is Catherine Cordell, a beautiful medic with a mysterious past. Two years ago she was subjected to a horrifying rape and attempted murder but shot her attacker dead. Now she is being targeted by this new killer who seems to know all about her past, her work at the Pilgrim Medical Center, and where she lives.The man she believes she killed seems to be stalking her once again, and this time he knows exactly where to find her…

  • Vanish
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • "exciting and mesmerizing crime thriller"Boston Homicide Detective Jane Rizzoli is about to give birth but she still performs her job by testifying against a man she arrested. The man goes berserk and Jane gets off the witness stand, restrains and cuffs him. Her water breaks and she goes to the hospital where her doctor sends her to Diagnostic Imaging for an ultra sound. In another part of the hospital, a Jane Doe kills a security guard and ends up in Diagnostic Imaging where she keeps Jane and five other people hostage.The Feds take over the ...

  • Zniwo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Trzymajacy w napieciu thriller medyczny mistrzyni tematu, glownej konkurentki Robina Cooka i Michaela Palmera. Doskonala lektura zwlaszcza dla tych, ktorzy maja watpliwosci co do funkcjonowania sluzby zdrowia…Dwie osoby gotowe do operacji i tylko jedno serce, ktore mozna przeszczepic. Gdy doktor Abby DiMatteo podejmowala decyzje, by dokonac przeszczepu u umierajacego siedemnastolatka, nie przypuszczala, ze wywola tym lawine wydarzen. Kim jest czterdziestoszescioletnia, bogata kobieta, ktora, wedle przelozonych, winna byla otrzymac narzad? Tego Abby nie wie. Wie jednak, ze cos jest nie w porzadku – jak za dotknieciem czarodziejskiej rozdzki pojawia sie drugie serce i operacja moze sie odbyc. Cud? To ...