Irving John -
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Книги 1—13 из 13.
- Правила Дома сидра
- Жанр: Современная проза
- «Правила Дома сидра» можно назвать семейной сагой на новый лад или «Джейн Эйр» наоборот. Сирота без роду и племени обретает свой семейный очаг, но дом уже не является той крепостью, за стенами которой можно укрыться от бурь и катаклизмов нашего жестокого века. На смену жизненным правилам, призванным обеспечить честную и спокойную жизнь, приходят новые, куда более жесткие. Но и следуя им, человек обречен — ведь ему приходится отказываться от своего прошлого, от традиций и нравственных ценностей. Есть ли выход из этого заколдованного круга? Cудьба нескольких поколений, две мировые войны и краеугольные ценности — счастье, цена жизни, служение ближнему — все это в романе «Правила Дома сидра».
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- Семейная жизнь весом в 158 фунтов
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Действие романа разворачивается в университетской среде одного из восточных штатов. Автор переплетает судьбы двух супружеских пар самым причудливым образом, вскрывая на глазах читателей слой за слоем самые глубинные и темные тайники человеческой личности. Пытаясь вернуть остроту своим эротическим ощущениям, герои идут на смелый эксперимент. Но человеческие отношения не поддаются планированию как простая игра.
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- A Son of the Circus
- Жанр: Современная проза
- A Hindi film star… an American missionary… twins separated at birth… a dwarf chauffeur… a serial killer… all are on a collision course. In the tradition of , Irving’s characters transcend nationality. They are misfits—coming from everywhere, belonging nowhere. Set almost entirely in India, this is John Irving’s most ambitious novel and a major publishing event.
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- In One Person
- Жанр: Современная проза
- A compelling novel of desire, secrecy, and sexual identity, is a story of unfulfilled love—tormented, funny, and affecting—and an impassioned embrace of our sexual differences. Billy, the bisexual narrator and main character of In One Person, tells the tragicomic story (lasting more than half a century) of his life as a “sexual suspect,” a phrase first used by John Irving in 1978 in his landmark novel of “terminal cases,” The World According to Garp.His most political novel since and , John Irving’s is a poignant tribute to Billy’s friends and lovers—a theatrical cast of characters who defy category and convention. Not least, In One Person is an intimate and unforgettable portrait of the solitariness of a bisexual man who is dedicated to making himself “worthwhile.”* * *
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- La cuarta mano
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Patrick Wallingford no tiene la culpa de que las mujeres lo encuentren irresistible. Aunque su pasividad vital y su desdibujada personalidad sean irritantes, todas desean acostarse con ?l, y lo cierto es que no les cuesta mucho conseguirlo. Wallingford es periodista en un canal televisivo peligrosamente decantado hacia el sensacionalismo hasta que, en un tragic?mico episodio laboral pierde la mano izquierda y se convierte de pronto en noticia mundial.
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- Last Night In Twisted River
- Жанр: Современная проза
- From the author of A Widow for One Year, A Prayer for Owen Meany and other acclaimed novels, comes a story of a father and a son – fugitives in 20th-century North America.In 1954, in the cookhouse of a logging and sawmill settlement in northern New Hampshire, a twelve-year-old boy mistakes the local constable's girlfriend for a bear. Both the twelve-year-old and his father become fugitives, pursued by the constable. Their lone protector is a fiercely libertarian logger, once a river driver, who befriends them.In a story spanning five decades, Last Night in Twisted River – John Irving's ...
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- The Cider House Rules
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Set among the apple orchards of rural Maine, it is a perverse world in which Homer Wells' odyssey begins. As the oldest unadopted offspring at St Cloud's orphanage, he learns about the skills which, one way or another, help young and not-so-young women, from Wilbur Larch, the orphanage's founder, a man of rare compassion with an addiction to ether.Dr Larch loves all his orphans, especially Homer Wells. It is Homer's story we follow, from his early apprenticeship in the orphanage, to his adult life running a cider-making factory and his strange relationship with the wife of his closest friend.
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- The Fourth Hand
- Жанр: Современная проза
- asks an interesting question: “How can anyone identify a dream of the future?” The answer: “Destiny is not imaginable, except in dreams or to those in love.”While reporting a story from India, a New York television journalist has his left hand eaten by a lion; millions of TV viewers witness the accident. In Boston, a renowned hand surgeon awaits the opportunity to perform the nation’s first hand transplant; meanwhile, in the distracting aftermath of an acrimonious divorce, the surgeon is seduced by his housekeeper. A married woman in Wisconsin wants to give the one-handed reporter her ...
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- The Hotel New Hampshire
- Жанр: Классическая проза
- John living was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, in 1942, and he once admitted that he was a “grim” child. Although he excelled in English at school and knew by the time he graduated that he wanted to write novels, it was not until he met a young Southern novelist named John Yount, at the University of New Hampshire, that he received encouragement. “It was so simple,” he remembers. “Yount was the first person to point out that anything I did except writing was going to be vaguely unsatisfying.”In 1963, Irving enrolled at the Institute of European Studies in ...
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- The World According to Garp
- Жанр: Современная проза
- This is the life and times of T. S. Garp, the bastard son of Jenny Fields—a feminist leader ahead of her times This is the life and death of a famous mother and her almost-famous son; theirs is a world of sexual extremes—even of sexual assassinations. It is a novel rich with “lunacy and sorrow”; yet the dark, violent events of the story do not undermine a comedy both ribald and robust. In more than thirty languages, in more than forty countries—with more than ten million copies in print—this novel provides almost cheerful, even hilarious evidence of its famous last line: “In the world according to Garp, we are all terminal cases.”
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- Una mujer dif?cil
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Nacida para sustituir, en cierto modo, a dos hermanos muertos en un accidente, Ruth Cole vive una infancia muy especial. En el verano de 1958, cuando ella tiene cuatro a?os, Marion, su madre, tras una t?rrida aventura con un jovencito de diecis?is, abandona el hogar. Ruth se queda con su padre, con el que mantiene una relaci?n de amor-odio marcada por la rivalidad. Pero, andando el tiempo, a sus treinta y seis a?os, Ruth se ha convertido en una mujer atractiva y en una escritora de ?xito, y, pese a su personalidad compleja y dif?cil, cuatro a?os despu?s no s?lo se ha casado, sino que tiene un hijo, enviuda y, por si fuera poco, se enamora por primera vez. Lo que no pod?a prever era la reaparici?n de la inquietante Marion…
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- Until I Find You
- Жанр: Современная проза
- is the story of the actor Jack Burns — his life, loves, celebrity and astonishing search for the truth about his parents.When he is four years old, Jack travels with his mother Alice, a tattoo artist, to several North Sea ports in search of his father, William Burns. From Copenhagen to Amsterdam, William, a brilliant church organist and profligate womanizer, is always a step ahead — has always just departed in a wave of scandal, with a new tattoo somewhere on his body from a local master or “scratcher.”Alice and Jack abandon their quest, and Jack is ...
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- Wymy?lona dziewczyna
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Autobiografia Johna Irvinga napisana jest, podobnie jak powie?ci jego autorstwa, z dystansem, ironi?, a ponadto z du?? doz? samokrytycyzmu. Wspomnienia autora skupiaj? si? wok?? pasji jego ?ycia, kt?r? zaskakuj?co okazuj? si? zapasy. Przez wiele lat Irving uwa?a? si? przede wszystkim za zapa?nika, a dopiero w drugiej kolejno?ci za pisarza. Ksi??ka jest zbiorem zwi?z?ych, autoironicznych wspomnie? przedstawionych z w?a?ciwym Irvingowi humorem, lekko?ci?. Jego styl posiada jedn? z najbardziej cenionych przez Czytelnika cech, kt?r? jest wra?enie intymno?ci oraz blisko?ci z autorem. Zapasy okazuj? si? pretekstem ...
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