Joyce Graham -
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Книги 1—2 из 2.
- Amigos nocturnos
- Жанр: Современная проза
- Graham Joyce lo ha vuelto a hacer. Nos brinda uno de esos libros que no sabes bien c?mo, pero que no puedes dejar de leer, pues te engancha desde la primera p?gina. Con una prosa enga?osamente sencilla, aunque mucho m?s elaborada de lo que parece a simple vista y una estructura de cap?tulos cortos que invitan a ir avanzando con celeridad, Joyce te envuelve en su particular universo de manera eficaz.En esta ocasi?n, el protagonista es un chico -Sam Southall- y sus amigos de pandilla que viven en Coventry, escenario habitual ...
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- The Silent Land
- Жанр: Ужасы
- The haunting new literary fantasy from the (actual) author of MEMOIRS OF A MASTER FORGER. A young couple are caught in an avalanche during a skiing holiday in the French Alps. They struggle back to the village and find it deserted. As the days go by they wait for rescue, then try to leave. But each time they find themselves back in the village. And, increasingly, they are plagued by visions and dreams and the realization that perhaps no-one could have survived the avalanche.THE SILENT LAND is a brooding and tender look at love and whether it can survive the greatest challenge we will ever face.
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