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Книги 1—14 из 14.
- Темный рай
- Жанр: Детективы: прочее
- Тэми Хоаг Темный рай Аннотация Она поклялась раскрыть тайну убийства своей лучшей подруги, Она начала собственное расследование. Теперь она - следующая в списке убийцы, превратившего райский маленький городок в ад. Ей не на кого рассчитывать, кроме как на себя и на любящего мужчину, который стал ее единственным защитником. Вдвоем они достаточно сильны, чтобы встретиться с опасностью лицом к лицу... ...
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- A Thin Dark Line
- Жанр: Триллер
- Amazon.com ReviewVigilantism can be swift and lethal, but it does not always carry the banner of justice. For Deputy Sheriff Annie Broussard, an attempt to honor the law traps her between the prime suspect in a vicious crime and her own colleagues on the force. And she's unsure which side, if either, is to be trusted. Set in the bayou country of Louisiana, A Thin Dark Line explores dark psychological territory while weaving through a complex plot rife with sordid characters and unlikely heroes. As the author of Night Sins and Guilty as Sin, Tami Hoag ...
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- Cry Wolf
- Жанр: Триллер
- From Publishers WeeklyAs in her last romantic mystery, Still Waters, Hoag creates a pair of lovers who are so awful that they deserve each other. But this time she factors in an offensive theme: bad boys are to be tolerated, but bad girls are to be raped, mutilated and strangled. The "bad boy" is the hero, horror writer Jack Boudreaux. With antics like crashing a Corvette and swatting a smarmy evangelist preacher with a bag of fish, Jack charms Laurel Chandler. Laurel has returned to her hometown, Bayou Breaux, La., to lick her wounds after she blew ...
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- Dark Horse
- Жанр: Триллер
- Elena Estes's stubborn risk taking has cost her dearly: her job, her confidence, her career in the Miami PD and, most importantly, the life of a fellow cop. Now in retreat in Florida with only the soothing presence of horses for company, Elena begins to find some peace. But then a visitor comes calling. Twelve year old Molly Seabright believes something terrible has happened to her older stepsister. Erin, eighteen and trouble, is a groom at the Wellington show grounds but hasn't been seen for several days. Elena isn't interested in the case but Molly convinces her to make one trip to the show grounds. What's the harm in asking a few questions? Elena finds herself in a world populated by the ultra rich and the ultra ruthless. She must find out what's happened to Erin before it's too late to save the girl and herself.
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- Dark Paradise
- Жанр: Триллер
- Marilee Jennings came to New Eden, Montana for a much needed break, but the dream soon turns into a nightmare when her best friend is murdered. J D Rafferty is a hardened rancher, a man whose rough charm and dark desires Mari finds impossible to resist. But when his way of life is threatened, he is determined to protect it, nomatter who gets in the way. Someone else has a stake in the wild beauty of New Eden. Someone with an appetite for evil – and the power to turn a slice of heaven into a dark paradise…
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- Deeper Than the Dead
- Жанр: Триллер
- Thomas Crane is a normal ten-year-old boy, except for one thing – his father may be a serial killer. Peter Crane is a community leader, but his seeming generosity may be a clever cover for cultivating his own victims. Meredith Crane plays the role of the perfect wife, standing by her man, but is she standing in the way of justice? Duane Larkin has a history of violence that may determine his son's future and send him down a dark path. Even at the tender age of ten, Dennis Larkin is a troubled boy with twisted fantasies of cruel acts committed against the weak and vulnerable. Tony Mendez is a tenacious veteran homicide detective, determined to bring the killer down – no matter who he might be. And FBI Special Agent Anne Navarro is a woman in a man's world, a scientist in the midst of hard-nosed cops. But with her own quiet determination she will do her part to solve the crimes – and perhaps save a child in the process.
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- Heart of Gold
- Жанр: Триллер
- Elegantly handsome Shane Callan was trouble – dirty Harry in disguise – and not quite civilized underneath. but Faith Kincaid was stuck with him. Her decision to appear as a witness in a bribery trial had placed her in peril so great. Shane had been assigned to protect her, He wanted her to be guilty – he'd be safe then – but he knew she wasn't and he found her innocence irresistible.
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- Lucky’s Lady
- Жанр: Триллер
- She is willing to risk everything – Lucky Lady, from a New York Times bestselling author. When Serena Sheridan's Grandfather vanishes into the vast and infamous swamps of Louisiana for no apparent reason, she feels compelled to abandon her successful career as a psychologist and go and find him. But Serena is deeply afraid of the hostile territory she is confronting and her only guide is the renegade Lucky Doucet, a dangerous Cajun who offers little hope of protection in the steamy Bayou swamps. However, determined to find her Grandfather at whatever cost, she sets off with lucky on a journey into the watery maze that will change both their lives irrevocably.
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- Magic
- Жанр: Триллер
- Strange things were happening in Drake House: A perfect rose appearing on a pillow…an antique dress materializing out of nowhere…a mysterious spirit roaming the halls…Five years after Rachel Lindquist had left California to chase her dreams, she returned home to care for her aging mother, only to find herself chasing a ghost! Addie Lindquist insisted a presence haunted Drake House and had hired noted parapsychologist Bryan Hennessy to investigate, but Rachel knew better than to believe in what she couldn't see-or to surrender to the strong current of desire pulling her towards Bryan.Bryan ...
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- Sospecha
- Жанр: Триллер
- Andy Fallon, un joven polic?a, ha aparecido desnudo y ahorcado. Seg?n todos los indicios, se ha suicidado o ha sido v?ctima de un juego er?tico, pero el detective Sam Kovac no termina de verlo claro. Se propone esclarecer los hechos, en parte, como un servicio al padre del joven muerto, un antiguo polic?a que tuvo que retirarse tras quedar inv?lido a consecuencia de un disparo, pero tambi?n porque sabe que hay personas que pod?an tener inter?s en la desaparici?n de Andy. Y es que el joven era de Asuntos Internos y adem?s homosexual, dos circunstancias que pueden producir antipat?as en determinadas personas, m?s a?n si tienen algo que ocultar. Para Kovac se trata de un terreno muy resbaladizo, en el que sin duda se va a encontrar con la hostilidad de muchos. Pero ?l es tozudo, cuenta con la ayuda de Nikki Liska, una entusiasta polic?a divorciada, y ama la verdad. Una verdad que emerger? en toda su sordidez y brutalidad.
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- The Alibi Man
- Жанр: Триллер
- She was a vision. She was a siren. She was a nightmare. She was dead. Now he needed her to disappear. And he knew just how to make it happen. The Palm Beach elite go to great lengths to protect their own-and their own no longer includes Elena Estes. Once upon a time a child of wealth and privilege, Elena turned her back on that life. Betrayed and disillusioned by those closest to her, she chose the life of an undercover cop, the hunt for justice her own personal passion. Then a tragic, haunting mistake ended her career. Now ...
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