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Grann David - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—5 из 5.
  • La ciudad perdida de Z
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Grann nos cuenta tanto la preparaci?n de su art?culo como la vida de Percy Fawcett y sus expediciones, al mismo tiempo que nos intriga con el gran misterio que Fawcett buscaba, La ciudad perdida de Z, la m?tica ciudad de El Dorado perdida en la selva brasile?a. En realidad Fawcett no cre?a a pies juntillas en la idea de una ciudad de oro, se inclinaba m?s por la existencia de una antigua civilizaci?n destruida tras la llegada de los conquistadores. Pero m?s que la ciudad o la civilizaci?n, la b?squeda de Z era una b?squeda de orgullo.
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  • The Devil and Sherlock Holmes
  • Жанр: Детективы: прочее
  • Acclaimed New Yorker writer and author of the breakout debut bestseller The Lost City of Z, David Grann offers a collection of spellbinding narrative journalism.Whether he’s reporting on the infiltration of the murderous Aryan Brotherhood into the U.S. prison system, tracking down a chameleon con artist in Europe, or riding in a cyclone- tossed skiff with a scientist hunting the elusive giant squid, David Grann revels in telling stories that explore the nature of obsession and that piece together true and unforgettable mysteries.Each of the dozen stories in this collection reveals a hidden ...
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  • The Lost City of Z
  • Жанр: Приключения: прочее
  • A grand mystery reaching back centuries. A sensational disappearance that made headlines around the world. A quest for truth that leads to death, madness or disappearance for those who seek to solve it. is a blockbuster adventure narrative about what lies beneath the impenetrable jungle canopy of the Amazon.After stumbling upon a hidden trove of diaries, acclaimed writer David Grann set out to solve “the greatest exploration mystery of the twentieth century:” What happened to the British explorer Percy Fawcett and his quest for the Lost City of Z?In 1925 Fawcett ventured into the Amazon to ...
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