Higgins Jack -
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Книги 1—25 из 28.
- A Darker Place
- Жанр: Триллер
- Dillon and company are back in the ultimate blockbuster from the 'legend' that is Jack Higgins Disillusioned with the Putin Government, famous Russian writer and ex-paratrooper Alexander Kurbsky decides he wants to disappear into the West. However he is under no illusions about how the news will be greeted at home – he has seen too many of his countrymen die mysteriously at the hands of the thuggish Russian security services, so he makes elaborate plans with Charles Ferguson, Sean Dillon and the rest of the group known informally as the "Prime Minister's private army" for his escape and concealment. It's a real coup for the West!except for one thing. Kurbsky is still working for the Russians. The plan is to infiltrate British and American intelligence at the highest levels, and he has his own motivations for doing the most effective job possible. He does not care what he has to do or where he has to go or whom he has to kill
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- Angel Of Death
- Жанр: Триллер
- They call themselves “January 30”, after the date of a British massacre in Belfast. They are the enemies of peace – and they are plotting an assassination that will shatter the uneasy truce that reigns in Ireland. Former IRA enforcer Sean Dillon must hunt down January 30 before they kill again – before they spark a war.
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- Bad Company
- Жанр: Триллер
- Undercover enforcer Sean Dillon tackles a new crisis as Presidential skeletons threaten to burst from the closet – in the dramatic new thriller from the master of suspense, the author of the international bestsellers Day of Reckoning, Edge of Danger and Midnight Runner. In the waning days of World War II, Hitler gave his diary to a young aide for safekeeping. Now it’s threatening to resurface, with explosive contents: the details of a meeting between emissaries of Hitler and Roosevelt to reach an armistice and turn their collective efforts against the Soviet Union. The American representative: a close relative ...
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- Brought in Dead
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- When a young woman commits suicide, Detective Sergeant Nick Miller follows a hazardous trail to find the powerful man responsible for the girl’s fate, only to watch him walk out of court a free man. But the dead girl’s father swears to exact justice — with or without the law on his side.
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- Dark Justice
- Жанр: Триллер
- It is night in Manhattan. The President of the United States is scheduled to have dinner with an old friend, but in the building across the street, a man has disabled the security and stands at a window, a rifle in his hand.Fortunately, he is not successful – but this is only the beginning. Someone is recruiting a shadowy network of agents with the intention of creating terror. Their range is broad, their identities masked, their methods subtle. White House operative Blake Johnson and his opposite number in British Intelligence, Sean Dillon, set out to trace the source of the havoc, but behind the first man lies another, and behind him another still. And that man is not pleased by the interference. Soon he will target them all: Johnson, Dillon, Dillon’s colleagues. And one of them will fall…
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- Day of Reckoning
- Жанр: Триллер
- A death in Brooklyn sends reverberations around the world in Jack Higgins's thrilling new adventure.Higgins's novels of honor, bravery, and irresistible intrigue delight millions of readers every year, but few of his books pack the sheer narrative power of ."Katherine Johnson was a couple of feet under dark green water. Her arms floated to each side, her legs were open, the eyes stared into eternity. There was a look of surprise on her face and she was achingly beautiful in death."Journalist Katherine Johnson made the mistake of getting too close to the secrets of ...
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- Drink With The Devil
- Жанр: Триллер
- A fortune in stolen British gold lies shipwrecked at the bottom of the Irish Sea. Irish militant Michael Ryan wants to finance war in his homeland – and a sinister pact with the New York Mafia will make his dreams a savage reality. Former IRA enforcer Sean Dillon now works for the British government. His mission is to retrieve the gold by any means necessary and finish Ryan’s plot before it gets off the ground. Two deadly men are locked in a furious race, with millions of dollars and lives are hanging in the balance.
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- El Aguila Emprende El Vuelo
- Жанр: Триллер
- Liam Devlin se enfrenta a un reto casi imposible: rescatar al hombre que intent? matar a Churchill. 1943. El coronel Kurt Steiner ha sobrevivido a su arriesgado golpe de mano contra Churchill. Prisionero en un lugar secreto, se ha convertido en un reh?n inc?modo para los brit?nicos… y en una baza apetecible para sectores de la jerarqu?a nazi.Hay que rescatar a Steiner, y s?lo Liam Devlin puede hacerlo. ?ste urdir? un plan sutil, imaginativo y muy peligroso. De principio a fin, el ?xito de la operaci?n pender? de un hilo, tan extremadamente fino que cualquier cosa puede romperlo.
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- El Ojo Del Huracan
- Жанр: Триллер
- Una feroz guerra subterr?nea… y el m?s audaz de los atentados. Sean Dillon es un asesino. Quiz? su atracci?n por la violencia surgiera de la convicci?n pol?tica cuando form? parte del IRA. Pero ya ha perdido las referencias y los escr?pulos. Dillon es un sicario, un car?simo sicario. Tan caro que s?lo un magnate iraqu? del petr?leo puede pagarle. Son los tiempos de la guerra del Golfo, y un magnicidio puede afectar el equilibrio de los aliados. Se trata de un extraordinario desaf?o, que s?lo Dillon puede abordar. Y ?l mismo fijar? el blanco: el primer ministro brit?nico, John Major.La minuciosa preparaci?n del golpe, los ciegos esfuerzos del servicio secreto por evitarlo, forman el nudo de una obra tan inteligente como trepidante. La maestr?a de Jack Higgins -de quien Grijalbo ha publicado Ha llegado el ?guila y El ?guila emprende el vuelo- alcanza en esta obra la m?xima sutileza, energ?a y verosimilitud.
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- In The Hour Before Midnight aka The Sicilian Heritage
- Жанр: Триллер
- After being out of print for many years, this classic Mafia thriller returns in a new package. When Stacy Wyatt is broken out of prison and brought to Sicily, his only choice is to enter the mob. He is assigned to rescue a wealthy businessman’s daughter from a bandit kidnapper. It’s only when he's in too deep that he realizes the tables have turned, the job was a setup, and the only person left to trust is himself.
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- The Keys Of Hell
- Жанр: Триллер
- Paul Chavasse makes his living running arms and intelligence from Italy to the oppressive communist country of Albania. But when the Albanian government begins a religious purge, he finds himself in a deadly race to recover a priceless relic that has protected the faithful for generations. Now he must outrun – and outwit – an entire army to save the lives of thousands of believers.
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- The Killing Ground
- Жанр: Триллер
- Sean Dillon takes on a mission of mercy, in which he will be shown none.Intelligence operative Sean Dillon stops Caspar Rashid at Heathrow Airport -and is pulled into danger. The man's daughter has been kidnapped by Rashid's own father and taken to Iraq to be married to one of the Middle East 's most feared terrorists.Rashid begs Dillon for help-but he has no idea of the terrible chain of events he is about to unleash, nor of the danger he is about to face.
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- The President’s Daughter
- Жанр: Триллер
- Twenty years after his affair with a beautiful Frenchwoman in Vietnam, Jake Cazalet finds out he has a daughter. He must keep it a secret – but years later, when he is President of the United States, someone discovers the truth. And when his only child is kidnapped by a terrorist group, he must count on British operative Sean Dillon and FBI agent Blake Johnson to find her.
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- Thunder Point
- Жанр: Триллер
- A u-boat, sunk in the deepest waters of the Caribbean, has remained hidden for almost 50 years. But the discovery of the secrets it holds could bring down the British Government. The race to find the sealed container, to use it or destroy it, is fiercely contested by many interested parties.
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