Hamilton Peter -
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Книги 1—22 из 22.
- A Quantum Murder
- Жанр: Детективная фантастика
- Peter F. Hamilton returns to the future of "Mindstar Rising" with an engrossing new adventure of Greg Mandel, a freelance operative whose telepathic abilities give him a crucial edge in the high-tech world of the 21st century. Mandel must investigate the murder of professor Edward Kitchener, a double Nobel laureate who had been researching quantum cosmology for the powerful Event Horizon conglomerate.
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- Dysfunkcja rzeczywisto?ci: Pocz?tki
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- Zdumiewaj?cy wszech?wiat edenist?w — poddanych genetycznej modyfikacji ludzi po??czonych telepatyczn? wi?zi? ze swymi inteligentnymi statkami i ?ywymi ?wiatami; wzmocnionych nanotechnologicznie mi?dzygwiezdnych pilot?w i wojownik?w… oraz przera?aj?cych staro?ytnych obcych tajemnic, kt?re wykraczaj? poza ludzkie pojmowanie. Na Joshuy Calvercie, w?a?cicielu kosmolotu „Lady Macbeth” ci??y przekle?stwo fartu; na Ione Saldana, lordzie ruin, ci??y przekle?stwo jej kr?lewskiego pochodzenia; na kolonistach uwi?zionych w cuchn?cych d?unglach ?wiata zwanego Lalonde ci??y przekle?stwo ich wiary; na ca?ych planetach po prostu ci??y przekle?stwo… P?ytka danych pochodz?ca od dawno wymar?ego gatunku Laymil?w jest jedynym kluczem do zagadki nie znanego nauce zjawiska, inwazji, o jakiej nie s?ysza?a historia. Laymile zwali je „dysfunkcj? rzeczywisto?ci”. Ale r?wnie dobrze mogli je nazwa? piek?em.
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- Dysfunkcja rzeczywisto?ci: Ekspansja
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- Zamieszkan? galaktyk? ogarn??a dziwaczna i straszna inwazja, po cz??ci horda, po cz??ci epidemia i po cz??ci koszmar. A po cz??ci proroctwo. Potop istot zdolnych op?ta? umys?y, dokonywa? mutacji cia?, przekszta?ca? materi? i energi?, drwi? tak z nauki, jak i z wiary. Naje?d?cy nie s? jednak obcymi. Dysfunkcja rzeczywisto?ci otworzy?a bram? wiod?c? poza ?mier?. I nap?ywaj? przez ni? pot?pie?cy, by podbi? czas i przestrze?…
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- Manhattan in Reverse
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- A collection of short stories from the master of space opera. Peter F Hamilton takes us on a journey from a murder mystery in an alternative Oxford in the 1800s to a brand new story featuring Paula Mayo, Deputy Director of the Intersolar Commonwealth's Serious Crimes Directorate. Dealing with intricate themes and topical subject this top ten bestselling author is at the top of his game.
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- Misspent Youth
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- Readers have learned to expect the unexpected from Peter F. Hamilton. Now the master of space opera focuses on near-future Earth and one most unusual family. The result is a coming-of-age tale like no other. By turns comic, erotic, and tragic, Misspent Youth is a profound and timely exploration of all that divides and unites fathers and sons, men and women, the young and the old.2040. After decades of concentrated research and experimentation in the field of genetic engineering, scientists of the European Union believe they have at last conquered humankind’s most pernicious foe: old age. For ...
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- Neutronium Alchemist - Consolidation
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- Not every fallen angel comes from heaven... The ancient menace has finally escaped from Lalonde, shattering the Confederation's peaceful existence. Those who succumbed to it have acquired godlike powers, but now follow a far from divine gospel as they advance inexorably from world to world. On planets and asteroids, individuals battle for survival against the strange and brutal forces unleashed upon the universe. Governments teeter on the brink of anarchy, the Confederation Navy is dangerously over-stretched, and a dark messiah prepares to invoke his own version of the final Night. In such desperate times the last thing the ...
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- Neutronium Alchemist - Conflict
- Жанр: Эпическая фантастика
- Not every fallen angel comes from heaven... The ancient menace has finally escaped from Lalonde, shattering the Confederation's peaceful existence. Those who succumbed to it have acquired godlike powers, but now follow a far from divine gospel as they advance inexorably from world to world. On planets and asteroids, individuals battle for survival against the strange and brutal forces unleashed upon the universe. Governments teeter on the brink of anarchy, the Confederation Navy is dangerously over-stretched, and a dark messiah prepares to invoke his own version of the final Night. In such desperate times the last thing the ...
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- Reality Dysfunction - Emergence
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- A nightmare with no end .... In AD2600 the human race is finally beginning to realise its full potential. Hundreds of colonised planets scattered across the galaxy host a multitude of prosperous and wildly diverse cultures. Genetic engineering has pushed evolution far beyond nature's boundaries, defeating disease and producing extraordinary spaceborn creatures. Huge fleets of sentient trader starships thrive on the wealth created by the industrialisation of entire star systems. And thoughout inhabited space the Confederation Navy keeps the peace. A true golden age is within our grasp. But now something has gone catastrophically wrong. On a primitive ...
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- Reality Dysfunction - Expansion
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- A nightmare with no end .... In AD2600 the human race is finally beginning to realise its full potential. Hundreds of colonised planets scattered across the galaxy host a multitude of prosperous and wildly diverse cultures. Genetic engineering has pushed evolution far beyond nature's boundaries, defeating disease and producing extraordinary spaceborn creatures. Huge fleets of sentient trader starships thrive on the wealth created by the industrialisation of entire star systems. And thoughout inhabited space the Confederation Navy keeps the peace. A true golden age is within our grasp. But now something has gone catastrophically wrong. On a primitive ...
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- The Dreaming Void
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- At the centre of the Intersolar Commonwealth universe is a massive black hole. This Void is not a natural artefact. Inside there is a strange universe where the laws of physics are very different to those we know. It is slowly consuming the other stars of the galactic core — one day it will have devoured the entire galaxy. It's AD 4000, and a human has started to dream of the wonderful existence of the Void. He has a following of millions of believers. They now wish to Pilgrimage to the Void to live the life they have been shown. Other starfaring species fear their migration will cause the Void to expand again. They are prepared to stop the Pilgrimage fleet no matter what the cost. The Pilgrimage begins…
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- The Evolutionary Void
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- An innovator praised as one of the inventors of “the new space opera,” Peter F. Hamilton has also been hailed as the heir of such golden-age giants as Heinlein and Asimov. His star-spanning sagas are distinguished by deft plotting, engaging characters, provocative explorations of science and society, and soaring imaginative reach. Now, in one of the most eagerly anticipated offerings of the year, Hamilton brings his acclaimed Void trilogy to a stunning close.Exposed as the Second Dreamer, Araminta has become the target of a galaxywide search by government agent Paula Myo and the psychopath known as the ...
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- The Mandel Files
- Жанр: Триллер
- An omnibus of novelsMindstar Rising 1992A veteran of Gulf War II, telepath Greg Mandel enters the high-tech world of computer crime, zero-gravity smuggling, and artificial intelligence when an elusive saboteur threatens a powerful organization and the very future of humankind.***A Quantum Murder 1994Peter F. Hamilton returns to the future of "Mindstar Rising" with an engrossing new adventure of Greg Mandel, a freelance operative whose telepathic abilities give him a crucial edge in the high-tech world of the 21st century. Mandel must investigate the murder of professor Edward Kitchener, a double Nobel laureate ...
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- The Naked God - Faith
- Жанр: Эпическая фантастика
- Hell just went quantum . . . The Confederation is starting to collapse politically and economically, allowing the possessed to infiltrate more worlds. Quinn Dexter is loose on Earth, destroying the giant arcologies one at a time. As Louise Kavanagh tries to track him down, she manages to acquire some strange and powerful allies whose goal does not quite match her own. The campaign to liberate Mortonridge from the possessed degenerates into a horrendous land battle of the kind which hasn't been seen by humankind for six hundred years. Then some of the protagonists escape in a very unexpected direction . . . ...
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- The Naked God - Flight
- Жанр: Космическая фантастика
- Hell just went quantum . . . The Confederation is starting to collapse politically and economically, allowing the possessed to infiltrate more worlds. Quinn Dexter is loose on Earth, destroying the giant arcologies one at a time. As Louise Kavanagh tries to track him down, she manages to acquire some strange and powerful allies whose goal does not quite match her own. The campaign to liberate Mortonridge from the possessed degenerates into a horrendous land battle of the kind which hasn't been seen by humankind for six hundred years. Then some of the protagonists escape in a very unexpected direction . . . ...
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- The Temporal Void
- Жанр: Научная фантастика
- The Intersolar Commonwealth is in turmoil as the Living Dream's deadline for launching its Pilgrimage into the Void draws closer. Not only is the Ocisen Empire fleet fast approaching on a mission of genocide, but also an internecine war has broken out between the post-human factions over the destiny of humanity.Countering the various and increasingly desperate agents and factions is Paula Myo, a ruthlessly single-minded investigator, beset by foes from her distant past and colleagues of dubious allegiance…but she is fast losing a race against time.At the heart of all this is Edeard the ...
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