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Хобб Робин - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 26—50 из 53.

  • Судьба Шута
  • Серия: Меч и Магия
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Один из Внешних островов почти полностью покрыт льдом. Говорят, что люди здесь не живут, – в самом деле, как можно жить на коварном леднике, где под мягким снегом кроются зловещие расселины, где дуют безжалостные ветры? Говорят, здесь спит дракон. Огромный черный дракон по имени Айсфир. Говорят, он восстанет, чтобы защитить острова, когда придет враг… Но мало ли что говорят.Здесь, на Аслевджале, решится судьба Белого Пророка. Здесь его ждет верная, предсказанная им самим смерть. Здесь решится судьба Шести Герцогств и Внешних островов – быть или не быть крепкому и надежному союзу. Здесь решится судьба мира – будут ли в небесах снова парить драконы или люди останутся его полновластными хозяевами. Здесь решится все. А решать придется одному человеку. Изменяющему по имени Фитц Чивэл Видящий.

  • Ученик убийцы
  • Серия: Сага о Видящих
  • В стране под названием Шесть Герцогств живет мальчик. Он – внебрачный сын наследного принца, хотя у него нет даже имени. Мальчика замышляют убить во избежание будущей неразберихи с престолонаследием, но за него вступается царствующий монарх, его дед, и он получает комнату в королевском дворце, место за общим столом и имя – Фитц.Однажды в его комнате появляется таинственный старик, Чейд. Он начинает обучать мальчика искусству управлять людьми и убивать их. Шесть Герцогств страдают от набегов пиратов-островитян, и Фитц с Чейдом ищут пути для защиты своей страны. Ибо люди, попавшие в плен к пиратам, возвращаются скованными – теряют интерес ко всему на свете и всякую человечность.Мальчик становится одновременно разведчиком и исполнителем деликатных поручений, всезнающим и играющим роль простого подростка...

  • Ученик убийцы [издание 2010 г.]
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Трилогия Робин Хобб о королевском убийце, составляющая "Сагу о Видящих", — по сей день одно из лучших произведений в жанре фэнтези. История жизни и борьбы Фитца Чивела, незаконнорожденного сына наследного принца, прихотью судьбы обреченного выполнять волю своего сюзерена, но из-за интриг сильных мира сего из преследователя превратившегося в преследуемого. Книга о коварстве и чести. Книга о подвиге и предательстве. Книга о магических превращениях и постоянстве благородных сердец. Книга, которая живет вечно.

  • Хранитель драконов
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Вверх по реке, на север, в сопровождении живого корабля и серебристо-синего дракона пробирается Клубок Моолкина — последние из племени, кого удалось собрать пророку с золотыми глазами. Это чрезвычайно тяжелый и опасный путь, но змеиному народу не выжить, если он не доберется до гнездовья, где можно перезимовать в спасительных коконах и дать потомство.Но даже если цель будет достигнута и из коконов вылупятся новые драконы, кто возьмется защищать и опекать их, беспомощных и неразумных, в истерзанном войной мире?

  • Assassins Apprentice
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The bastard sons of kings play a noble role in fantasy: not only were King Arthur and Modred by-blows, but it is often suggested that Merlin himself came to power from the "wrong side of the bed." While Hobb's offering has a few too many illegitimate heirs backstabbing around, this is still a delightful take on the powers and politics behind the throne. Fitz, who is often called the "Boy" or the "Bastard," was begotten by good Prince Chivalry upon some "peasant" woman. At age six, he is given over to the safekeeping of the prince's man, Burrich. Fitz's ...

  • Assassins Quest
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • In this conclusion to the Farseer saga, Fitz Chivalry's quest for revenge on the usurping Regal requires him to journey to the Elderlings (wise old mages in the classic mold) and afterwards to realize the emergence of his own magical gifts, at which point the quest comes to an end after a mere 688 pages. Like much high fantasy these days, the book could have been pruned more than a trifle; on the other hand, along with the extra wordage come extra measures of characterization, world building, and emotionally compelling scenes of both magic and battle. And this is definitely the end of one story, although the world Hobb has created is now sufficiently developed (even why the characters have such archetypical names is explained) to be the scene of future books. In all, this is an improvement over its predecessors that will please their readers and probably whet their appetites for more from Hobb.

  • Blue Boots
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • New York Times (Assassin’s Apprentice, Royal Assassin,Assassin’s Quest),(Ship of Magic, Mad Ship,Ship of Destiny)(Fool’s Errand, Golden Fool,Fool’s Fate).(Shaman’s Crossing, Forest Mage, Renegade’s Magic).Wizard of the Pigeons, Harpy’s Flight, The Windsingers, The Limbreth Gate, The Luck of the Wheels, The Reindeer People, Wolf’s Brother,Cloven Hooves;Alien Earth,The Gypsy.Dragon Keeper Dragon Haven.

  • Czarodziejski Statek
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Miasto Wolnego Handlu to centrum egzotycznego handlu, a tak?e siedziba kupieckiej arystokracji s?yn?cej ze swoich rzadkich i niezwyk?ych, wyrze?bionych z czarodrzewu ?aglowc?w, kt?re w magiczny spos?b, zmieniaj? si? w ?ywe istoty.Powie?? Carodziejski statek jest pierwszym tomem cyklu "Kupcy i ich ?ywostatki" opowiadaj?cego o rozpaczliwej walce, jak? o czarodziejsk? "Vivaci?" stoczy jedna z rodzin nale??cych do grupy Pierwszych Kupc?w z pozbawionym skrupu??w pirackim kapitanem. Walka to okrutna i desperacka, ale jej zwyci?zca b?dzie kontrolowa? co? wi?cej ni? tylko los i maj?tek jednej ...

  • Dragon Haven
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Centuries had passed since dragons last roamed the war-torn world of the Rain Wild River. But as peace once again settled upon the land, a lost generation of sea serpents—ancient, half-starved, and weary—returned to cocoon, certain that they would be reborn as the beautiful and powerful dragons of legend. But their arduous journey exacted a heavy toll, and the proud serpents emerged as sickly, half-formed beasts, unable to fly or hunt . . . or thrive. For years now they have been trapped on a swampy riverbank between forest and river, hungry and barely alive, reliant on humans to provide ...

  • Fools Errand
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • For fifteen years FitzChivalry Farseer has lived in self-imposed exile, assumed to be dead by almost all who once cared about him. But that is about to change when destiny seeks him once again.Prince Dutiful, the young heir to the Farseer throne, has vanished and FitzChivalry, possessed of magical skills both royal and profane, is the only one who can retrieve him in time for his betrothal ceremony — thus sparing the Six Duchies profound political embarrassment…or worse. But even Fitz does not suspect the web of treachery that awaits him or how his loyalties to his Queen, his partner, and those who share his magic will be tested to the breaking point.

  • Fools Fate
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The triumphant conclusion to our three thrilling fantasy series, from the author of the bestselling Farseer and Liveship traders trilogies.The only hopes for an end to war and insurrection in the Six Duchies rests in the hands of the small party that are embarked on a desperate quest to the frozen island of Aslevjal. Here, so legend says, lies the sleeping form of the legendary great black dragon, Icefyre. The beast is of holy significance to the people of the Outislands, a powerful talisman, but it is this dragon that their Narcheska has challenged Prince Dutiful to ...

  • Forest Mage
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • This is the second book in the brand new trilogy from the author of the "Tawny Man" trilogy, following on from the bestselling Shaman's «Crossing».The King's Cavalla Academy has been ravaged by the Speck plague. Hundreds of cadets and instructors have been lost to the disease, and even the survivors may never fully recover. Many have been forced to relinquish their military ambitions and return to their families to face lives of dependency and disappointment.As the Academy infirmary empties, Cadet Nevare Burvelle also prepares to journey home, to attend his brother Rosse's wedding. Far from ...

  • Mad Ship
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The magic and mayhem continue in this thrilling second instalment of Hobb's new series.Althea Vestrit has found a new home aboard the liveship Ophelia, but she lives only to reclaim the Vivacia as her rightful inheritance. However, the Vivacia has been captured by the pirate, 'King' Kennit, and is acquiring a keen bloodlust. Meanwhile in Bingtown, the fading fortunes of the Vestrit family lead Malta deeper into the magical secrets of the mysterious Rain Wilds Traders. And just outside Bingtown, Amber dreams of relaunching the Paragon, The Mad Ship…The second volume in this superb trilogy from the author of THE FARSEER TRILOGY continues the dramatic tale of piracy, serpents, love and magic.

  • Renegades Magic
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The stirring conclusion to The Soldier Son Trilogy—the acclaimed epic tale of duty, destiny, and magic by bestselling master fantasist Robin HobbLoyal, privileged, and brave, Nevare Burvelle proudly embraced his preordained role as soldier in the service of the King of Gernia—unaware of the strange turns his life would ultimately take. Exposed to a plague of enemy sorcery that felled many of his compatriots, he prevailed, but at a terrible cost to his soul, body, and heart. Now he stands wrongly accused of unspeakable crimes—including murder, the most heinous of them all.Condemned ...

  • Royal Assassin
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Continuing in the tradition of her first book (Assassin's Apprentice) Hobb propels the Farseer saga into its second installment with irresistible plotting and memorable characters. Fitz is a trained assassin in the service of King Shrewd and also the king's illegitimate grandson. He is sworn to protect heir to the throne Prince Verity and Verity's new bride, but his task is complicated by an invasion of vicious barbarians who turn helpless captives into zombie-like Forged Ones. The home front is no safer, with an ailing King and usurpers to the throne waiting in the wings. Romance, sibling rivalry, battlefield ...

  • Shamans Crossing
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The first book in a brand new trilogy from the author of the and trilogies.When the two-hundred year war between the kingdoms of Vania and Landsing ended the Landsingers were left in triumphant possession of Vania's rich coal and coast territories. When young King Troven assumed the throne of Vania thirty years later, he was determined to restore her greatness, not through waging another assault upon their traditional enemies, but by looking in the opposite direction and colonising the wild plains and steppes to their east. Over the next twenty years, cavalry forces manage to subdue the ...

  • Ship of Destiny
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The dragon, Tintaglia, released from her wizardwood coffin, flies high over the Rain Wild River. Below her, Reyn and Selden have been left to drown; while Malta and the Satrap attempt to navigate the acid flow of the river in a decomposing boat. Althea and Brashen are finally at sea together, sailing the liveship Paragon into pirate waters to rescue the Vestrit family liveship, Vivacia, stolen by the pirate king, Kennit; but there is mutiny brewing in their ragtag crew; and in the mind of the mad ship itself. And all the while the waters around the Vivacia are seething with giant serpents, following the liveship as it sails to its destiny.

  • Ship of Magic
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Not far from the Six Duchies lies Bingtown, hub of exotic trade and home to a merchant nobility famed for its liveships—rare vessels carved from wizardwood, which ripens magically into sentient awareness. Bingtown's Old Traders, their wealth eroded by northern wars and the rapacity of southern pirates, now face an influx of upstart merchants who bring change to a complex society.The Vestrit family's only hope of renewed prosperity is the Vivacia, a liveship they have nurtured for three generations. Now, as old Captain Vestrit lies dying in Bingtown, the Vivacia cuts homeward through the waves, about ...

  • Statek przeznaczenia. Cz??? 1
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • W pe?nym emocji zako?czeniu trylogii o kupcach i ich ?ywostatkach Robin Hobb snuje urzekaj?c? opowie?? o kwitn?cym niegdy? mie?cie, kt?re znalaz?o si? na kraw?dzi zniszczenia, o wspania?ym, mitycznym gatunku stworze?, kt?ry znalaz? si? na granicy wymarcia oraz o klanie Vestrit?w, kt?rego przeznaczenie splot?o si? i z miastem, i z owymi stworzeniami… Podczas gdy Miasto wolnego Handlu zmierza ku katastrofie, matka rodu Vestrit?w, Ronika Vestrit, napi?tnowana jako zdrajczyni, szuka sposobu na zjednoczenie jego mieszka?c?w wobec zagro?enia z Krainy Miedzi. Tymczasem Althea Vestrit, nie?wiadoma los?w swojej rodziny oraz Miasta Wolnego Handlu, kontynuuje niebezpieczn? misj? odnalezienia i odzyskania swego ?ywostatku, "Vivacii", od bezlitosnego pirata, Bystrego. Mimo zuchwa?o?ci planu mo?e si? on okaza? niewykonalny. Jej ukochana "Vivacia" b?dzie bowiem musia?a si? zmierzy? ze straszliw? tajemnic? swego istnienia.

  • The Dragon Keeper
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Return to the world of the Liveships Traders and journey along the Rain Wild River in this standalone adventure from the author of the internationally acclaimed Farseer trilogy. Guided by the great blue dragon Tintaglia, they came from the sea: a Tangle of serpents fighting their way up the Rain Wilds River, the first to make the perilous journey to the cocooning grounds in generations. Many have died along the way. With its acid waters and impenetrable forest, it is a hard place for any to survive. People are changed by the Rain Wilds, subtly or otherwise. ...

  • The Golden Fool
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • The second in the thrilling new fantasy series, from the author of the bestselling Assassin trilogy.Fitz has succeeded in rescuing Prince Dutiful from the clutches of the Piebald rebels, and has returned with him to Buckkeep castle. With Dutiful safe again, Queen Kettricken can proceed with plans to marry him to the Outislander princess, Elliania. However, with tensions building among the peoples of the Six Duchies over Kettricken's tolerance of the Wittted, even Buckkeep is no longer safe. A reluctant Fitz is assigned to protect the young prince, and also train him in the Skill, and in ...