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Harris Thomas - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—6 из 6.
  • Czerwony Smok
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • By?y pracownik FBI Will Graham, znany ze swoich sukces?w w tropieniu seryjnych morderc?w, powraca do czynnej s?u?by, aby dopom?c policji schwyta? maniakalnego zab?jc? kilku rodzin. Tymczasem tajemniczy zbrodniarz, pewny swojej bezkarno?ci, wysy?a prowadz?cym ?ledztwo listy podpisane "Czerwony smok"…Ksi??ka jest napisana bardzo ciekawie, gdy? Harris nie d??y do opisywania krwawych scen tylko zag??bia si? nad psychik? ludzk?, nad tym co nami kieruje, jaki wp?yw na nasze ?ycie ma dzieci?stwo. Jak bardzo ludzie mog? by? pozbawieni wyrzut?w sumienia, skrupu??w. Czy je?li kto? wyci?gnie do nas pomocn? d?o? to si? opanujemy? nawr?cimy? a mo?e ju? jest za p??no. Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce mo?emy pozna? z?o: wyrafinowane, brutalne, piekielnie inteligentne i okrutne. A posta? Doktora smakuje wybitnie – fascynuje, zadziwia.
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  • Domingo Negro
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Con una impresionante hoja de servicios, el veterano de la guerra de Vietnam Michael J. Lander proyecta un diab?lico atentado, que tendr? en jaque a los servicios de seguridad. Cuando concibi? la operaci?n, no pens? que necesitar?a ayuda, pero, a medida que urd?a su plan, decidi? darle una nueva dimensi?n con el apoyo de Septiembre Negro y una coartada pol?tica. Poco despu?s, el proyecto cobra forma y le depara un insospechado encuentro con Dahlia Iyad, una hermosa mujer que lucha por la causa de la liberaci?n de Palestina.
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  • Hannibal Rising
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amazon.com ReviewDiscover the origins of one of the most feared villains of all time in Thomas Harris's Hannibal Rising, a novel that promises to reveal the "evolution of Hannibal Lecter's evil." Thomas Harris first introduced readers to Hannibal Lecter in Red Dragon, a tale wrapped around FBI agent Will Graham (the man who hunted Lecter down) and his ability to "get inside the mind of the killer." Graham consults Dr. Lecter (the man who nearly killed him) on the case, and the legend of the nefarious Dr. Lecter was born. Harris's masterful and mesmerizing follow up, ...
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  • Red Dragon
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amazon.com ReviewLying on a cot in his cell with Alexandre Dumas's Le Grand Dictionnaire de Cuisine open on his chest, Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter makes his debut in this legendary horror novel, which is even better than its sequel, The Silence of the Lambs. As in Silence, the pulse-pounding suspense plot involves a hypersensitive FBI sleuth who consults psycho psychiatrist Lecter for clues to catching a killer on the loose.The sleuth, Will Graham, actually quit the FBI after nearly getting killed by Lecter while nabbing him, but fear isn't what bugs him about crime ...
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  • The Silence of the Lambs
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Amazon.com ReviewThe Silence of the Lambs, by Thomas Harris, is even better than the successful movie. Like his earlier Red Dragon, the book takes us inside the world of professional criminal investigation. All the elements of a well-executed thriller are working here-driving suspense, compelling characters, inside information, publicity-hungry bureaucrats thwarting the search, and the clock ticking relentlessly down toward the death of another young woman. What enriches this well-told tale is the opportunity to live inside the minds of both the crime fighters and the criminals as each struggles in a prison of pain and seeks, ...
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