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Glynn Alan - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—3 из 3.
  • Sin l?mites
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • La vida de Eddie Spinola toma un inesperado giro cuando prueba el MDT-48, una droga sint?tica desarrollada por un misterioso laboratorio. Sus efectos le permitir?n experimentar una inusitada actividad intelectual y f?sica que lo llevar?n a alcanzar el ?xito con el que siempre so??. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo que comienza a vivir en un mundo de lujos exorbitantes y multimillonarias transacciones, Spinola padece los nefastos efectos secundarios de la droga y un terrible s?ndrome de abstinencia cuando empiezan a escasear sus suministros del f?rmaco. La b?squeda por conseguir nuevamente las dosis y evitar su propia muerte, lo conduce a rastrear el pasado del MDT-48 y a verse envuelto en una intensa trama de oscuros experimentos cient?ficos y una difusa cadena de asesinatos. Este es, sin duda, un apasionante y cinematogr?fico thriller que dejar? sin aliento a todos los lectores.

  • The Dark Fields aka Limitless
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Imagine a drug that makes your brain function in a fantastically efficient way, tapping in to your fundamental resources of intelligence and drive. Imagine a drug that could make you read and remember entire books in a matter of hours, or learn a foreign language in a day. Imagine a drug that could make you process information so fast you can see the patterns on the stock market. Eddie Spinola is on such a drug. It's a pill called MDT-48. It's a Viagra for the brain, a designer drug that's redesigning his life. Eddie's not the only one doing MDT, but with his dealer shot dead and Eddie escaping with a large stash, he's the only one with a supply. And while the drug is helping Eddie make the sort of money he's only dreamed about, he's also beginning to suffer its side-effects. The Dark Fields is a high-concept, highly original thriller, a pharmaceutical Faust that is page-turning and thought-provoking in equal measure.

  • Winterland
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • "A terrific read… completely involving." George PelecanosIn the vein of films such as Michael Clayton and Syriana, Winterland is a fast-paced, literary thriller set in contemporary Dublin. The worlds of business, politics and crime collide when two men with the same name, from the same family, die on the same night – one death is a gangland murder, the other, apparently, a road accident. Was it a coincidence? That's the official version of events. But when a family member, Gina Rafferty, starts asking questions, this notion quickly unravels.Devastated by her loss, Gina's grief is tempered, and ...