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Haldeman Joe - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—8 из 8.
  • Camouflage
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A million years prior to the dawn of , two immortal, shapeshifting aliens roam the Earth with little memory of their origin or their purpose. Later in the year 2019, an artifact is discovered off the coast of Samoa, buried deep beneath the ocean floor. The mysterious find brings two alien beings—the “changeling” and the “chameleon”—together again, to ponder the meaning of the object and its relationship to each other. Both immortals try to seek each other out and use the artifact to find their origins, one harbouring good intentions while the other is extremely hostile.Won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 2005.
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  • Forever Peace
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Copyright © Joe Haldeman 1997Version 1.01998 Hugo Award Winner1999 Nebula Award Winner This novel is for two editors: John W. Campbell, who rejected a story because he thought it was absurd to write about American women who fight and die in combat, and Ben Bova, who didn't.Caveat lector: This book is not a continuation of my 1975 novel The Forever War. From the author's point of view it is a kind of sequel, though, examining some of that novel's problems from an angle that didn't exist twenty years ago.
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  • Future Weapons of War
  • Жанр: Боевая фантастика
  • A volume of visions of future wars, fought with weapons out of nightmare, by today’s top writers of military science fiction, as well as some writers who are not usually associated with military SF, such as best-selling writer Gregory Benford, and award-winning author Kristine Katherine Rusch. Also present are Michael Z. Williamson, author of the strong selling novels “Freehold” and “The Weapon”, award-winning author of “Bolo Strike”, William H. Keith, and more.Through the centuries, weapons have changed radically, but the soldier has remained much the same. But in the future, soldiers, too, may undergo radical changes. As editor Joe Haldeman puts it, “Weapons are an extension of the soldier, and also an extension of the culture or species that produced the soldier. And they are sometimes more dangerous to the soldier than the enemy…”
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  • Guerra eterna
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • La guerra, ci insegna l’autore, non ? mai una cosa piacevole. E in una guerra che dura 1200 anni, le probabilit? di sopravvivenza sono prossime a zero. Iniziata nel 1997, la guerra contro la razza extraterrestre dei Taurani si trascina avanti pesantemente, un secolo dopo l’altro. I soldati che la combattono viaggiano tra le stelle a velocit? prossime a quelle della luce, e invecchiano soltanto di pochi mesi ad ogni viaggio, mentre i secoli si susseguono rapidamente sulla Terra: una Terra che ad ogni licenza diventa sempre pi? irriconoscibile.Il soldato Mandella inizia come fuciliere: ? di leva, non ama ...
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  • Kamufla?
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • Od wielu pokole? w?druj? po Ziemi dwie nikomu nieznane istoty. Obcy nie wiedz? o sobie nawzajem, ale zachowuj? szcz?tkowe wspomnienia tajemniczego zatopionego reliktu i upodobanie do morskich g??bin. Jedna z istot, uzurpator, przetrwa?a dzi?ki przystosowaniu, przybieraj?c kszta?ty wielu r??nych organizm?w. Druga, kameleon, prze?y?a wy??cznie dlatego, ?e niszczy wszystko, co jej zagra?a. Teraz podniesiony wreszcie z dna morza przez biologa morskiego Russella Suttona relikt wzywa do siebie obie istoty. Przez tysi?clecia na Ziemi ?y?y dwa niezniszczalne stworzenia… ale kameleon uwa?a, ?e jest tam miejsce tylko dla jednego z nich.Powie?? otrzyma?a nagrod? Nebula w 2004 r.
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  • The Forever War
  • Жанр: Космическая фантастика
  • The book tells the timeless story of war, in this case a conflict between humanity and the alien Taurans. Humans first bumped heads with the Taurans when we began using collapsars to travel the stars. Although the collapsars provide nearly instantaneous travel across vast distances, the relativistic speeds associated with the process means that time passes slower for those aboard ship. For William Mandella, a physics student drafted as a soldier, that means more than 27 years will have passed between his first encounter with the Taurans and his homecoming, though he himself will have aged only a year. When Mandella finds that he can't adjust to Earth after being gone so long from home, he reenlists, only to find himself shuttled endlessly from battle to battle as the centuries pass.Won Nebula Award in 1975.Won Hugo and Locus Awards in 1976.
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