Gibson Rachel -
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Книги 1—24 из 24.
- Ahora Y Siempre
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Brinna asiste a una reuni?n de antiguos alumnos del instituto. Han pasado diez a?os y la vida de todos ha cambiado mucho. En especial Thomas, un antiguo amor adolescente de Brinna: El chaval t?mido y larguirucho se ha convertido en todo un hombre espectacular f?sicamente, y adem?s millonario…Si Brinna quiere recuperar su antiguo “amor” deber? competir con todas sus viejas compa?eras que tratan de conseguir tan buen “partido”.
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- Any Man of Mine
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- What happens in Vegas… doesn't always stay there.Autumn Haven's Las Vegas "to-do" list said to catch a show and play the slots – not wake up married to a sexy jerk like Sam LeClaire. The first moment she saw him eyeing her like a luscious piece of the dessert buffet, her usually responsible self told her to run. And she did – right into the wildest fantasy weekend of her life. But Monday morning jolted her back to reality, and before she could say "pass the coffee," Sam was gone.Now a successful wedding planner, Autumn hasn't clapped eyes on the heartbreaking hockey superstar for over two years… until she organizes his teammate's "Special Day," where Sam makes a big play to pick up where he left off! But she has vowed any man of hers plays for keeps. Is Sam the man for her or does she banish him to the sin bin forever?
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- Crazy On You
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Return to Lovett, Texas, the setting of Daisy's Back in Town, in this smart and sexy new story from Rachel Gibson, the New York Times bestselling author of Rescue Me and the Seattle Chinooks books.Lily Darlington's been called crazy in her day-and, yeah, driving her car into her ex-husband's living room probably wasn't the smartest move ever made-but the louse deserved it. Now Lily is happily single, and she's turned it all around. She knows she's a good mom, a homeowner, and a businesswoman, all wrapped up in one good-looking package.A package that police officer Tucker Matthews is dying to unwrap. This ex-military man sure doesn't need another woman in his life. His last girlfriend left him with nothing but memories and a cat named Pinky! But living next door to Lily has been driving him nuts. He dreams about her long blonde hair and even longer legs. And maybe it's time to go a little crazy… and fall in love
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- Daisy Vuelve A Casa
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Daisy Lee cre?a haberse sacudido de sus zapatos de tac?n alto el polvo de Lorett, Texas, hac?a muchos a?os. Sin embargo, cuando regresa a casa, se da cuenta de que todo all? contin?a m?s o menos igual. Su hermana sigue estando loca de remate, su madre sigue teniendo los flamencos rosas de pl?stico en el jardin y Jackson Lamott Parrish, el chico malo que dej? atr?s cuando se march?, sigue siendo tan sexy como antes. Nada le gustar?a m?s que poder evitar cualquier contacto con Jackson, pero Daisy ha ...
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- Debe Ser Amor
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- La mala suerte del polic?a infiltrado Joe Shanahan toc? fondo desde el mismo momento en que pos? sus ojos en la preciosa sospechosa Gabrielle Breedlove. Ella hab?a conseguido destruir su tapadera -derrib?ndolo con un bote de laca- y ahora su nueva misi?n consiste en hacerse pasar por su novio. Pero pasar el mayor tiempo posible con esa belleza s?lo le va a traer problemas. Y, para complicar m?s las cosas, Joe tiene que aguantar a sus dos hermanas mayores que est?n como locas por buscarle pareja.Puede que el espl?ndido aspecto y la musculatura de Joe sean un espect?culo para la vista. Pero, ?c?mo es posible que se sienta atra?da por ese detective puritano que s?lo quiere encontrar pruebas que la incriminen? Lo que est? claro es que, desde que lo conoci?, no puede dejar de pensar en ?l, y tras compartir una incre?ble experiencia sexual Gabriel empieza a temerse que todo lo que siente s?lo puede tener un nombre… AMOR.
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- Enredos y otros lios
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Maddie Dupree no ha llegado a este pueblo perdido de Idaho para encontrar marido, novio o cualquier cosa que se le parezca. Est? resuelta a destapar la historia jam?s contada sobre el s?rdido pasado de la localidad… y tambi?n el de su propia familia. De ni?a, Maddie lo perdi? todo y ahora ha vuelto al lugar del esc?ndalo: un bar que siempre perteneci? a los Hennessy. Quiere descubrir la verdad y nada se interpondr? en su camino, ni siquiera un par de ojazos azules. Los varones de la familia Hennessy son irresistibles, y el propietario actual del negocio, Mick, no es una excepci?n. Su difunto padre fue un rompecorazones incorregible que termin? causando la desgracia de dos familias. Hasta ahora, todas las chicas han hecho cola para llegar a Mick, pero cuando sus ojos se posan en Maddie, en sus curvas despampanantes y sus tentadores labios, no puede resistirse…Un secreto puede ser la sustancia m?s ardiente.
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- I’m In No Mood For Love
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- What is Clare Wingate doing? One minute she's suffering in a pretty-in-pink gown she'll never wear again, and the next thing she knows it's morning… and she has the nastiest hangover of her life.To make matters worse, she's wearing nothing but a spritz of Escada and lying next to Sebastian Vaughan… her girlhood crush turned sexy, globe-hopping journalist. Somewhere between the toast and the toss of the bouquet she'd gotten herself into a whole lot of trouble.Clare had the right to go wild-;after all, she'd been knocked off her dyed-to-match shoes after finding her own fianc?© in a compromising position with the washing machine repairman. Clearly her society wedding is off.But Sebastian pushed all the wrong buttons-;and some of the right ones, too. Clare is in no mood for love-;not even for lust-;and wants to forget about Sebastian and his six-pack abs ASAP. But he isn't in the mood to go away, and his kiss is impossible to forget.
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- Jane Juega Y Gana
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Un tanto desilusionada, bastante terca y cansada de acudir a citas a ciegas con hombres poco interesantes, Jane Acott parece llevar la t?pica existencia de mujer soltera en una gran ciudad. Sin embargo, tiene una doble vida. Durante el d?a es periodista deportiva, encargada de seguir a un equipo de hockey, y especialmente a su portero, Luc Martineau. Durante la noche es escritora, la creadora secreta de las escandalosas aventuras de una serie de la que todos hablan.Luc tiene clara su opini?n acerca de esos par?sitos llamados periodistas, incluida Jane. Adem?s, desde que tiene uso de raz?n se ha visto a s? mismo como un hombre soltero. Lo ?ltimo que necesita es una reportera entrometida que escarbe en su pasado y se interponga en su camino.
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- Lola Carlyle Reveals All
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Ex-supermodel Lola Carlyle depends on publicity to boost her exclusive lingerie business – but the revealing photos her sleazy ex-boyfriend is selling on the Internet are not the sort of publicity she prefers. Seeking privacy to plan her strategy, she treats herself to a vacation at an exclusive resort in the Bahamas, with only her beloved little dog for company. Former Navy SEAL Max Zamora is working for an ultrasecret government organization. He believes in sticking to the shadows, and revealing as little about himself as humanly possible. Though Lola is easy on the eyes, it's little short of disaster ...
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- Lola Lo Revela Todo
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Cuando la ex modelo Lola Carlyle se entera de que unas fotos suyas muy privadas est?n colgadas en Internet, decide esconderse en un lugar soleado y?eso cree? seguro, hasta que las habladur?as se apaguen. Todo va bien en el yate en el que Lola intenta relajarse, hasta que un hombre que asegura llamarse Max Zamora y trabajar como agente secreto del gobierno se apodera de la embarcaci?n. Su cobertura ha fracasado y debe ocultarse de los hombres que lo persiguen. Lola no le es desconocida: la ha visto, casi desnuda, en las portadas de las revistas de moda. Es m?s hermosa y sexy en persona, pero el problema es que cuando se enfada resulta insoportable…Esta extra?a pareja se encontrar? a la deriva en medio del oc?ano, mientras la temperatura sube sin control…
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- Not Another Bad Date
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- What does a gal have to do to get a good date in this town?Adele Harris can't even begin to answer that question. She's had so many lousy dates that she's sure she's cursed. Why else would every man she goes out with suddenly act like he's lost his mind-and his manners? Adele thought life couldn't get any more confusing… until she learns the marriage of her seemingly Miss Perfect sister is on the rocks. So she goes back to their hometown to give her a shoulder to cry on, only to run smack into Zach Zemaitis… ...
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- Nothing But Trouble
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Trouble…Chelsea Ross's acting career has been a total bust. The closest she ever came to stardom was her brilliant performance as "Pretty Dead Girl #1." But leaving Hollywood to become the personal assistant to a famous hockey player could be her stupidest career move ever.More trouble…Injured superstar Mark Bressler's glory days are over. The bad-boy ex-jock could at least be civil to the pint-sized, pink-haired bombshell who the Seattle Chinooks hired to be his P.A. If Chelsea didn't need the money, she'd be running from the world's biggest jerk as fast as her feet could carry her.Big trouble!Chelsea can deal with Mark's rotten attitude and dark moods. The problem is those biceps and that red-hot bod! And when the bad boy starts to put the moves on her, Chelsea knows it's time she banished him to the penalty box… if only she could resist the kind of trouble he has in mind!
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- Rescue Me
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- She's 33, unmarried, and stuffed into a Bubble Yum pink bridesmaid dress. And the whole town wants to fix her up with anyone with a dental plan…Who's going to rescue Sadie Hollowell now? Everyone in Lovett, Texas knows Sadie has always been a 'notional' kind of gal. She's got a notion to leave town asap, and never visit her daddy (bless his heart). Now, she's back and got the notion to invite a good-looking, hard-muscled, total stranger to her cousin's wedding. Better a stranger than some of the losers she's dated. Vince Haven got his muscles the hard way-as a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan. He's staying in Lovett to visit his crazy aunt-the proprietor of the local Gas N Go. Before he can get the heck back out of the small town, his aunt makes him an offer he can't refuse. Maybe he'll stick around Lovett for a while. Maybe he'll make a 'go' of the Gas N Go. Maybe he'll rescue Sadie out of that pink dress!
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- See Jane Score
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- This is JaneA little subdued. A little stubborn. A little tired of going out on blind dates with men who drive vans with sofas in the back, Jane Alcott is living the Single Girl existence in the big city. She is also leading a double life. By day, she's a reporter covering the raucous Seattle Chinooks hockey team – especially their notorious goalie Luc Martineau. By night, she's a writer, secretly creating the scandalous adventures of "Honey Pie"… the magazine series that has all the men talking.See Jane SparLuc has made his feelings about ...
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- Sex, Lies, And Online Dating
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- "What a find!" – Jayne Ann KrentzShe explained THE TROUBLE WITH VALENTINE'S DAY (as if you didn't know!) Now Rachel Gibson tells all about…SEX…What is it about men anyway? Bad cars, bad jobs, even bad teeth – nothing convinces them that they can't snare a Size Two Babe with a D-cup chest. And after way too many internet dates with men named "luvstick" and "bigdaddy182," Lucy Rothschild should know.LIES…But sitting across from her now is "hardluvnman," and he seems different – sensitive, honest, and hot! He says he's a plumber, while Lucy ...
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- Simplemente Irresistible
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Georgeanne Howard, una encantadora belleza sure?a, deja a su prometido plantado en el altar cuando se da cuenta de que no es capaz de casarse con un hombre que podr?a ser su abuelo… por mucho dinero que ?ste tenga. John Kowalsky, inconscientemente, la ayuda a escapar… hasta que se percata de que se est? fugando con la novia de su ???jefe!!!… pero ya es demasiado tarde para dar marcha atr?s.En lo m?s alto de su carrera, esta rebelde estrella del hockey no quiere ser el salvador de nadie -salvo de s? mismo- y ...
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- Simply Irresistible
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Truly UnforgetabeGeorgeanne Howard, charm school graduate and Southern belle extraordinaire, leaves her fianci at the altar when she realizes she just can't marry a man old enough to be her grandfather, no matter how rich he is. John Kowalsky unknowingly helps her escape, and only when it's too late does he realize that he's absconded with his boss's bride. At the height of his hockey career, this bad boy isn't looking to be anybody's savior but his own, no matter how beautiful this angel may be. But a long night stretches ahead of them-a night too sultry ...
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- Tangled Up In You
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Maddie is determined to uncover the untold story about the town's sordid past-her past. As a child, Maddie lost everything, and now she's back at the scene of the scandal-a local establishment that's always belonged to the Hennessys-determined to uncover the truth, and nothing is going to stand in her way. Especially not a black-haired, blue-eyed Hennessy.Everyone in Truly knows that the Hennessy men are irresistible, and the current owner, Mick, is no exception. His late father was a skirt-chasing heartbreaker who ended up causing disaster for two families. So far, Mick's managed to keep the ladies in line, but when he claps eyes on Maddie, with her luscious curves and tempting lips, he can't resist getting tangled up with her.But Maddie is keeping secrets, not the least of which is her true reason for being in town. And when Mick discovers what's really going on, there is going to be a whole lot of trouble in Truly.
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- The Trouble With Valentines Day
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Let Rachel Gibson tell you about The Trouble with Valentine's Day:that one day each year whenbeing single is a sin.Kate Hamilton should know. Dumped by her boyfriend, stressed out by her job, she's returned to Gospel, Idaho, for some rest and small-town fun. But when her first attempted seduction of a hunky stranger is completely rejected, she wonders what else could go wrong?Well, for starters, she quickly realizes that the Mountain Momma Crafters' original poetry readings is about as good as it gets on a Friday night. Then she comes face-to-face with Rob Sutter, former ice hockey madman, owner of Sutter Sports – and the hunky stranger who told her to get lost.Rob's been more than burned by love – but then he and Kate find themselves in an ultra-compromising position in the M S Market after hours, giving the phrase "clean-up in aisle five" a whole new meaning, and causing a whole lot of gossip in Gospel…
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- True Confessions
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Rita Awards"Purrrfect!" – Elizabeth LowellEver wonder who writes those outrageous tabloid stories – the ones about Elvis touring the solar system with aliens and disappearing airplanes in the Bermuda Triangle? Meet Hope Spencer, a big-city reporter who got sick and tired of prying into real people's lives, and decided far-out fiction was a whole lot easier to handle. Now reality is just a starting point for Hope, and she's eager for new places, new people, and new experiences that she can transform into the stuff of checkout counter fantasy. The sexy sheriff of Gospel, Idaho, reminds Hope ...
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- True Love and Other Disasters
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Disaster Number One: MenHard knocks and hunger taught Faith Duffy not to believe in love. Still, when she married her very wealthy – and very old – husband, she became the perfect wife. And then he went to that big bank in the sky, leaving Faith with lonely nights, a pile of money, and a total mess of a pro hockey team. Heck, Faith doesn't even watch hockey!Disaster Number Two: PassionBut most of America and half of Canada is watching Ty Savage. His lethal sex appeal and deadly right hook make him the favorite of ...
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- Un A?o En Truly
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- QUERER…Cuando la bonita peluquera Delaney Shaw regres? a su hogar de la infancia en Truly, Idaho, para asistir a la lectura del testamento de su padrastro, s?lo quer?a una cosa: presentar sus respetos y alejarse lo m?s r?pido posible de all?. Hasta que escuch? algunas de las inesperadas estipulaciones que conten?a el documento: como aquella que dec?a que si quer?a la herencia ten?a que permanecer all? y no tener absolutamente nada que ver con el atractivo Nick Allegrezza… ?durante todo un a?o!…NO SIEMPRE ES PODER....
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