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Heller Joseph - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—4 из 4.
  • Catch-22
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Captain Yossarian is an American bombardier stationed off the Italian coast during the final months of World War II. Paranoid and odd, Yossarian believes that everyone around him is trying to kill him. All Yossarian wants is to complete his tour of duty and be sent home. However, because the glory-seeking Colonel Cathcart continually raises the number of required missions, the men of the "fighting 256th squadron" must keep right on fighting.With a growing hatred of flying, Yossarian pleads with Doc Daneeka to ground him on the basis of insanity. Doc Daneeka replies that Yossarian's appeal is useless because, according to army regulation Catch-22, insane men who ask to be grounded prove themselves sane through a concern for personal safety. Truly crazy people are those who readily agree to fly more missions. The only way to be grounded is to ask for it. Yet this act demonstrates sanity and thus demands further flying. Crazy or not, Yossarian is stuck.
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  • Closing Time
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • In Joseph Heller's two best novels, Catch 22 and Something Happened, the narrative circles obsessively around a repressed memory that it is the stories' business finally to confront. We feel the tremors of its eventual eruption in each book even as the narrator frantically distracts us with slapstick improvisation. In his newest novel, Closing Time, Heller brings back the (anti-) hero of Catch 22, John Yossarian, and once again something horrific is building beneath his life and those of his generation and their century as they all draw to a close.But this time it is not a brute fact ...
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  • Paragraf 22
  • Жанр: Современная проза
  • Powie?? Hellera to utrzymana w konwencji czarnej groteski historia grupy ameryka?skich lotnik?w odbywaj?cych w czasie ostatniej wojny loty bojowe nad zaj?tymi przez Niemc?w obszarami W?och. Walcz?c z absurdem wojskowej biurokracji i kazuistyki, symbolizowanej przez tytu?owy "paragraf 22", bohaterowie najzwyczajniej w ?wiecie usi?uj? ocali? swoje ?ycie. Dziwactwa, a nawet szale?stwo ludzi nieustannie zagro?onych ?mierci? okazuj? si? dzia?aniami ca?kowicie racjonalnymi w zetkni?ciu z szale?stwem wojskowej machiny."Paragraf 22" to jedna z najbardziej radykalnie antymilitarystycznych i antywojennych ksi??ek w literaturze ?wiatowej.Joseph Heller (ur. 1923) podczas II ...
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