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Hooper Kay - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—12 из 12.
  • Afrontar el Miedo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Riley Crane se despert? completamente vestida, cubierta de sangre y con una pistola bajo la almohada. Pero lo que resultaba m?s aterrador a?n era que no recordaba lo sucedido la noche anterior. En realidad, apenas recordaba las tres semanas anteriores.Riley es un camale?n: ex oficial del ej?rcito y ahora agente federal asignada a la Unidad de Cr?menes Especiales, posee el don de la clarividencia y la capacidad de fundirse con su entorno, de ser lo que elija. Especialista de la UCE en lo oculto, ha sido enviada por su jefe, el enigm?...
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  • Blood Dreams
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • This killer dreams in shades of death…In each of her New York Times bestselling novels, critically acclaimed author Kay Hooper has led readers to unforgettably chilling encounters with fear and evil. Now, in her latest thriller, she takes us on a terrifying manhunt for a serial killer no ordinary cops can stop – a psychopath who seems to step out of a living nightmare.He's the kind of killer we instinctively fear the most. A killer without boundaries, without conscience, without any fear of being caught. And his latest victim is terrifying proof that no one is ...
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  • Blood Sins
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Kay Hooper thrills fans with her riveting crime fiction featuring Noah Bishop's extra-ordinary agents. Now, the New York Times bestselling author brings the elite FBI Special Crimes Unit back to fight a serial killer with a thirst for more than just blood in the chilling follow-up the Blood Dreams.All clues to the recent rash of murders point to the enigmatic Church of the Everlasting Sin and its charismatic leader, the Reverend Adam Deacon Samuel. But getting to the man known as 'Father' will be no easy task, for he is insulated within his flock of loyal minions – closely guarded by those who would gladly give their life for his. Now, with the support of Haven, the civilian agency Bishop helped launch, the SCU must go deep into the fold of a puppetmaster whose power reigns over more than they could ever have imagined.
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  • Enfriar El Miedo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Quentin Hayes, agente de la Unidad de Cr?menes Espeluznantes del FBI, sigue atormentado por el misterioso asesinato de Missy, ocurrido hace veinte a?os en El Refugio, un hotel de Tennessee al que vuelve una y otra vez en busca de nuevas pistas.Diana Brisco ha ido a El Refugio para participar en una terapia con la que espera resolver su pasado. Pero desde que est? all? le asaltan terribles pesadillas y extra?as visiones de un ni?o desaparecido hace a?os. Adem?s, un agente del FBI se empe?a en convencerla de que no est? loca, sino que posee un don especial para contactar con el m?s all?.Quentin sabe que es su ?ltima oportunidad para resolver el homicidio de Missy y que necesita la ayuda de Diana, pero ?c?mo persuadir a la joven para que traspase el umbral y entre en el mundo del fr?o y la muerte?
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  • Esp?ritu Navide?o
  • Жанр: Любовные детективы
  • Dos conmovedoras novelas cl?sicas de Navidad, de dos grandes autoras de la ficci?n rom?ntica.En esta ?poca gloriosa de la luz y la alegr?a, la fenomenal Kay Hooper y la incomparable Lisa Kleypas ofrecen a sus lectores un par de joyas preciosas; dos historias de amor eterno que brillan como diamantes: Holiday Spirit de Kay Hooper y Surrender de Lisa Kleypas.En Esp?ritu Navide?o (Holiday Spirit), de Kay Hooper:Una abuela casamentera y tres fantasmas de las Navidades arreglan una sensual reuni?n entre Antonia, una testaruda joven de la nobleza, y Richard, su antiguo y seductor prometido.
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  • Hunting Fear
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • There's a new psychic on the scene, and he's ready for action: introducing Lucas Jordan, the latest addition to Noah Bishop's crackerjack Special Crimes Unit.Lucas Jordan has an extraordinary psychic skill that police all over the country find invaluable: he locates missing people. And since being recruited by Noah Bishop for his FBI Special Crimes Unit, Lucas has learned to hone his remarkable ability so that what he does seems little short of miraculous.He's called in on what appear to be a series of ordinary kidnappings-for-ransom, but almost immediately Lucas realizes the situation is far from ordinary – and more deadly than anything he's ever faced before. Because a brilliant, twisted madman is out to win a sick game, matching his wits against the best hunter he can find: Lucas.
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  • Jaque al miedo
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • Lucas Jordan es un reputado crimin?logo con poderes paranormales que trabaja para el FBI, en la Unidad de Cr?menes Especiales. Un secuestrador psic?pata tiene en jaque a toda la Unidad: tras raptar a sus v?ctimas, y cobrar el rescate, las somete a una macabra situaci?n letal sin escapatoria, mientras un reloj marca, inexorablemente, el tiempo de vida que les queda.Samantha Burke, una m?dium que trabaja en un circo, con capacidad para ver el futuro, se cruza de nuevo en la vida de Lucas, con una inquietante premonici?n: el asesino conoce perfectamente el patr?n mental de Lucas, y cada uno de sus movimientos forma parte de una retorcida partida de ajedrez en la que todos son piezas de tan macabro juego. Samantha se convertir? en la pieza clave del tablero y la ?nica capaz de salvar no s?lo la vida de Lucas, sino tambi?n su herido coraz?n.
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  • Sense Of Evil
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • The victims are always the same: beautiful, successful, and blond. Someone was able to coax these intelligent and confident women away from safety. Someone was able to gain their trust long enough to do the unthinkable. Their shocking murders have terrified the inhabitants of a small, peaceful town where such heinous crimes are simply not supposed to happen. Police Chief Rafe Sullivan knows he has to find answers fast before another woman is lured to her death – but Sullivan literally doesn't have a clue. And when the FBI sends one of their top profilers to help, he's more than ...
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  • Sleeping With Fear
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • New York Times bestselling author Kay Hooper saves the best for last in the almost unbearably intense conclusion to her spellbinding Fear Trilogy, which already has over one million copies of the first two books in print.Agent Riley Crane of the FBI's Special Crimes Unit is used to dealing with bizarre situations and violent death, but when she wakes up alone, head pounding and covered in blood – human blood – she knows she's entered a new kind of nightmare. The trouble is, that's all she knows. With the last two weeks of her life wiped from her memory, Riley's in the middle of an undercover operation where friend and foe look terrifyingly alike, and where the murderer could be someone close to her. Perhaps someone she loves. Perhaps even…herself.
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  • Stealing Shadows
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • What if you can enter a madman's cruel mind as he plans his vicious crimes? What if you can see the terrified face of his prey as he moves in for the kill-but you can't stop his frenzy once he strikes?Stealing ShadowsPsychic Cassie Neill helps the L.A. police catch killers-until she makes a terrible mistake and an innocent child dies. Cassie flees to a small North Carolina town, hoping that a quiet life will silence the voices that invade her unwilling mind. But Cassie's abilities know few boundaries. And she's become certain-as no one ...
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  • The Wizard Of Seattle
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • In 1984, 16-year-old Serena Smyth appeared on the doorstep of wizard Richard Merlin in Seattle demanding that he take her on as an apprentice. The body of this silly novel picks up nine years later, when Serena and Richard are secretly attracted to each other but still keeping up the pretense of being uncle and niece for the benefit of the "powerless" world. Serena's high jinks prompt a local reporter to write an article about them questioning their relationship, which in turn brings them to the attention of the Council of Elders-a ruling group of wizards. It seems Richard has ...
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  • Touching Evil
  • Жанр: Триллер
  • This is the story of Seattle police artist Maggie Barnes, whose remarkable artistic talents are the focus of an even more extraordinary psychic gift that she is determined to keep secret: a gift that has allowed her to work with crime victims, to feel what they feel, to create perfect portraits of their attackers. When the police are stymied by an elusive predator who blinds his victims to prevent them from identifying him, Maggie must be willing to risk much more than just her secret to draw the image of a killer no one has ever seen, and bring the brutal madman to justice. If you love books that blend passion, suspense, and the unexpected, you'll love this one.
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