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Книги 26—34 из 34.
- Kingdom of Shadow
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- New York Times bestselling author Richard Knaak writes of a Sorceror's search for wealth in a once magical, mysterious lost city… After a lifetime of research and calculation, the Vizerei sorcerer Quov Tsin, thinks he has figured out the secret behind the ruins of the lost city of Ureh. He hires a pack of mercenaries from the West and they set out to search for the wealth of the fabled city — the riches and knowledge that disappeared without a trace along with the people of the ancient city, where mighty sorcerers once sought to gain entrance to Heaven itself. ...
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- Legacy of Blood
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- An orginal tale of swords, sorcery, and timeless struggle based on the bestselling, award-winning electronic game form Blizzard Entertainment. Since the beginning of time, the angelic hosts of the High Heavens and the demonic hordes of the Burning Hells have been locked in a struggle for the fate of all Creation. That struggle has now come to the mortal realm…and neither Man nor Demon nor Angel will be left unscathed… Norrec Vizharan has become a living nightmare. While on a quest to find magical treasure, the soldier of fortune discovers an artefact beyond his wildest dreams: the ancient armour of Bartuc, the legendary Warlord of Blood. But the mysterious armour has a soul. Now, pursued by demons who covet the dark armour for their own devices, Norrec must overcome a bloodlust he can scarcely control and learn the truth about his terrifying curse before he is lost to darkness forever…
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- Night of the Dragon
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Grim Batol: its dark legacy stretches back into the mists of Azeroth's past. But most know it as the site of a terrible tragedy -- where the vile orcs corrupted the hatchlings of the noble Dragonqueen, Alexstrasza, and used them as weapons of war. Though a band of heroes, led by the enigmatic mage, Krasus, defeated the orcs and freed the captive dragons, the cursed mountain stands as another ravaged landmark within the...WORLD OF WARCRAFTBut now Krasus -- known to some as the red dragon Korialstrasz -- senses the malice of Grim Batol rising once more to threaten those he holds dear. Determined this time to confront this evil by himself, he is unaware of the quests that will draw others to Grim Batol and reveal the monstrous truth that could not only herald their deaths, but usher in a terrible new age of darkness and destruction.
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- The Demon Soul
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- Led by the mighty Archimonde, scores of demonic soldiers now march across the lands of Kalimdor, leaving a trail of death and devastation in their wake. At the heart of the fiery invasion stands the mystic Well of Eternity — once the source of the night elves' arcane power. But now the Well's energies have been defiled and twisted, for Queen Azshara and her Highborne will stop at nothing to commune with their newfound god: the fiery Lord of the Burning Legion…The night elf defenders, led by the young druid, Malfurion Stormrage, and the wizard, Krasus, fight ...
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- The Sundering
- Жанр: Фэнтези
- The hour of wrath draws near...The valiant night elves have been shattered by the loss of their beloved general. The black dragon, Neltharion, has claimed the Demon Soul and scattered the mighty dragonflights to the winds. Above all, the demonlord, Archimonde, has led the Burning Legion to the very brink of victory over Kalimdor. As the land and its denizens reel from this unstoppable evil, a terror beyond all reckoning draws ever nearer from the Well of Eternity's depths...In the final, apocalyptic chapter of this epic trilogy, the dragon-mage Krasus and the young druid Malfurion must risk everything to save Azeroth from utter destruction. Banding together the dwarves, tauren and furbolg races, the heroes hope to spark an alliance to stand against the might of the Burning Legion. For if the Demon Soul should fall into the Legion's hands, all hope for the world will be lost. This then, is the hour... where past and future collide!
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