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Хайдер Мо - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—11 из 11.
  • Остров Свиней
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Аномальные явления — миф.В этом уверен известный журналист Джо Оукс, специализирующийся на разоблачении фальшивых фото- и видеосюжетов о йети и призраках, пришельцах и демонах.На этот раз ему предстоит поездка на маленький остров Свиней у берегов Шотландии. Именно там турист запечатлел на любительском видео таинственное существо, похожее одновременно и на человека, и на хищного зверя.Невероятно?Джо начинает расследование и вскоре понимает: на острове Свиней действительно происходит нечто необъяснимое с научной точки зрения.Он задает вопросы — но прежде чем успевает получить на них ответы, едва ли не все обитатели острова становятся жертвами кровавых убийств…

  • Токио
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Токийский клан якудза вот уже много лет процветает благодаря загадочному, умному и жестокому «крестному отцу».Этого человека пытались арестовать или убрать десятки раз — но сделать это не удалось ни полицейским, ни киллерам, подосланным конкурирующими группировками.Однако теперь в окружении «крестного отца» появляется загадочная молодая англичанка Грей. Она явно не связана ни с полицией, ни с преступным миром.Зачем она приехала в Токио — город, скрывающий множество опасных тайн?И кто стоит за ней?..

  • Birdman
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In un'area industriale semiabbandonata della periferia londinese vengono scoperti i cadaveri di cinque donne mutilate e seviziate. Scattano immediatamente le indagini che vengono affidate al giovane ispettore Jack Caffery. Egli comprende all'istante che i delitti sono opera di un maniaco: le vittime sono state infatti sottoposte a procedure chirurgiche amatoriali per la riduzione del seno e sono state pettinate e truccate in modo da ricordare delle bambole. La morte tuttavia non ? stata causata dalle orrende ferite, bens? da un'iniezione letale; inoltre il killer ha inserito nel petto delle vittime e cucito accanto al cuore un uccellino vivo, simbolo e firma del suo macabro operato.

  • El latido del p?jaro
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • En un desguace medio abandonado cercano al Millenium Dome, en el este londinense, la polic?a realiza el macabro descubrimiento de cinco cad?veres de mujeres terriblemente mutilados. Las muertas estaban relacionadas con un pub de striptease de Greenwich y eran toxic?manas. El hecho de que todos los cuerpos presenten las mismas espeluznantes amputaciones, hace pensar que su asesinato ha sido obra de una mente perturbada, de un man?aco obseso pero que posee conocimientos m?dicos.El reci?n ascendido inspector Jack Caffery es uno de los principales encargados de resolver el caso. A pesar de ...

  • Gone
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • November in the West Country. Evening is closing in as murder detective Jack Caffery arrives to interview the victim of a car-jacking. He's dealt with routine car-thefts before, but this one is different. This car was taken by force. And on the back seat was a passenger. An eleven-year-old girl. Who is still missing. Before long the jacker starts to communicate with the police: 'It's started,' he tells them. 'And it ain't going to stop just sudden, is it?' And Caffery knows that he's going to do it again. Soon the jacker will choose another car with another child on the back seat. Caffery's a good and instinctive cop; the best in the business, some say. But this time he knows something's badly wrong. Because the jacker seems to be ahead of the police - every step of the way...

  • Hanging Hill
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • What if you found yourself divorced and penniless? With no skills and a teenage daughter to support? What if the only way to survive was to do things you never thought possible?These are questions Sally has never really thought about before. Married to a successful businessman, she’s always been a bit of a dreamer. Until now.Her sister Zoe is her polar opposite. A detective inspector working out of Bath Central, she loves her job, and oozes self-confidence. No one would guess that she hides a crippling secret that dates back twenty years, and which – if exposed – may destroy her.Then Sally’s daughter gets into difficulties, and Sally finds she needs cash – lots of it – fast. With no one to help her, she is forced into a criminal world of extreme pornography and illegal drugs; a world in which teenage girls can go missing.Two sisters intent on survival. Until one does something so terrifying that there’s no way back …

  • Pig Island
  • Жанр: Криминальный детектив
  • Journalist Joe Oakes makes a living exposing supernatural hoaxes. A born sceptic, he believes everything has a rational explanation. But when he visits a secretive religious community on a remote Scottish island, everything he thought he knew is overturned. Questions mount: why has the community been accused of Satanism? What has happened to their leader, Pastor Malachi Dove? And perhaps most important, why will no one discuss the strange apparition seen wandering the lonely beaches of Pig Island? Their confrontation, and its violent and bloody aftermath, is so catastrophic that it forces Oaksey to question the nature of evil, and whether he might not be responsible for the terrible crime about to unfold. In her compulsive and haunting new novel, Mo Hayder dares her readers to face their fears head on and to look at what lurks beneath the surface of everyday normality. "Pig Island" is about the unspeakable things people can do to each other. Brace yourself for a terrifying read.

  • Ritual
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Just after lunch on a Tuesday in April, nine feet under water, police diver Flea Marley closes her gloved fingers around a human hand. The fact that there's no body attached is disturbing enough. Yet more disturbing is the discovery, a day later, of the matching hand. Both have been recently amputated, and the indications are that the victim was still alive when they were removed. DI Jack Caffery has been newly seconded to the Major Crime Investigation Unit in Bristol. He and Flea soon establish that the hands belong to a boy who has recently disappeared. Their search for him — and for his abductor — lead them into the darkest recesses of Bristol's underworld, where drug addiction is rife, where street-kids sell themselves for a hit, and where an ancient evil lurks; an evil that feeds off the blood — and flesh — of others …

  • Skin
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • When the decomposed body of a young woman is found by near railway tracks just outside Bristol one hot May morning, all indications are that she's committed suicide. That's how the police want it too; all neatly squared and tidied away. But DI Jack Caffery is not so sure. He is on the trail of someone predatory, someone who hides in the shadows and can slip into houses unseen. And for the first time in a very long time, he feels scared. Police Diver Flea Marley is working alongside Caffery. Having come to terms with the loss of her parents, and with the traumas of her past safely behind her, she's beginning to wonder whether their relationship could go beyond the professional. And then she finds something that changes everything. Not only is it far too close to home for comfort – but it's so horrifying that she knows that nothing will ever be the same again. And that this time, no one – not even Caffery – can help her…

  • The Devil of Nanking aka Tokyo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • 'There is an act, a very particular form of torture, which anthropologists and historians occasionally ruminate over. It is an act still reported from time to time from far-flung war zones around the world. What is unusual is that in spite of the oral evidence it has never been captured on film. But if film did exist, some people say, the most likely place it would come from, the place that was always whispered, the place that first comes to mind, is Nanking.'Student Grey Hutchins comes to Tokyo seeking a rare piece of film showing the ...

  • The Treatment
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Midsummer, and in an unassuming house on a quiet residential street on the edge of Brockwell Park in south London, a husband and wife are discovered, imprisoned in their own home. Badly dehydrated, they've been bound and beaten, and the husband is close to death. But worse is to come: their young son is missing.When Dl Jack Caffery of the Met's AMIT squad is called in to investigate, the similarities to events in his own past make it impossible for him to view this new crime with the necessary detachment. And as Jack digs deeper, as he ...