Gruber Michael -
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Книги 1—7 из 7.
- Ksi?ga powietrza i cieni
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Czy Szekspira te? da si? podrobi??Gdzie zosta? ukryty manuskrypt nieznanej sztuki Szekspira? Na tle popularnych tzw. thriller?w szekspirowskich powie?? Grubera wyr??nia si? fascynuj?c? fabu??, form? i bogactwem refleksji o dawnym i wsp??czesnym ?wiecie. Z jednej strony jest to barwny thriller historyczny o samym Szekspirze, szpiegowanym przez swych wrog?w. Z drugiej – ca?kiem wsp??czesny krymina?, kt?rego bohaterem jest Jake Mishkin, prawnik przypadkowo wci?gni?ty w gigantyczn? i niebezpieczn? afer? wok?? odnalezienia r?kopisu sprzed czterystu lat. Trzeci z misternie ze sob? powi?zanych w?tk?w to romans pewnego mi?o?nika kina (tak?e polskiego!) z tajemnicz? introligatork?, te? szukaj?c? manuskryptu… Doskona?a, inteligentna, jedyna w swoim rodzaju zabawa!
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- Night Of The Jaguar
- Жанр: Триллер
- Science and mysticism, nature and greed collide in this mind-bending, compulsively readable thriller from the author of Tropic of Night and Valley of Bones , hailed by the Washington Post as "miracles of intelligent fiction… among the essential novels of recent years."Deep in the jungles of Colombia, an American priest is shot dead in his makeshift church.A few weeks later an Indian shaman called Moie arrives in south Florida, armed only with a bag of totems and the fearsome power of Jaguar, his god.In Miami, retired detective Jimmy Paz, his wife, and his seven-year-old ...
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- The Book of Air and Shadows
- Жанр: Современная проза
- A distinguished Shakespearean scholar found tortured to death…A lost manuscript and its secrets buried for centuries…An encrypted map that leads to incalculable wealth…The Washington Post called Michael Gruber's previous work "a miracle of intelligent fiction and among the essential novels of recent years." Now comes his most intellectually provocative and compulsively readable novel yet.Tap-tapping the keys and out come the words on this little screen, and who will read them I hardly know. I could be dead by the time anyone actually gets to read them, as dead as, say, Tolstoy. ...
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- The Forgery of Venus
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Chaz Wilmot is a painter born outside his time. He possesses a virtuosic command of the techniques of the old masters. He can paint like Leonardo, Goya, Gainsborough-artists whose works sell for millions-but this style of painting is no longer popular, and he refuses to shape his talent to fit the fashion of the day. So Wilmot makes his living cranking out parodies for ads and magazine covers. A break comes when an art dealer obtains for him a commission to restore a Venetian palace fresco by the eighteenth-century master Tiepolo, for a disreputable Italian businessman. Once there, Wilmot ...
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- The Good Son
- Жанр: Современная проза
- New York Times bestselling author Michael Gruber, a member of "the elite ranks of those who can both chill the blood and challenge the mind" (The Denver Post), delivers a taut, multilayered, riveting novel of suspenseSomewhere in Pakistan, Sonia Laghari and eight fellow members of a symposium on peace are being held captive by armed terrorists. Sonia, a deeply religious woman as well as a Jungian psychologist, has become the de facto leader of the kidnapped group. While her son Theo, an ex-Delta soldier, uses his military connections to find and free the victims, Sonia tries to ...
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