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Kalogridis Jeanne - скачать бесплатно все книги автора



Книги 1—6 из 6.
  • El secreto de Mona Lisa
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • La apasionante vida de la mujer que inspir? La Gioconda, en una intrigante trama llena de amor, traici?n y luchas de poder. La joven y hermosa Lisa di Gherardini es conducida por su padre al palacio M?dici, donde la espera Lorenzo el Magn?fico. All? conoce a Leonardo da Vinci, con quien mantendr? una relaci?n muy especial, y a Giuliano, el hijo menor de Lorenzo, de quien se enamorar? perdidamente. Lisa y Giuliano se casan en secreto, pero al poco tiempo estalla una rebeli?n contra los M?dici y Lisa da a su marido por muerto. Comienza una ?poca turbulenta marcada por el terror religioso. La joven florentina tendr? que tomar partido en la contienda.
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  • En el tiempo de las Hogueras
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • Carcasona, 1357. En los tiempos del papa Inocencio VI, en el sur de Francia, reina la peste y la Inquisici?n. La abadesa Marie Fran?oise va a ser juzgada bajo los cargos de herej?a y brujer?a por haber realizado sanaciones m?gicas y haber atentado contra el Papa. Para unos santa y para otros bruja.El monje escriba Michel es el encargado de obtener su confesi?n antes de que sea condenada a la hoguera. Sin embargo, a medida que la abadesa avanza en su relato, Michel se va sumergiendo en un mundo m?gico donde se enfrenta al bien y al mal, y en su coraz?n ir? creciendo la imagen de una mujer santa, valiente y noble.
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  • Painting Mona Lisa aka I, Mona Lisa
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • "Painting Mona Lisa" offers an explanation behind the mysteries surrounding da Vinci's famous portrait – why did Leonardo keep the "Mona Lisa" with him until his death? It is April 26, 1478. Lorenzo De Medici, the head of the powerful Florentine Medici family is attacked. He survives, but his younger brother, Giuliano, dies beneath multiple dagger blows. Ten years later, a young Lisa Gherardini listens to her mother retell the story of Giuliano's death, sharing her mother's passion for the arts, and even attending some of the Medici gatherings. But, her father – a follower of the fanatical Dominican monk Fra Girolamo Savonarola – ...
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  • The Borgia Bride
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • This sweeping historical novel tells the dramatic tale of that most intriguing of Renaissance women, Lucrezia Borgia. In 1502, the Borgia Terror is at its height. Pope Alexander VI and his infamous son, Cesare, have murdered their way to power: no one is safe. The poor are starving to death, the rich are terrified for their lives. Rome is under seige and the River Tiber is full of new bodies every day. Born into the most powerful and corrupt family at the heart of the snake-pit that is Renaissance Italy, Lucrezia Borgia is destined to be remembered by history as ...
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  • The Medici Queen aka The Devil’s Queen
  • Жанр: Историческая проза
  • The Medici Queen traces the evolution of Catherine de Medici – the great-granddaughter of Lorenzo the Magnificent – from an unloved, timid orphan to France's most cunning monarch, often blamed for the horrific 1572 St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. From childhood, Catherine is troubled by bloody visions of her adopted country's evil future, a future she struggles to prevent by practical and occult means. Three times she consults with the astrologer Nostradamus in an effort to learn how to prevent the coming scourge. But when she is unable to give her husband heirs to the French throne, she resorts to the darkest magic ...
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