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Jordan Robert - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—15 из 15.
  • A Crown of Swords
  • Elayne, Aviendha and Mat come ever closer to the bowl ter'angreal that may reverse the world's endless heatwave and restore natural weather. Egwene begins to gather all manner of women who can channel – Sea Folk, Windfinders, Wise Ones, and some surprising others. And, above all, Rand faces the dread forsaken Sammael, in the shadows of Shadar Logoth, where the blood-hungry mist, Mashadar, waits for prey....
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  • Crossroads of Twilight
  • In the tenth book of the Wheel of Time, from the New York Times #1 bestselling author Robert Jordan, the world and the characters stand at a crossroads, and the world approaches twilight, when the power of the shadow grows stronger.Fleeing from Ebou Dar with the kidnapped Daughter of the Nine Moons, whom he is fated to marry, Mat Cauthon learns that he can neither keep her nor let her go, not in safety for either of them, for both the Shadow and the might of the Seanchan Empire are in deadly pursuit.Perrin Aybara seeks to ...
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  • Lord of Chaos
  • The White Tower in Tar Valon, under the Amyrlin Elaida, has decided that Rand must be controlled – gentled, if need be – immediately. And in Salidar, among the Aes Sedai in exile, Egwene al'Vere, although summoned to high office, faces the knowledge that her colleagues also wish to bind him.Drought and summer heat linger into winter and Nynaeve al'Meara and Elayne, the Daughter-Heir of Andor, begin a desperate search for the fabled ter'angreal that may enable them to bring normal weather – a search that takes them among Whitecloaks bent on exterminating Aes Sedai.And across half a continent, Perrin Aybara feels Rand's pull, ta'veren to ta'veren, and for the first time in a thousand years the bowmen of the Two Rivers march to war.
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  • The Fires of Heaven
  • The Chosen are free and already planning for the Great Day of Return, when the Dark One will walk the Earth again. And their thoughts and plots turn inevitably to the capture of the Dragon Reborn.Elaida, the newly appointed Amyrlin of the Aes Sedai, also thinks only of the capture of the Dragon Reborn. She knows that the Dark One is breaking free, that the Last Battle is coming and the Dragon Reborn must be there to face him or the world is doomed to fire and destruction. She must ensure that he goes to his prophesied death.And Rand al'Thor, the Dragon himself, hidden in the ancient city of Rhuidean, waits for the warrior clans of the Aiel to rally to his banner...
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  • The Gathering Storm
  • Жанр: Фэнтези
  • Tarmon Gai’don, the Last Battle, looms. And mankind is not ready.The final volume of the Wheel of Time, A Memory of Light, was partially written by Robert Jordan before his untimely passing in 2007. Brandon Sanderson, New York Times bestselling author of the Mistborn books, was chosen by Jordan’s editor—his wife, Harriet McDougal—to complete the final book. The scope and size of the volume was such that it could not be contained in a single book, and so Tor proudly presents The Gathering Storm as the first of three novels that will make up ...
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  • The Path of Daggers
  • Robert Jordan's bestselling Wheel of Time series has enthralled millions of readers throughout the world. Now the phenomenomal tale continues in one of the most eagerly awaited fantasy novels of the year.The Seanchan invasion force is in possession of Ebou Dar. Nynaeve, Elayne and Aviendha head for Caemlyn and Elayne's rightful throne, but on the way they discover an enemy much worse than the Seanchan.In Illian, Rand vows to throw the Seanchan back as he did once before, although signs of madness are appearing among the Asha'man.In Ghealdan, Perrin faces the intrigues of ...
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  • Winters Heart
  • Millions of Robert Jordan fans will rejoice at the release of the ninth book in the phenomenally bestselling series The Wheel of Time. The sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller The Path of Daggers that swept the nation like a firestorm, Winter's Heart continues the remarkable tale that is mesmerizing an entire generation of readers.Rand, with Min, is on the run, and Cadsuane, in Carhien, is trying to figure out where he is headed. His destination is, in fact, one she never considered.Mazrim Taim, leader of the Black Tower, is revealed to be a ...
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