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Hawks John - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—6 из 6.
  • El R?o Oscuro
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • En una sociedad futurista sometida a la dictadura de la tecnolog?a, dos hermanos se enfrentar?n a la muerte. Gabriel y Michael Corrigan acaban de saber que su padre, a quien cre?an muerto desde hac?a a?os, est? vivo. Ambos hermanos pueden viajar a trav?s del tiempo y el espacio, y los dos buscan a su padre, pero se encuentran en bandos opuestos: Gabriel pretende conocer la verdad de su vida y protegerle de sus enemigos, est? del lado de las fuerzas del bien; Michael se ha unido a los «tabulas», servidores de una tecnolog?...
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  • El viajero
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Marcada por un sino implacable, hab?a ocasiones en que Maya hubiera deseado nacer ciega e ignorante. Su infancia no fue la de tantas otras ni?as de su edad, y Maya pronto se vio obligada a soportar duras pruebas. Su padre era uno de los ?ltimos Arlequines, superviviente de una estirpe de guerreros protectores de los Viajeros que hab?a sobrevivido a varios intentos de asesinato por parte de los mercenarios de la Tabula. Condicionada por su ascendencia gen?tica, Maya ten?a un ?nico objetivo en la vida: proteger, con su propia vida si era necesario, a ...
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  • The Dark River
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A frantic race to save a long-lost Traveler.An epic battle for freedom.Two brothers whose power puts them on a collision course…with each other.In The Traveler, John Twelve Hawks introduced readers to a dangerous world inspired by the modern technology that monitors our lives. Under constant surveillance of the ‘Vast Machine,' a sophisticated computer network run by a ruthless group, society is mostly unaware of its own imprisonment. Gabriel and Michael Corrigan, brothers who were raised “off the grid,” have recently learned they are Travelers like their long-lost father- part of a ...
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  • The Golden City
  • Жанр: Научная фантастика
  • A world that exists in the shadow of our own… the thrilling conclusion to John Twelve Hawks's Fourth Realm trilogy, The Golden City is packed with the knife-edge tension, intriguing characters, and startling plot twists that made The Traveler and The Dark River international hits.John Twelve Hawks's previous novels about the mystical Travelers and the Brethren, their ruthless enemies, generated an extraordinary following around the world. The Washington Post wrote that The Traveler 'portrays a Big Brother with powers far beyond anything Orwell could imagine…' and Publishers Weekly hailed the series as 'a saga that's part ...
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  • The GoldenCity
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • A world that exists in the shadow of our own… the thrilling conclusion to John Twelve Hawks's Fourth Realm trilogy, The Golden City is packed with the knife-edge tension, intriguing characters, and startling plot twists that made The Traveler and The Dark River international hits.John Twelve Hawks's previous novels about the mystical Travelers and the Brethren, their ruthless enemies, generated an extraordinary following around the world. The Washington Post wrote that The Traveler 'portrays a Big Brother with powers far beyond anything Orwell could imagine…' and Publishers Weekly hailed the series as 'a saga that's part ...
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  • The Traveler
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In the shadows of our modern society, an ancient conflict between good and evil is being fought. A life-and-death battle we will never see, between those who wish to control history and those who will risk their lives for freedom and enlightenment… Los Angeles: A city where you have to work hard to live beneath the surface. Gabriel and Michael Corrigan are trying to do just that. Since childhood, the brothers have been shaped by the stories that their mystical father, a man of strange powers and intuition, has told them about the world in which they live. After ...
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