Graham Lynne -
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Книги 1—17 из 17.
- A Vengeful Passion
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- A Desperate PleaAshley Forrester had no choice but to plead with Vito di Cavalieri to drop the charges that would put her brother in prison. She expected Vito to exact a high payment in return. But what shocked her was his asking price…A Demanding PropositionHe wanted Ashley… in his bed, as his wife. And passion surged beneath her shaking defenses and betrayed her like never before. Because how could she control love turned to white-hot hatred-and desire that raged dangerously out of control.
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- Duquesa por accidente
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Seducida y luego desposada… pero s?lo por el bien de su hijo…Leandro Carrera M?rquez, duque de Sandoval, era tan aristocr?tico, orgulloso y arrogante como su propio t?tulo… y tambi?n guapo y arrebatador hasta lo imposible. ?C?mo pod?a desear este banquero multimillonario a una pobre camarera como Molly?Sin embargo, as? era. Leandro consigui? a Molly y la dej? embarazada por accidente. En el mundo tan tradicional de Leandro, s?lo quedaba una opci?n posible: el matrimonio. Despu?s de todo, ninguno de sus nobles antepasados se hab?a casado por amor…
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- El Hijo del Griego
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- ?Como novia s?, pero como esposa no! Lindy no se pod?a creer que fuera la novia del armador Atreus Dionides. ?Ella, que estaba rellenita y se ganaba la vida haciendo velas! Pero Atreus parec?a encantado con sus curvas cuando le hac?a el amor apasionadamente en su casa de campo. Claro que Lindy se iba a llevar dos buenas sorpresas: la primera, que ella s?lo era la amante de los fines de semana y que Atreus se quer?a casar con una joven de la alta sociedad griega; y la segunda, imposible de esconder, que estaba embarazada de ?l.
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- El Hijo Del Principe Del Desierto
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- ?Casada con un pr?ncipe del desierto por obligaci?n! El pr?ncipe Jasim bin Hamid al Rais est? preocupado porque su hermano, al que le encantan las mujeres, podr?a estar a punto de caer en las redes de la cuidadora de su hija, lo que supondr?a un terrible esc?ndalo para la monarqu?a de Quaram. Aunque Elinor Tempest parece tan s?lo una chica guapa y delicada, Jasim no se deja enga?ar y decide encargarse ?l personalmente de semejante caradura. S?lo despu?s de seducirla sin contemplaciones descubre que, efectivamente, era virgen… ?y se ha quedado embarazada! Un miembro de la realeza no puede nacer sin que sus padres est?n casados, as? que convierte a Elinor en su esposa…
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- The Desert Sheikh’s Captive Wife
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Captive in the sheikh's harem!Tilda was regretting her short-lived romance with Rashad, the crown prince of Bakhar. Now, with her impoverished family indebted to him, Rashad was blackmailing Tilda by insisting she pay up…as his concubine! Soon Tilda was the arrogant sheikh's captive in his faraway desert kingdom. Then Rashad publicly acknowledged her as his woman… and under the law of Bakhar they were now bound together forever…as husband and wife!
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- The Frenchmans Love-Child
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Seduction and Passion GuaranteedWill the Frenchman discover he has a secret son?Tabby fell in love with Christien Laroche, but then tragedy struck and Christien wanted nothing more to do with her. How could Tabby confess to the arrogant Frenchman that she was expecting his baby? Now Tabby has made a new life for herself and her son. But Christien is back! What if he discovers little Jake's existence?
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- The Greek’s Chosen Wife
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- It's been eight years since Prudence's arranged wedding to Nikolas Angelis. Their relationship was never consummated and they have always lived apart. But now Prudence longs to have her own baby and she wants a divorce. However, Nik is horrified – he is her husband and he will be the father of her child! Prudence reluctantly agrees to a trial marriage with Nik. But conceiving his baby? That's not a risk she's willing to take…
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- The Greek Tycoon’s Convenient Mistress
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Greek billionaire Andreas Nicolaidis had never kept a mistress for longer than three months…until Hope Evans entered his bed. But now, even after two years together, Andreas has no intention of making Hope his wife. She knows it is time to leave the man she loves, but then she discovers that she's expecting his child. Suddenly Andreas is looking at things very differetnly…his formerly convenient mistress will become his permanent wife!
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- The Greek Tycoon’s Disobedient Bride
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- It amazed Ophelia that Lysander Metaxis – a Greek billionaire notorious for his harem of adoring women – wanted to marry her, a humble gardener with a crumbling old manor house and debts up to her ears.But soon she realized Lysander didn't want her – he wanted her property and her body. But marry him she would, because she had no choice if she wanted to keep what she cherished most. And disobedient she would be, because her new husband had no intention of loving her…
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- The Ruthless Magnate’s Virgin Mistress
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- From the moment he sees Abbey at a charity fashion show, Russian tycoon Nikolai Arlov wants every inch of that curvy, creamy body. When she refuses him, he mercilessly switches tactics, aiming straight for her vulnerable heart…With her family's business in serious trouble, Abbey knows Nikolai's money is their only hope. She submits to his lethal brand of seduction and blackmail – ready and willing to do anything he desires. Only, Nikolai has no idea his reluctant mistress is.a virgin.
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- The Spanish Billionaire’s Pregnant Wife
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Leandro Carrera Marquez, Duque de Sandoval, was as aristocratic, proud and arrogant as his name.and darkly handsome in an impossible, breathtaking way. What would this billionaire Spanish banker want with a struggling, impoverished waitress like Molly?But Leandro did want Molly – and he took her, accidentally making her pregnant with his child. In Leandro's traditional world, there was only one option – marry the mother of his heir. After all, none of his noble ancestors had actually married for love…
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- The Stephanides Pregnancy
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Women in uniform weren't usually Cristos Stephanides's thing. But seeing Betsy Mitchell in her chauffeur's outfit… What harm could there be in trying to bed her? However, the tycoon hadn't bargained on being kidnapped, along with Betsy, and held captive on an Aegean island! And since their captors had thoughtfully provided them with a luxury villa, what was to stop Cristos continuing with his seduction plan in comfort?
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- The Trophy Husband
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- 9 to 5Hidden agendas…The personal assistant: When Sara caught her fianc? being unfaithful with her cousin, she felt doubly betrayed.Her boss: Almost miraculously, Alex Rossini was on hand to help Sara pick up the pieces. However, having worked for Alex for some time now, she knew he never did anything without expecting something in return. So why was she surprised when he revealed that he was prepared to pay the cost of having her – be it money or marriage?Business or pleasure? Sara wanted Alex so badly, she would have given herself to him with no strings attached. But in order to win Alex, she would have to play his game – and choose her price…
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- Un Hijo Para El Magnate
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Sergei Antonovich, multimillonario ruso, era famoso por estar rodeado permanentemente de supermodelos y aspirantes a actrices; pero ninguna de ellas era adecuada para convertirla en su esposa. ?Podr?a cumplir el mayor deseo de su abuela y ofrecerle un nieto??Por qu? no tratar todo el asunto como si fuera un negocio? Sin emoci?n alguna; s?lo con un contrato de conveniencia que le asegurara lo que quer?a: una esposa con la que acostarse, de la que disfrutar y a quien dejar embarazada para despu?s… abandonarla.
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- Una Joya en su corona
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Una mujer virtuosa vale m?s que los rub?esPara el pr?ncipe Raja al-Somari sacrificar su libertad por su pa?s no era una opci?n, sino un deber. Pero tuvo que utilizar ciertas t?cticas mucho m?s placenteras para convencer a su nueva esposa… Hac?a apenas unos d?as, Ruby Sommerton no era m?s que una chica corriente que iba a trabajar y cotilleaba con su compa?era de piso, pero de pronto descubri? que era una princesa y que su pr?ncipe la esperaba, impaciente, en un palacio en el desierto. La nueva esposa de Raja ten?a mucho que aprender para comportarse como una noble… adem?s de descubrir lo excitantes que eran las noches con su marido, para quien tener un heredero era una prioridad.
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- Virgin On Her Wedding Night
- Жанр: Современные любовные романы
- Already haunted by a youth of illegitimacy and poverty, Valente Lorenzatto never forgave Caroline Hales's abandonment of him at the altar.But now he's made millions and claimed his aristocratic Venetian birthright – and he's poised to get his revenge. He'll ruin Caroline's family by buying out their company and throwing them out of their mansion.unless she agrees to give him the wedding night she denied him five years ago…
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